256查询网 英汉词典
首页> 英汉词典>slow-的意思


英[s'ləʊ] 美[s'ləʊ]
  • comb.表示"慢的";adj


动词 slow:
  1. lose velocity; move more slowly

  2. become slow or slower

  3. cause to proceed more slowly

形容词 slow:
  1. not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time

  2. at a slow tempo

  3. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity- Thackeray

  4. (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time

  5. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness- Edmund Burke- Mark Twain

  6. (of business) not active or brisk

副词 slow:
  1. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly')

  2. of timepieces



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