sweep across
- 席卷,横扫;冲过,迅速掠过
- 1. Wintry weather continues to sweep across Colorado.
- 寒冬气候继续席卷科罗拉多州。
- 2. In summer a hushed music seems to sweep across its surface.
- 夏天的时候,微风过处,湖面上似乎奏起一种静静的音乐。
- 3. The "Wave of Silver" will soon sweep across the whole world.
- “银色浪潮”席卷了整个世界。
- 4. The weather forecast predicts a cold front is about sweep across central and eastern China tomorrow.
- 天气预报预计,冷锋明天将席卷中国中东部地区。
- 5. Meanwhile, strong winds will sweep across the East China Sea, the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea during the same period.
- 同时,强风在同一时期将席卷中国东海、渤海和黄海。
- 6. Soak two cotton wool pads with toner or hydrosol, and with upward and outward movements sweep across the face and neck.
- 将化妆棉蘸上爽肤水或者纯露,朝着向上和向外的方向擦拭面部和颈部。
- 7. Internet has no boundaries, so does equestrian. Let all the horse lovers get united and riding trend sweep across China!
- 网络无国界,马术无国界,让马术风尚席卷全国大地,让全世界爱马者联合起来!
- 8. Every year floods sweep across much of the land. Catastrophic tropical cyclones bring storm surges as well as murderous winds.
- 每年洪水席卷大部分国土,热带气旋带来灾难性风暴。
- 9. Mr Olshansky remains wary. “We have this hurricane that’s about to sweep across the country, ” he insists, “and we can’t see it yet.”
- Olshansky仍持悲观态度,他坚持认为:“我们将面临一场席卷全国的飓风,而我们现在还不能看到它。”
- 10. Flu pandemics occur every 30–70 years, as newly evolved flu viruses sweep across entire world regions infecting enormous numbers of people.
- 流感的大流行30-70年爆发一次,新变异的病毒将会席卷全世界。
- 11. High winds and storm activity continued to sweep across the state yesterday, with the state Emergency Service Fielding more than 100 calls.
- 昨天强风暴雨继续席卷整个州,州紧急情况服务中心接到了100多个电话。
- 12. Tornado watches have been issued along large parts of Australia's east coast as the remnants of a tropical cyclone sweep across the region.
- 澳大利亚东海岸大部分地区遭受热带气旋残余的重创,目前这些地区已发布龙卷风警戒。
- 13. I am raising up the Babylonians, that ruthless and impetuous people, who sweep across the whole earth to seize dwelling places not their own.
- 我必兴起迦勒底人,就是那残忍暴躁之民,通行遍地,占据那不属自己的住处。
- 14. I could see the giant, heavily laden stalks in the autumn sun; I could almost hear the music of the wind as it would sweep across the golden tassels.
- 我能彀看见巨大迟笨的草人巍立在日光之下;我能彀听见秋风掠过麦穗的响声。
- 15. Keep up this approach as you sweep across the base: ground troops first to target Spore Crawlers and Hydralisks, then swoop in the Vikings to blast Mutalisks from the sky.
- 该方法为你不停地席卷了基地:地面部队首先对目标的确定、刺蛇,然后孢子出击的维京人,来自天空的飞龙爆炸。
- 16. The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert, saying snow and sleet will sweep across central, eastern and southern regions from Friday night through Saturday.
- 中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五晚到周六我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。
- 17. Not only did mammals sweep across the planet after K-T, but sharks expanded across the seas, explained American Museum of Natural History vertebrate paleontologist Jack Conrad.
- 美国自然历史博物馆脊椎古生物学家Jack Conrad解释说,k - T大灭绝之后,不但哺乳动物开始主宰地球,鲨鱼也开始在海洋中扩张。
- 18. Thee strongest cold wave in decades is about to sweep across China as people were advised to stay indoors and warned of upcoming heavy snow and freezing rain in the next few days.
- 几十年来最强寒潮即将席卷中国,同时未来数天内可能有暴雪和冻雨出现,人们最好不要到户外活动。
- 19. Under dynamic conditions, air did not sufficiently sweep across and away from sterile connections, so the sterility of any product processed under these conditions could be compromised.
- 在动态环境下,空气不能充分扫过并从无菌连接处排出,因此在此条件下加工的所有药品的无菌性无法保证。
- 20. A stream of cold air will sweep across most of China except for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, causing strong winds, reduced temperatures and frost for the next 3 days, the China News Service reported.
- 中新社消息,未来三天,一股冷空气将席卷中国除青藏高原以外的大部地区,并带来大风降温和霜冻天气。
- 21. Take a medium-size soft brush and, using a metallicgrey, start from the inner eyelidand sweep the shadow across.
- 用中等大小的眼影刷,选用金属色调的灰色,从靠里面的眼睑开始刷起。
- 22. Photosynthesizing organisms cast a green glow across the sweep of the ice.
- 进行光合作用的生物在冰原上投下一缕绿色。
- 23. Sweep away the dust of history, years of blooming alone Yangshuo folk culture, is waiting for you to unique across time and space date with her.
- 拨开历史的尘埃,多年来独自绽放的阳朔民俗文化,正等着与众不同的你来与她进行穿越时空的约会。
- 24. Tips and tricks: Sweep the brush across the powder a few times, then tap off any excess.
- 美妆技巧:用附带的粉刷在蜜粉上轻扫几次,然后掸掉多余的粉。
- 25. Across a sky of fiery clouds the glare of the hurrying sun and moon would sweep swiftly like hot breaths of flame.
- 穿过弥漫着火云的天空,急速运转的太阳与月亮的炫目的光,犹如赤热焰火般飞掠而过。
- 26. Across a sky of fiery clouds the glare of the hurrying sun and moon would sweep swiftly like hot breaths of flame.
- 穿过弥漫着火云的天空,急速运转的太阳与月亮的炫目的光,犹如赤热焰火般飞掠而过。
- Storms sweep across it and pile up great waves.
风暴袭来会激起巨大的海浪。 - The reform bandwagon swept across the country.
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