- n. 停止行进标志;红色尾灯
a red light on the rear of a motor vehicle that signals when the brakes are applied to slow or stop
a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections
- 1. This rural outpost, 400 miles northeast of Helena, has one stoplight.
- 这个在赫勒拿东北400英里处的农村居民点有一个交通信号灯。
- 2. Holly waited at a stoplight, impatient for the signal to change.
- 霍利在交通信号灯处不耐烦地等着信号改变。
- 3. At the first stoplight, turn to the right.
- 在第一个红绿灯处往右拐。
- 4. Today, I was first in line at a stoplight.
- 今天,我在路口等红灯,我排在第一个。
- 5. Why else would a woman return to a one-stoplight town to open up a gumshoe office?
- 还有什么别的原因会让一个女人回到一个只有一个交通信号灯的小城镇开侦探事务所?
- 6. If you want to go to the nearest store, it's easy as pie. Just turn left at the next stoplight.
- 如果你要到最近的一家店,那太简单了。在下个红绿灯左转就行了。
- 7. Although you're ready to put the pedal to the metal, heed the stoplight in your love life as well.
- 虽然你已经做好准备前进了,但是也要注意一下出现在你爱情生活里的信号灯。
- 8. Only pull the emergency brake when you park the car. Never pull the emergency break at a stoplight.
- 只在停车的时候踩应急刹车,不要在红灯亮时踩应急刹车。
- 9. Some driver jumped the stoplight and some people crossed the street as they hadn't seen the red light.
- 有些司机为赶几秒种而闯红灯,有些行人根本不看信号灯而乱穿马路。
- 10. Go through the underpass under Gallows Road then turn right at the first stoplight onto Williams Drive.
- 穿过加洛斯路下面的地下过道,然后在第一个交通信号灯向右拐就上了威廉斯车道。
- 11. A buddy of mine was in his car, stopped at a stoplight, staring at a hot woman walking through the crosswalk.
- 我的一个朋友,他当时在车里等红灯时,死盯着一个辣妹走过人行道。
- 12. Ever in your car at a stoplight and glance over at the car next to you and everyone in the car looks so happy?
- 你可曾在车里等红绿灯的时候瞥见旁边车辆里的每个人都很开心?
- 13. A stoplight party is a party at which guests wear different colors indicating their relationship-seeking status.
- “信号灯派对”指参加聚会的客人会穿不同颜色的衣服来显示他们的感情状况。
- 14. In this case, both the vacuum release valve and the stoplight switch are actuated by movement of the brake pedal.
- 在这种情况下,真空释放阀和制动灯开关都有刹车踏板的运动控制。
- 15. The purpose of a stoplight party is to decrease the apprehension associated with approaching potential mates at parties.
- “信号灯派对”的目的减少客人们在派对上接近潜在目标时的顾虑。
- 16. From the distance came the endless echo of the stoplight, flashing its ruby message, teasing like a dawn that would not come.
- 远处十字路口的红灯不停地闪烁,像是不愿降临的黎明,在逗弄着人。
- 17. From the distance came the endless echo of the stoplight, flashing its ruby message, teasing like a dawn that would not come.
- 远处红色交通灯的光无休止地渗透过来,红宝石一般闪烁著,如同姗姗来迟的黎明逗人地眨著眼睛。
- 18. Ct: We have a small example of a Windows Forms application (the Stoplight Simulator) that USES the container to inject services.
- CT:我们已经有一个WindowsForms应用(红绿灯模拟器)小例子,利用容器注入服务。
- 19. These memories range from the profound (who am I and how did I get here?) to the most trivial (the license plate of the car at a stoplight).
- 这些记忆可以很深奥(我是谁还有我怎么来到这的?)也可以是最琐碎的(红灯停车时看到的某辆车的牌照)。
- 20. Right after he got the news, a truck rear-ended his car at a stoplight, sending him to the emergency room with a painful case of whiplash.
- 在获悉这个消息后,乔希的车在红灯前又被一辆卡车追了尾,他不得不因为剧痛的颈椎过度屈伸损伤而到急诊室接受治疗。
- 21. Right after he got the news, a truck rear-ended his car at a stoplight, sending him to the emergency room with a painful case of whiplash.
- 在获悉这个消息后,乔希的车在红灯前又被一辆卡车逃了尾,他不得不因为剧痛的颈椎过度屈伸损伤而到急诊室接受治疗。
- 22. As he watched, a pickup truck followed the van through the stoplight and slid sideways into the van, pinning the woman between the vehicles.
- 正在他看着时,一辆敞篷小货车跟着那辆面包车穿过红绿灯,从侧面滑向面包车,把那个女人卡在车子中间。
- 23. Enzo was riding the streetcar up Summer street through a cloud of white when an electric van skidded through a stoplight and broadsided them.
- 恩佐正乘坐有轨电车沿着夏季街(Summer Street)穿行在一片白茫茫之中,这时一辆电动面包车滑过红绿灯,从侧面撞上他们。
- 24. The stoplight in front of the Musas' car turned green, then red, and then green again, but the car remained in place, the engine still rumbling.
- 穆萨车前方的交通灯变绿,又变红,再变绿,车却丝毫未动,引擎还在隆隆作响。
- 25. It has the function, in other words, of negating its own meaning in another semiotic system, in this case the semiotic system of the stoplight.
- 也就是说,他有这样那样的功能,在不同语义系统中表示的甚至完全相反,就像红灯表示的这些不同含义一样。
- 26. There were also times when we'd kill all of our lights — we'd pull up to a stoplight, and you could see the light on Ryan's face go from red to green.
- 有些时候我们也得关掉所有的小灯——因为我们得把光源集中到交通灯上,这时你就能发现高司令的脸会从红色变成绿色。
- 27. A year ago, I was waiting at a stoplight on a Taipei street corner one day when suddenly I saw a little boy blunder out into the road, oblivious to the red light.
- 一年以前,我有一天在台北街道等路灯变绿,忽然发现一个小孩子糊里糊涂地穿越红灯,我只好冲上去将他一把拉了回来。
- 28. Now in a stoplight, it only has three, one is tempted to say, variables plainly differing from each other: red, yellow and green we have two ways of thinking about the red light.
- 交通灯,三种灯,红黄绿,它们的颜色和彼此不能,我们有两种方式认识红灯的意思。
- 29. Now in a stoplight, it only has three, one is tempted to say, variables plainly differing from each other: red, yellow and green we have two ways of thinking about the red light.
- 交通灯,三种灯,红黄绿,它们的颜色和彼此不能,我们有两种方式认识红灯的意思。
- The house is about a mile past the first stoplight. They walked past the memorial in silence.
- traffic light 红绿灯
- brake light 制动信号灯
- traffic signal 交通信号灯
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