- n. 岩层
- 1. The Similar Material Model is usually used to study the deformation of the terrane.
- 相似材料模型实验是研究地下采矿引起的岩层变形情况的重要方法。
- 2. Terrane accreting along south flank of the Eurasian plate during Devonian to Permian;
- 泥盆—二叠纪,亚欧板块南缘地体增生;
- 3. In land, fracture pressure is go up by what layer brings to bear on the case of Fu terrane pressure is numeric.
- 在陆地,压裂压力是由地层施加的上覆岩层压力的函数值。
- 4. The Bikou terrane lies at the junction of Qinling orogenic belt, Songpan-Garze orogenic belt and Yangtze Plate.
- 碧口地块位于秦岭—大别、松潘—甘孜造山带与扬子板块的交汇部位。
- 5. The stability of counter-tilt slopes does not rest on terrane obliquity but on strength and thickness of terrane interface.
- 值和岩层厚度是影响边坡稳定性的重要因素,而岩层倾角对反倾边坡的变形影响不大。
- 6. Research purpose: Red rock is a special terrane and it is easy to disintegrate, weather and be softened after absorbing water.
- 研究目的:红层软泥岩是一种特殊岩土,具有易崩解、易风化、遇水易软化等特点。
- 7. Over the last few years, many tectonic geologists have paid great attention totectonostratigraphic terrane, or called terrane for short.
- 近几年来,“地体”问题引起许多大地构造学者的注意,甚至有人认为它是当前研究大地构造的新方向。
- 8. The terrane on both sides of the valley got steeper under the influence of the faultage, and formed a landform without towering stone pillars.
- 在断层的作用下山谷两侧岩层就变陡了,也就没有耸天立的石柱。
- 9. The roof control design in mined field is the key to roof control and the movement rule of roof terrane is the basis of the roof control design.
- 采场控顶设计是顶板管理的关键因素,而顶板岩层的运动规律是采场控顶设计的依据。
- 10. In this paper authors narrated paleomagnetism method of relative and absolute motion of terrane and at the same time indicated their inadequacy.
- 叙述了地体相对运动与绝对运动的古地磁方法。
- 11. The Longshoushan Group of Paleoproterozoic age in the Dongdashan district is a metamorphic terrane composed of metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies.
- 东大山地区龙首山岩群形成于早元古代,是一套经角闪岩相变质改造的变质地质体。
- 12. The fold in the Xiaoqinling terrane included the outcrop fold and macrofold, and the foliation formed by the fold was the secondary structural foliation.
- 小秦岭地体中的褶皱包括露头褶皱和宏观褶皱,组成褶皱的面理为次生构造面理。
- 13. Paleomagnetic results from the both sides of Honghe fault zone have shown that the Yangzi block has been united with the Qiangtang terrane since Cretaceous.
- 红河断裂带两侧古地磁结果表明,羌塘地体与扬子地台至少从早白垩世以来已连接为一个整体。
- 14. Rock burst normally refers to the craze of the terrane with crepitation when the rock slices or rock pieces shoot off along with a certain direction or fall down.
- 岩爆一般是指在隧道开挖后,发生的一种带有爆裂声响的岩层开裂,岩片或岩块沿一定方向弹射出或坠落下来。
- 15. The types of highway construction site lie on the physical geography condition and the geological condition of terrane whose basic parameters are fuzzy and uncertainty.
- 公路建设场地类型决定于自然地理条件和岩层的地质条件,表征这些条件的基本参数存在很大的模糊性和不确定性。
- 16. The presences of Early Cretaceous thrusting and foreland basin system suggest that crustal thickening in the Lhasa terrane likely initiated during the Early Cretaceous.
- 早白垩世褶皱冲断作用和弧背前陆盆地系 统的发育暗示了拉萨地块发生地壳缩短增厚的时间可能从早白垩世就已经开始。
- 17. Paleontological and petrological characteristics and structural features of these formations are entirely identical to those of the Mino terrane of the Japanese Islands.
- 该地体的地层古生物、岩石以及构造特征完全与日本列岛的美浓地体相同。
- 18. Advanced study of Hekou Group would have important implications for understanding of the feature and evolution of the basement structure of Western Margin of Yangtze Terrane.
- 对河口群的深入研究,有助于深化认识扬子地台西缘基底结构的特点及演化过程。
- 19. The history of evolution of Aqishan-Huangshan composite terrane can subdivide to three stages that are closely relative to relevant stages of evolution of the boundary fault z…
- 阿齐山—黄山复合地体的演化历史可分为三个阶段,与边界断裂带的相应演化阶段关系密切。
- 20. The history of evolution of Aqishan-Huangshan composite terrane can subdivide to three stages that are closely relative to relevant stages of evolution of the boundary fault zones.
- 阿齐山—黄山复合地体的演化历史可分为三个阶段,与边界断裂带的相应演化阶段关系密切。
- 21. By using ANN and its powerful nonlinear mapping ability and combining production of FEM dynamic analysis, a new way to predicting terrane crack depth of complex fire hole is offered.
- 以神经网络为基本工具,利用其强大的非线性映射能力,并结合有限元法动力分析成果,为预测在复合射孔条件下岩层裂缝扩展深度提供了一条新的途径。
- 22. At the time the surface had formed target of meteorite strike. During the period of meteorite hitting the terrane, the phase that meteorite strike excavated the terrane also started.
- 在陨石向岩层的撞击仍在持续的时候陨击过程开掘岩层的阶段也开始了。
- 23. China's Archeozoic Terrane, mainly a granite-greenstone belt, a small part of which been metamorphosed at a high grade, is basically located in North China Platform distributive area.
- 中国太古宙地体基本上分布在华北地台范围内,主要为花岗岩绿岩带。少部分为高级变质带。
- 24. Elucidation of the law of movement of Hainan Terrane has great theoretical and practical significance for study on the formation and evolution of the oil and gas basins in Beibu Gulf.
- 海南地体运动规律的阐明对于了解北部湾油气盆地的形成演化有重要的理论和实际意义。
- 25. Multistage pulse gas is flabby in the process of layer of terrane crustal stress fracture deflagrate inside break aeriform pressure is cracked since distributinging influence break patulous.
- 多级脉冲气体松弛岩层地应力压裂地层的过程中裂缝内爆燃气体压力分布影响裂缝起裂扩展。
- 26. Multistage pulse gas is flabby in the process of layer of terrane crustal stress fracture deflagrate inside break aeriform pressure is cracked since distributinging influence break patulous.
- 多级脉冲气体松弛岩层地应力压裂地层的过程中裂缝内爆燃气体压力分布影响裂缝起裂扩展。
- Furthermore, the time of plagioclase time distribution can be found by terrane age detection.
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