swarm into
- v. 蜂涌而进
- 1. Every year visitors swarm into Zhongdian in search of the legendary Shangri-La.
- 每年大量的游客都会涌入中甸,寻找那传说中的香格里拉。
- 2. I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengers swarm into the platform.
- 我看到乘客们涌上站台,知道火车就要进站了。
- 3. On holidays, numerous Chinesetourists would swarm into scenic spots across the world.
- 每逢假期,大批的中国游客就会涌入世界各地的景点。
- 4. With the entry of China into WTO, foreign competitor swarm into domestic money market.
- 随着中国加入WTO,国外的竞争者涌入中国金融市场。
- 5. Wizard, Vampire, Zombie, Bat...... all kinds of ghosts and phantom will swarm into the party.
- 巫师、吸血、僵尸、蝙蝠等等,各路妖魔鬼怪将云集整场晚会。
- 6. As can be seen from the cartoon, nowadays many people follow the hen and swarm into the tide of promise-making.
- 从图中看出,现如今很多人跟随潮流,信奉承诺制。
- 7. Every morning, its people swarm into the offices and factories of America, seeking a day's work for a day's pay.
- 每天早晨,他的员工涌入美国的公司(办公机构)和工厂,来寻找可以每天结算的临时性工作。
- 8. Those who did swarm into the theater during the first weekend did not have many good words about it. Rather, they held a grudge.
- 那些在首映后的第一个周末就成群挤进影院观看《阿凡达》的人并没有对它大加赞扬,相反,在某种程度上,他们或多或少还有一些抱怨。
- 9. Recently, When multinational retailers swarm into China, the competition of our retail industry comes into perfervid condition.
- 近年来,随着跨国零售巨头的相继涌入,我国零售行业的竞争已经进入白热化状态。
- 10. Some people would rather to stay in home than going out to travel because they think there are too many people swarm into the scenic spots.
- 一些人情愿呆在家里也不远出去旅游,因为他们觉得旅游景点的人太多了。
- 11. Nowadays, because of various factors, more and more corporations swarm into the incorporative tideway, so the technology of middleware becomes more important.
- 目前由于多方面的因素,越来越多的企业涌入了合并的潮流,中间件技术显得越发重要。
- 12. When you need to focus your attention, study or meditate, you are again confronted with thoughts that swarm into your mind, disturbing and distracting your attention.
- 当你需要集中注意力学习或思考问题时,你会又一次面对那些涌入大脑的想法,又一次被分散注意力。
- 13. The rapid increase of new employees, who swarm into the company that I practiced in different period, overweighs the difficult of employee's training and company's cost.
- 笔者实习所在的公司,由于新员工的增加,加之不同的员工在不同的时期进入公司,这就增大了员工培训的难度和成本。
- 14. In recent years, China's economy is playing an important role in the world. More and more China's products swarm into international market to compete with the products from other countries.
- 近年来,中国经济在世界市场中占据了重要的位置,越来越多的产品涌入国际市场参与竞争。
- 15. In 2011 that will change-dramatically-as a swarm of wannabe nominees chuck their hats into the ring.
- 2011年的情况将会有戏剧性的变化,会有大批大批的有志参选者加入到这场角逐中来。
- 16. In tests off the coast of Portugal last winter, Grex-capable vehicles were able to assemble into formation and perform "swarm" tasks.
- 在2009年冬季于葡萄牙沿岸进行的测试中,Grex水下机器人集合成一个编队,执行“群任务”。
- 17. The swarm-bearing man glided down a hill into a marsh.
- 这位载着蜂群的男人滑下山岗,滑进一片沼泽。
- 18. Mark didn't waver. Dropping his tools he slipped into the swarm, his bare head now in the eye of a bee hurricane.
- 马克没有犹豫,扔下工具迅速进入蜂群,他的光头马上处于蜜蜂旋风的中心。
- 19. On January 20, 2004, researchers released a swarm of 66 pint-size robots into an empty office building at Fort A. P. Hill, a training center near Fredericksburg, Virginia.
- 二零零四年一月二十日,研究人员将一个共六十六个机器人群放入了一个位于Fort A. P.Hill空荡的写字楼,这是维吉尼亚州弗雷德里克斯堡附近的一个训练中心。
- 20. All the thousand, thousand tents in the camp were ablaze: sparks pouring up into the dark night sky like fiery fountains, blowing like a swarm of fireflies to carry the disaster onward.
- 营地里成千的,上万的营帐都熊熊燃烧着,无数火星喷涌着,倾泻着,在漆黑的夜空下宛如烈火的喷泉,吹动着,宛如满载灾难而来的萤火虫群。
- 21. Furthermore, while the Mutalisks are not the stronger aerial fighter, they do have flexibility, being able to morph into Swarm Guardians for that additional ground damage and range when needed.
- 此外,飞龙虽然不是强有力的空中战士,然而它们有着灵活性,当有必要的时候,飞龙能变异成虫群守护着来更好对抗陆军,得到更多的射程。
- 22. In the distance, a swarm of small craft scattered into the clouds.
- 在遥远之处,一群小的飞机进入云之内散布。
- 23. By introducing the nonlinear variation weight and mutational operation into the standard particle swarm algorithm to ensuring the overall convergence and enhance the accuracy of convergence.
- 在标准粒子群算法中引入非线性变化权重和变异操作来保证全局收敛并提高收敛精度。
- 24. A swarm of mosquitoes fly into the room.
- 成群的蚊子飞进房间。
- 25. By bringing the thought of swarm intelligence into particle filtering, a novel particle filter based on the artificial fish school algorithm is proposed.
- 将集群智能思想引入粒子滤波,提出一种新颖的基于人工鱼群算法的粒子滤波器。
- 26. The standard particle swarm optimization algorithm as a random global search algorithm, because of its rapid propagation in populations, easily into the local optimal solution.
- 标准的粒子群优化算法作为一种随机全局搜索算法,因其在种群中传播速度过快,易陷入局部最优解。
- 27. This paper incorporates chaos optimization algorithm into the PSO algorithm, and propose a new particle swarm optimization algorithm based on chaos searching (CPSO).
- 文章把混沌优化搜索技术引入到P SO算法中,提出了基于混沌搜索的粒子群优化算法。
- 28. This paper incorporates chaos optimization algorithm into the PSO algorithm, and propose a new particle swarm optimization algorithm based on chaos searching (CPSO).
- 文章把混沌优化搜索技术引入到P SO算法中,提出了基于混沌搜索的粒子群优化算法。
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