steep cliff
- 陡峭的山崖
- 1. Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff?
- 这么陡的峭壁,谁知他竟爬上去了。
- 2. Dare you climb such a steep cliff?
- 你敢攀登如此陡峭的山崖吗?
- 3. Does it also stand on a steep cliff?
- 也立在悬崖上对吧?
- 4. Do you think you can climb that steep cliff?
- 你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?
- 5. Be careful when you stand by the steep cliff.
- 站在悬崖边上时候要小心。
- 6. Ahead of us lies a steep cliff. Let's head back.
- 削的悬崖,我们还是回去吧。
- 7. There is a steep cliff ahead, so be careful when driving.
- 前面的山路临近断崖,一定要小心驾驶。
- 8. West of the Pass, after a well-preserved 3x3 defense tower, the Great Wall stops at a steep cliff.
- 关口以西的长城城墙,在经过一个保存完整的三眼楼之后止于一段陡峭的山崖。
- 9. The eastern side of the Banbi Rock is full of green vegetations and its western side is simple a steep cliff.
- 板壁岩是最险要的一个景区。从东面看去,满山葱郁;
- 10. At the time of China's economic transformation, we are faced with steep cliff, climbing straight up is our only option.
- 在中国经济转型的当下,我们面对的是直立而上的峭壁,垂直攀援成为我们唯一的选择。
- 11. The San Qing Pavilion, which jut out from the steep cliff wall, were built in the Yuan Dynasty as part of a summer resort for the royal family.
- 三清亭,突出于陡崖壁上,鉴于元朝,作为皇家避暑胜地的一部分。
- 12. This is the shocking moment a baby was allowed to crawl perilously close to the edge of a steep cliff in Norway so that her parents could snap a keepsake photograph.
- 这真是一个惊险时刻!一对父母为了给孩子拍纪念照,让自家的小婴儿趴在挪威的一座陡峭的悬崖边缘,情况特别危险。
- 13. The road is approximately 150 miles long and is mostly unpaved. The road runs through steep cliff faces which barely have any guard rails or other safety devices installed.
- 道路穿越陡峭的悬崖而没有任何防护栏和其它安全设施。
- 14. It is located in a quiet valley in the north of Yanqing County. It is said that, ancestors cut in the steep cliff and built the cutting room caves, which are 147 rooms in total.
- 它坐落在延庆县北部一条幽静的峡谷中,是由一支不见史志记载的古代先民在陡峭崖壁上开凿的石窟居室。
- 15. The green water, deep pool, wandering path, grotesque rocks of Wulong Gorge and the clear spring, karst cave, steep cliff and flying waterfall of Dishuihu Scenic Spot are all unique and beautiful.
- 乌龙峡谷的碧水、深潭、曲径、怪石,滴水壶景区的清泉、溶洞、峭崖、飞瀑,各具特色,摇曳多姿。
- 16. The town is perched on the edge of a steep, precipitous cliff.
- 该镇坐落在一个陡峭的悬崖边上。
- 17. You could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing.
- 他们爱它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。
- 18. I even left my torch in my other camera bag, so I had to climb down a steep rocky cliff in the dark to get this picture.
- 我甚至把我的手电筒遗留在了另外一个相机袋中,所以只能在黑暗中攀爬一个陡峭的岩石悬崖去拍照。
- 19. The cliff looks dauntingly steep. Climbing it means long queues at Western consulates before facing the suspicious officials inside them.
- 峭壁高耸,看起来令人畏惧,攀爬它意味着要在西德领事馆前排着长队,然后还要面对领事馆内充满狐疑的官员。
- 20. They loved it because you could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing.
- 他们爱它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。
- 21. Walking East may take you off a cliff, while walking South may only take you along its gently sloping edge. West would take you up a steep hill, and North leads to level ground.
- 向东就像从悬崖上掉下来,但是向南就是沿着一个略微倾斜的斜坡下来,向西像登一座陡峭的山,而北边则到了平地,只要慢慢的闲逛就可以了。
- 22. And in the social networking business, a downward slope can very quickly become a steep slope or even a cliff.
- 对社交网站来说,斜坡很容易就可以变成陡坡甚至悬崖。
- 23. Above it stood a very steep mountain cliff, perhaps 30 feet high.
- 池水冰冷彻骨,池边立着一面非常陡峭的山崖,大约有30英尺(约9米)高。
- 24. Tourists Tourists are going to the cliff village one after the other. Walking along the stone Jacob's ladder which is steep.
- 《游客》游客们三三两两地向着悬崖村庄进发,沿着陡峭的石板“天梯”前行。
- 25. Unfortunately, goats were the only safe means of transportation up the steep and narrow cliff.
- 不幸的是,要登上即陡峭又狭窄的峭壁,唯一安全的运输工具便是山羊。
- 26. Unfortunately, goats were the only safe means of transportation up the steep and narrow cliff.
- 不幸的是,要登上即陡峭又狭窄的峭壁,唯一安全的运输工具便是山羊。
- The topography of the site is like a lying lion with the temple on its back.The Daluo Temple is with majestic air and stateliness stands tall by the cliff.
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