- n. 印花税
名词 stamp tax:
a tax collected by requiring a stamp to be purchased and attached (usually on documents or publications)
- 1. For lowering wall ground brick price of article, have to lower production cost, develop low cost and cave version gum Gun stamp-tax to use to permeate material.
- 为了降低墙地砖产品价格,就必须降低生产成本,研制低成本凹版胶辊印花用渗透材料。
- 2. The company pays attention to the quality of the product very, each production links all have each from last the kit factory of the scale, if knit, dye, stamp-tax, embroider etc.
- 公司十分注重产品的质量,各生产环节都有各自上规模的配套工厂,如织造、漂染、印花、绣花等。
- 3. Timbromania means “stamp madness” and it certainly lends a less attractive image to its practitioners than does “lover of tax freedom.”
- Timbromania 的意思是“邮票狂”,这一单词所包含的集邮者形象,当然不如“免税爱好者”那样充满魅力。
- 4. And the Finance Ministry reduced the stamp tax on real estate purchases, effective Nov. 1, but only for first-time home buyers acquiring an apartment of less than 90 square meters, or 970 square feet.
- 财政部宣布从11月1号起降低房地产交易印花税,但仅仅针对购买第一套小于90平方米或970平方英尺的住房。
- 5. Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax, on sales of stock.
- 有些州的法规对股票销售征收特种税,通常是以印花税的形式征收。
- 6. I was noticing that his pack of cigarettes on the bar had some kind of yellow sticker instead of the blue tax stamp.
- 我留意到他放在吧台上的那包香烟包装有些异样,上面没有蓝色的税章,只有一条黄色的标签。
- 7. Even if all the tax they pay is VAT on expensive meals in London restaurants or stamp duty on flats in Mayfair, it is still additional income for Mr Brown.
- 即使他们纳的税全是伦敦餐厅大餐的增值税或住在梅菲尔(译者注:伦敦上流住宅区)的公寓所上交的印花税,仍是布朗的额外收入。
- 8. Only one question remains and that is why would stamp collectors consider themselves lovers of tax freedom?
- 还有一个问题,那就是,为什么集邮者自认为是免税爱好者呢?
- 9. In the end, I remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer.
- 最后,我提醒你股权转让合同别忘了缴印花税。
- 10. Mr Darling announced some temporary help for most first-time homebuyers, which will relieve them of stamp duty, a property-purchase tax, and extended some extra payments to pensioners.
- Darling宣布了一些对首次购买房屋者提供的临时帮助,包括免除印花税,不动产购置税,对养老金领取者提供额外支付。
- 11. Meanwhile, we analyse the cause of the effect of securities transaction stamp tax on the stock market volatility.
- 同时,我们对证券交易印花税调整导致股价波动性的效应进行了成因分析。
- 12. Results show stamp tax adjustment has an effect on the volatility of noise trade.
- 结果表明税率调整对噪音交易收益的波动性有一定的影响。
- 13. Stamp duty is a tax on a range of paper and electronic transactions. Also known as transfer duty or general duty, these taxes vary across states and territories.
- 印花税是对文件和电子交易征收的税种。同样为人知晓的还有过户税或普通关税,这些税种因州和地区的不同而不同。
- 14. Tax official: as the executor of the contract, you should pay the stamp tax on the base of transaction price at 0.5%.
- 税务局:作为购房合同的出具人,您须按合同成交额的0.5%交纳印花税。
- 15. Finally, I would like to remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer.
- 最后,我提醒你股权转让合同别忘了缴印花税。
- 16. Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc.
- 房地产税﹑场地使用费﹑契税印花税﹑车辆使用牌照税等。
- 17. What documents are subject to the Stamp Tax?
- 应当缴纳印花税的凭证有哪些?
- 18. Stamp Act (1765)-British parliamentary measure to tax the American colonies.
- 印花税法( 1765 )-英国议会在美国殖民地实施的征税办法。
- 19. We noticed that there is not any certain position responsible for making lists of contracts in your company and stamp tax of some contracts didn't be declared.
- 我们注意到:由于贵司没有专人对签订的合同进行统计,对于需要申报印花税的合同,有漏申报的现象。
- 20. A copy of the lease contract and a copy of the landlord's property to the tax bureau to buy stamp duty.
- 将租房合同和房东房产证复印件上交税务局去买印花税。
- 21. III. The stamp tax on the documents of transfer of property titles that the Protection Fund Corporation accepts from the securities companies under disposition shall be exempted.
- 对保护基金公司接收被处置证券公司财产签订的产权转移书据,免征印花税。
- 22. The stock index is deeply influenced by reducing the stamp tax in a short time, but that influences has weaken step by step;
- 印花税下调在短期内对大盘股指产生显著影响,但这种影响随时间的推移而逐渐减弱;
- 23. The stamp tax is one of the most important tax items in security markets of our country.
- 印花税是我国证券市场主要的税种,其主要作用是调整证券市场的行为。
- 24. Then pay all necessary capital gains, documentary stamp tax and registration fees.
- 然后,支付所有必要的资本收益,记录印花税和注册费。
- 25. Tax official: I think so, but it is subject to the national tax authority. in the end, I remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer.
- 税务局:我认为是这样,不过这要由国税局来解答。最后,我提醒你股权转让合同别忘了缴印花税。
- 26. Through the channel of improving the rate of stamp tax, the authorities can control unreasonable gambling behaviors in stock market, but the rationality of this practice needs empirical evidence.
- 采用调高证券交易印花税率的办法来遏制股市的投机行为,需要通过具体的交易实证来验证其是否有效。
- 27. Through the channel of improving the rate of stamp tax, the authorities can control unreasonable gambling behaviors in stock market, but the rationality of this practice needs empirical evidence.
- 采用调高证券交易印花税率的办法来遏制股市的投机行为,需要通过具体的交易实证来验证其是否有效。
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