- 1. METHODS: HPF was used on the 23 patients with distal tibiofibular syndesmosis disruption.
- 方法:采用下胫腓钩板固定器治疗23例下胫腓联合分离伴腓骨骨折。
- 2. Objective: Screw fixation of the injured syndesmosis restores stability but may reduce motion.
- 目的:通过螺钉固定,受损的下胫腓联合能维持稳定,但活动度可能受限。
- 3. Figure 2 Clinical photograph shows the squeeze test for injury to the tibiofibular syndesmosis.
- 图2图为通过挤压试验诊断胫腓韧带联合受损的临床照片。
- 4. Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque.
- 当踝关节背伸位、下胫腓螺钉以5nm扭矩植入时,下胫腓宽度明显增加。
- 5. Main Outcome Measurements: Patients with intact, broken or loose, or removed syndesmosis screws were compared.
- 主要的疗效指标:对于胫腓联合螺钉完整的,断裂的,松动以及取出的病人进行比较。
- 6. The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis is important for ankle mortise stability, weight transmission and walking.
- 下胫腓联合对维持踝关节的稳定性、对重量的传导和行走都很重要。
- 7. Methods: Nine pairs of human cadaver legs were mechanically tested to determine syndesmosis width and tibiotalar rotation.
- 方法:利用9对人尸体小腿标本进行力学测试判定下胫腓联合宽度和胫距旋转。
- 8. Pain over thedistal tibiofibular syndesmosis when the examiner squeezes the tibia and fibulaat the mid calf is a positive result.
- 当小腿中部的胫骨和腓骨处受到挤压时,下胫腓联合出现痛感说明受试者出现胫腓联合受损。
- 9. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for peroneus brevis tendon diverted partly to repair the seperation of tibiofibular syndesmosis.
- 目的:为部分腓骨短肌腱转位修复下胫腓联合分离术提供解剖学基础。
- 10. Conclusions: An intact syndesmosis screw was associated with a worse functional outcome compared with loose, fractured, or removed screws.
- 结论:相对于下胫腓螺钉断裂,松动或取出的情况,下胫腓联合螺钉完整的患者通常功能较差。
- 11. To observe the anatomic characteristics of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis on ct axial scan image and elucidate clinical significance.
- 通过对下胫腓联合的CT测量,观察下胫腓联合在CT扫描图象上的解剖特性,并探讨临床意义。
- 12. Background: Failure to treat an injury of the syndesmosis after an ankle fracture can lead to a poor functional outcome and posttraumatic arthritis.
- 背景:踝关节骨折后韧带联合损伤治疗的失败能够导致不良功能结果和创伤性关节炎。
- 13. The stability of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis was affected by the depth of fibula incisure of the tibia and the position of fibula in incisure.
- 胫骨的腓骨切迹深度、切迹内腓骨的位置影响下胫腓联合的稳定性。
- 14. Objective:To provide anatomic basis for tibialis posterior tendon translocation to repaire dislocation with separation of the syndesmosis tibiofibalaris.
- 目的:为胫骨后肌腱部分转位修复下胫腓联合分离提供解剖学基础。
- 15. The purpose of this study is to determine whether functional outcomes and radiographic results after ankle fracture are affected by the status of the syndesmosis screw.
- 本项研究的目的在于探究踝关节骨折后患者的功能及影像学结果是否受胫腓联合螺钉状态的影响。
- 16. Surgical treatments include ORIF of the medial malleolus or repair of the medial deltoid ligament and percutaneous screw fixation of the disrupted distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.
- 可采用固定内踝及后踝骨折、修复内侧三角韧带及固定下胫腓联合的方法进行治疗。
- 17. The sequence of reduction and fixation of ankle fractures was firstly posterior malleolus, then medial malleolus and lateral malleolus, and inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis lastly.
- 骨折复位固定顺序为后踝、内踝、外踝和下胫腓联合。
- 18. This study sought to determine the effect of the number of cortices of screw purchase and ankle position on syndesmosis width and tibiotalar rotation in Weber C ankle fracture fixation.
- 本研究将探索在WeberC型踝关节骨折固定中,螺钉固定骨皮质数目及踝关节位置对于下胫腓联合宽度和胫距旋转的影响。
- 19. This study sought to determine the effect of the number of cortices of screw purchase and ankle position on syndesmosis width and tibiotalar rotation in Weber C ankle fracture fixation.
- 本研究将探索在WeberC型踝关节骨折固定中,螺钉固定骨皮质数目及踝关节位置对于下胫腓联合宽度和胫距旋转的影响。
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