some few
- adj. 相当多(不少)
- 1. He has some few books.
- 他有相当多的书。
- 2. Some few books are to be chewed and digested.
- 有少数书是应当咀嚼和消化的。
- 3. I had thought to be content with selecting some few materials for my Life's story.
- 我本以为在那为我的传记选取一些材料,我便能满意。
- 4. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
- 一些书可以品味,另外一些书可以吞食,少数的一些可以咀嚼、消化。
- 5. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
- 有些书是应该尝尝滋味的,有些书是应该吞上来的,有多数书是应该咀嚼和消化的。
- 6. Some books are to be tasted, other to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
- 有些书可供品尝,有些书只能囫轮吞枣,还有少数的书要细细咀嚼,慢慢消化。
- 7. Some few people actually can draw very well, if by that you mean "realistically and accurately.
- 如果画的不错就仅仅指“画的像”,那有些人确实画的不错。
- 8. Some few people actually can draw very well, if by that you mean "realistically and accurately."
- 如果画的不错就仅仅指“画的像”,那有些人确实画的不错。
- 9. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. --Francis Bacon.
- 一些书可以浅尝即止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。——弗兰西斯·培根。
- 10. As for the letter mentioned above, he claimed knew nothing about it but only some few workers asked for more compensation while most workers were satisfied.
- 至于上面提到的那封信,他声称自己不太清楚,不过他知道大部分员工都对赔偿感到满意,只有少数几个员工索赔更多。
- 11. It was a Sunday morning in late October, about four months after Tess Durbeyfield's arrival at Trantridge, and some few weeks subsequent to the night ride in the Chase.
- 这是十月末一个礼拜天的早晨,大约在苔丝·德北菲尔德来到特兰里奇四个月以后,离他们骑马在猎苑走夜路有几个礼拜。
- 12. This is the simplest format to use, but it allows controlling a limited set of Settings: the compiler version, some few additional compilation Settings and the runtime environments.
- 这是一种使用起来最简单的格式,但是它支持控制一系列有限的环境:汇编器版本、一些额外的汇编设置与运行时环境。
- 13. Some few said nothing, others expressed too much, and the apple-branch very soon got to understand that there wasas much difference in the characters of human beings as in those of plants and flowers.
- 有些人一句话也不讲;有些人却又讲得太多。苹果枝子知道,在人类中间,正如在植物中间一样,也存在着区别。
- 14. Some may enjoy the liveliness of such a restaurant for a few hours a day or week.
- 有人每天或每周都会来这样一个餐馆,享受几小时热烈氛围。
- 15. Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts.
- 除了学校的课业以外,有些孩子还需要进行额外的辅导来理解一些概念。
- 16. Two types of images substantiate this theory: the strange, indecipherable geometric shapes that appear near some animals, and the few drawings of men.
- 两种类型的图形证实了这种看法:在某些动物图形和极少数的人类图像附近存在着一些奇怪而难以辨认的几何图形。
- 17. She's added a few characters and changed some names but essentially this is a true story.
- 她添加了一些角色并改了一些名字,但本质上这是一个真实的故事。
- 18. Some people make more money than teachers, but few get as much satisfaction from their work.
- 有些人赚的钱比老师多,但很少有人从他们的工作中得到这么多的满足感。
- 19. If you choose the clown, put a few rude words in an email and add some angry emotions, you're got a Psycho mail.
- 如果你选择小丑,在电子邮件中加入一些粗鲁的词语和一些愤怒的情绪,你就会得到一封不正常的邮件。
- 20. In a minute, I'll show you some of her portraits, and I'll want you to notice a few things about them.
- 稍后,我会向你们展示一些她的肖像;并且,我希望你们能注意到一些与肖像相关的事情。
- 21. Before he became the prime minister in 2007, few people raised a squeal of protest; since then, some have been grumbling almost constantly.
- 2007年,在他成为首相之前,很少有人发出尖锐的反对声;其后,一些人几乎不断地发牢骚。
- 22. While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates.
- 虽然暗示教学法因在现代语言教学上的成功有些不好的名声,但很少有教师能够模仿洛扎诺夫和他的同事们的惊人成果。
- 23. If I only had a few extra pennies, I could buy some from our baker.
- 如果我有余钱,我可以从我们的面包师那里买一些。
- 24. Some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton.
- 有些地区虽然富含氮化合物,但浮游生物却很少。
- 25. Some 61% used contraceptives, just a few percentage points short of the 65-80% rate prevailing in Europe, North America and most of East Asia.
- 61%的人使用避孕措施,仅比欧洲、北美和东亚大部分地区普遍采用的65-80%的比率低几个百分点。
- 26. There are some terrific programs out there, but they're still too far and few between.
- 有一些很棒的项目,但它们之间仍然还是相隔太远且较少。
- 27. I'm taking a few clothes and some books, not much else.
- 我带了几件衣服和一些书,别的就不多了。
- 28. Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.
- 在过去的几年里,梅雷迪恩先生所采取的一些立场已使他成为了被批评的对象。
- 29. I'll have some breakfast ready in a few minutes.
- 我将在几分钟后把早餐准备好。
- 30. I'll have some breakfast ready in a few minutes.
- 我将在几分钟后把早餐准备好。
- But some of you have never seen this ATV.
但也有相当多的朋友未曾亲眼目睹。 - Quite a few people are going to arrive early.
用作形容词 (adj.)
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