smoking pipe
- 烟斗
- 1. All through the afternoon and the evening he went on thinking silently, and smoking pipe after pipe.
- 整个下午乃至傍晚他都一声不吭地思考着,抽了一烟斗又一烟斗的烟。
- 2. Jondrette had lighted his pipe, seated himself on the seatless chair, and was engaged in smoking.
- 容德雷特点燃了他的烟斗,坐在那张捅破了的椅子上吸烟。
- 3. One was a young man smoking a pipe (she had never seen him before), and the other was the kindly, poverty-stricken artist for whom her sympathetic heart had interceded only this morning.
- 一个年轻的叼着烟斗(她从没见过这人),另一个就是那位和善的穷画家,今天上午她那颗温柔的心还为他送情呢。
- 4. Joe had been at the Three Jolly Bargemen, smoking his pipe, from a quarter after eight o'clock to a quarter before ten.
- 昨天晚上,乔到三个快乐的船夫酒家,从八点一刻到九点三刻都在那里抽烟。
- 5. Smoking: Breathing the fumes of burning plant material, especially tobacco, from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.
- 吸烟:吸入和呼出燃烧的植物所产生的烟,尤其是来自香烟、雪茄或烟斗中。
- 6. And he filled a pipe and lighted it; and the two men sat silently smoking for quite a while, now looking each other in the face, now stopping their tobacco, now leaning forward to spit.
- 于是他也装了烟斗,点燃了它,这两个人就面对面地默默地抽了会儿烟,时而按一按烟斗,时而伸出头去吐口唾沫。
- 7. Medical scientists in Egypt have found that shisha smoking poses a greater health threat than cigarettes, contrary to popular belief among water pipe smokers.
- 埃及的医学科学家们已经发现,水烟的危害比香烟更大,这与在水烟爱好者中流行的观点是相对立的。
- 8. A little wood-sawyer, having closed his shop, was smoking his pipe at his shop-door.
- 一个小个子锯木工已关上铺子,正坐在店门口抽烟。
- 9. Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time.
- 宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。
- 10. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much GREater effect than cigar or pipe smoking.
- 尽管吸食各种烟草都会影响预期寿命和健康,但是抽香烟的影响要比抽雪茄和抽烟斗大得多。
- 11. Jenny scorch her jacket carelessly while she is smoking her pipe.
- 珍妮抽烟斗时不小心把夹克烧焦。
- 12. Henry said in a statement, using the health risks caused by pipe smoking and cigars, etc. Overall, a considerable, but with smoke filter-tipped cigarettes, compared to slightly lower.
- 亨利在一份声明中说,用烟斗吸烟造成的健康风险总体来看与抽雪茄等相当,但与抽过滤嘴香烟相比要稍微低一些。
- 13. Many heating process with smoking gas involves the uniformity problem of flow distribution with larger flux in multi-branch pipe.
- 许多烟气加热过程涉及到较大流量多支管流量分配均匀性问题。
- 14. I feared he would think it heartless if I read, so I sat by the window, smoking a pipe, till he felt inclined to speak.
- 我想看点书,又怕他认为我太无心肝,于是我只好坐在窗户前边默默地抽烟斗,等着他什么时候愿意开口再同他讲话。
- 15. Is it possible to regard the enjoyment of music which we call art, as decidedly a higher type of pleasure than the smoking of a pipe, which we call material?
- 音乐的享受,我们称之为艺术,吸烟斗,我们称之为物质的享受: 可是我们能够说前者是比后者更高尚的欢乐吗?
- 16. The ceremonies involve 'praying, using heated rocks to induce sweat and smoking from a ceremonial pipe.
- 这些仪式包括“祷告、用加热的石头发汗以及抽一个仪式专用的烟斗”。
- 17. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking.
- 抽烟也影响心脏和血管。 现已查明抽烟与伯尔格氏病有关。
- 18. As is also their belief smoking ganja, weed or gank is known as the proper way for the Rastafarians to converse with their god - much like prayer or a peace pipe of sorts.
- 抽大麻也是他们的信仰,塔法里教徒认为烟草或调情是他们与神交谈的最好方式——类似于祈祷或各种和睦烟斗。
- 19. One is smoking a pipe made of white clay and is wearing a strange derby hat and a starched collar.
- 其中一人抽着白色烟斗,戴着一个奇怪的西瓜形的帽子和假衣领。
- 20. This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon.
- 这是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。
- 21. Pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment of human affairs.
- 抽烟斗有助于我们冷静而客观地判断人间事。
- 22. Under the porch, a girl of nine or ten sat knitting, and an old woman reclined on the house steps, smoking a meditative pipe.
- 在走廊下面,一个九岁或十岁的女孩子坐着编织东西,一个老妇人靠在台阶上,悠悠地抽着烟斗。
- 23. Exactly the snowman began smoking a pipe and drinking hard liquor, it may have started as early as 1890, based on a label from a bottle of whiskey from that year.
- 没人确切知道雪人是具体从何时起开始抽烟斗喝烈酒的。从一瓶1890年的威士忌酒瓶上的标签可以判断出,可能早是在1890年雪人就开始酗酒了。
- 24. Exactly the snowman began smoking a pipe and drinking hard liquor, it may have started as early as 1890, based on a label from a bottle of whiskey from that year.
- 没人确切知道雪人是具体从何时起开始抽烟斗喝烈酒的。从一瓶1890年的威士忌酒瓶上的标签可以判断出,可能早是在1890年雪人就开始酗酒了。
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