- n. 牙齿(非正式用语)
名词 snapper:
(football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback
flesh of any of various important food fishes of warm seas
a party favor consisting of a paper roll (usually containing candy or a small favor) that pops when pulled at both ends
Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots
any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters
large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water; prone to bite
- 1. Living in a hut is like staying in a goldfish tank and sitting quietly, you can see angelfish, parrotfish, barracuda, and snappers peeping through the window.
- 住在小屋里就像你待在金鱼缸里一样,静静地坐着,你可以看到神仙鱼、鹦嘴鱼、梭鱼和鲷鱼透过窗户偷窥你哦。
- 2. The snappers started nibbling at my ponytail, they had never seen humans.
- 甲鱼开始啃我的马尾辫,之前他们从未见过人类。
- 3. I was really expecting some Uni, chu-toro, ikura and some better snappers.
- 我期望有的海胆,中拖罗,三文鱼子或好一点的鲷鱼均欠奉。
- 4. I jumped into the water and I was surrounded by reef sharks and red snappers.
- 我跳入水中,四周环游着珊瑚礁鲨和红甲鱼。
- 5. And snappers and a magnetic object are disposed on the infrared sticking layer.
- 所述在所述红外粘胶层上有按扣或磁性物体。
- 6. Tyrion saw more 'snappers sleeping in the slips where half a hundred ships might once have docked.
- 提利昂看见更多的骨甲龟在曾经停留着数十艘大船的码头睡觉。
- 7. Gray reef sharks and red snappers hover above a patch of table coral waiting for prey fish to emerge.
- 灰色的暗礁鲨鱼群和红色的笛鲷群徘徊在一片的台子珊瑚之上,等待猎物鱼出现。
- 8. In Latin America, mullets and snappers are among the most common fish caught in and around mangrove areas.
- 在拉丁美洲,鲻鱼和笛鲷鱼是在红树林内和周围捕获的最常见的鱼类。
- 9. To pass off the trickery the married couple, both professional snappers, use macro lenses to zoom up close on the surface of the food.
- 为了顺利完成他们的想法,这对专业摄影师夫妇使用了微距镜头在近食物表面进行拍摄。
- 10. Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
- 可耻的真鲷徘徊接近在一个为提供叫水瓶座水下实验室位于佛罗里达要害的国家海洋避难所。
- 11. Even when the item of clothing had been returned to its rightful place, it still left little to the imagination as she pouted for snappers and raised a threatening claw tipped with sharp fingernails.
- 即使服装的项目已恢复到应有的地位,它仍然所剩无几的想象力,因为她撅着嘴对笛鲷,并提出了尖锐的指甲威胁尖爪。
- 12. Even when the item of clothing had been returned to its rightful place, it still left little to the imagination as she pouted for snappers and raised a threatening claw tipped with sharp fingernails.
- 即使服装的项目已恢复到应有的地位,它仍然所剩无几的想象力,因为她撅着嘴对笛鲷,并提出了尖锐的指甲威胁尖爪。
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