- pref.表示“下、在下、低于、次于、副、亚、次”之义
名词 sub:
a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States
a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes
be a substitute
- sub block 小组信息(数字组...
- sub aeration 底吹法(底吹)...
- sub store 辅助仓库(备用仓库)...
- sub element 子元件(部分元件)...
- sub dealer 支店(分店)
- sub boundary 亚晶界(粒界网状组织...
- sub truss 支撑桁架(脚手架)...
- sub total 小计
- sub exciter 副励磁器(辅助励磁器...
- sub assembly 局部装配
- sub slicing 分层陷落开采...
- sub control 副控制(辅助控制器)...
- sub grain 亚晶粒(二次晶粒...
- sub joint 副接头(辅助接头)...
- sub frame 副架(副车架...
- sub fraction 子分式(子分数)...
- sub warhead 子弹头
- hoagie 英雄三明治
- substitute 代用品
- stand in 代替
- poor boy [美][口](主新奥尔良...
- grinder 磨工
- wedge 楔子
- submarine 潜水艇
- hero 英雄
- submarine sandwich 潜艇形大三明治...
- hoagy 大型三明治
- torpedo 鱼雷
- pigboat 潜水艇
- Cuban sandwich 大号三明治
- U-boat 德国海军的潜水艇...
- hero sandwich 好极三明治,巨型三明治...
- bomber 轰炸机
- fill in 填写
- Italian sandwich 花旗三明治
- super 超级的
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