capable of being borne though unpleasant;
"sufferable punishment"
- 1. Some of those people have legitimate claims, but most are not supportable.
- 有些人是有合法声明,但大多是都没有。
- 2. As I mentioned, most claims are not supportable, and we reject the great majority.
- 就像我所提到的,大部分声明是不合法的,所以我们会回绝大部分人。
- 3. The first is the terrible danger of becoming that most odious and least supportable of persons-a prig.
- 第一个可怕的危险是成为最讨厌、最不受欢迎的人——假正经。
- 4. In the mobile business operation supportable system, the real-time charging support is the most important issue.
- 在移动业务运营支撑系统之中,融合实时的计费支撑是最为核心的问题。
- 5. You must come up with interesting, supportable claims and select strong, relevant evidence to support your claims.
- 你必须能够形成有趣并有力的论点,并选择强有力的,相关的证据来支持逼得论点。 。
- 6. The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
- RMP将使一个有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)天线与更加可支持的雷达电子相结合。
- 7. We must now only think of you, my dear friend, and so act as to render your captivity supportable or your flight possible.
- 现在指望你自己吧,使你的狱中生活过得好一点,使自己还可以逃走。
- 8. Portlet services are a supportable way to separate layers of concern across your application and to encapsulate common logic.
- Portlet服务支持分离您的应用程序中的关注层来封装通常的逻辑。
- 9. Maximum number of directly addressable entities supportable by this controller. A value of zero should be used if the number is unknown.
- 由这个控制器支持的直接寻址的实体的最大数目。如果数字不详,请用零值。
- 10. Finally, this paper introduces methods of group key management for extremely large-scale network, which can enlarge the maximum supportable network size.
- 最后介绍在网络规模极大的情况下,可以采用的群密钥管理方法,它改进了方案可支持的网络规模。
- 11. The number may vary depending upon the variability of the particular test method employed, but should be based on scientifically sound, supportable principles.
- 检验次数可以根据使用的检验方法的可变性决定,但必须依据科学正确和可支持的原则。
- 12. This will not only make your asset supportable (imagine a reusable asset without logging or instrumentation or ability to report on key metrics) it will also get you a valuable partner.
- 这不仅能让资产可被支持(想象一个没有日志、辅助工具、记录关键指标功能的可重用资产),还能让你拥有一个有价值的的合作伙伴。
- 13. The longest previous hypersonic scramjet flight test, performed by a NASA X-43 in 2004, was faster, but lasted only about 10 seconds and used less logistically supportable hydrogen fuel.
- 先前最长的冲压式喷气发动机下极超音速飞行测试,是在2004年由NASA的X-43进行的,速度更快,但只持续了10s。
- 14. Reference architectures provide detailed architectural information in a common format such that solutions can be repeatedly designed and deployed in a consistent, high-quality, supportable fashion.
- 参考体系结构以一种通用的格式提供详细的体系结构信息,这样就能够以一致、高质量且可支持的方式重复地设计和部署解决方案。
- 15. The drought monitoring results were validated by relative study results. The monitoring results are authentic and can provide supportable information to the prevention and reduction department.
- 应用相关研究成果对干旱监测结果进行验证,结果表明监测结果可信,能够为防灾减灾相关部门提供有力的信息支持。
- 16. The drought monitoring results were validated by relative study results. The monitoring results are authentic and can provide supportable information to the prevention and reduction department.
- 应用相关研究成果对干旱监测结果进行验证,结果表明监测结果可信,能够为防灾减灾相关部门提供有力的信息支持。
- The number may vary depending upon the variability of the particular test method employed, but should be based on scientifically sound, supportable principles.
用作形容词 (adj.)
- bearable 承受得住的
- tolerable 还不错的
- defensible 可防卫的
- endurable 可忍受的
- acceptable 合意的
- manageable 易办的
- sustainable 可持续的
- maintainable 可维护的
- viable 能生存的
- workable 易加工的
- justifiable 可辩解的
- sufferable 可容忍的
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