the latter
- 后者
- 1. He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick.
- 他追踪找到了他的堂兄和叔叔。后者病了。
- 2. They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter.
- 他们设法解决供电和供水的连接问题。前者与后者相比证明很简单。
- 3. The latter is especially important.
- 后者尤为重要。
- 4. "Have no fear," said the latter to his master.
- “别怕。”后者对他的主人说。
- 5. To be frank, I prefer the former to the latter.
- 坦白来讲,比起后者,我更喜欢前者。
- 6. Measured by saved lives, the latter is almost certainly the better course.
- 以被挽救的生命来衡量,后者几乎必定是更好的选择。
- 7. I prefer the latter, because I feel that it's much more convenient and cheaper.
- 我更喜欢后者,因为我觉得它更方便,更便宜。
- 8. The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the United States during the 19th century.
- 后者是19世纪吸引移民到美国的一个重要因素。
- 9. This suggests that they were deciding between truth and dishonesty, and ultimately opting for the latter.
- 这表明,他们在真相和谎言之间做出了选择,最终选择了后者。
- 10. If the latter, there's no need to go to extremes and buy the biggest horse pills or the most expensive bottles.
- 如果是后者,就没有必要走极端,买最大剂量的大药片或最昂贵的瓶瓶罐罐。
- 11. If the former are greater, the lake is a surface-water-dominated lake; if the latter, it is a seepage-dominated lake.
- 如果前者较大,这个湖就是一个以表层水为主的湖泊;如果是后者,则是一个以渗漏为主的湖泊。
- 12. Steamed dumpling contains low calorie, equivalent to only 70% of the latter, and lower fat and carbohydrate than rice.
- 馒头热量低,只相当于后者的70%,而且脂肪和碳水化合物比米饭更低。
- 13. The latter, an art and literary critic, who eventually recognised that camera images could be inspired as well as informative.
- 后者是一位艺术和文学评论家,他最终认识到,摄影图像不仅能提供信息,还能激发灵感。
- 14. The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.
- 前者提供了更多的刺激和便利,而后者提供了一个更干净、更安静、通常也更友好的居住环境。
- 15. In the latter decades of the twentieth century there were intensified efforts to understand and record the abundance of Australian rock art.
- 在二十世纪的后几十年里,人们加紧努力去了解和记录丰富的澳大利亚岩石艺术。
- 16. The Springer Group has filed a lawsuit in the Daily News, accusing the latter of initiating a road name change that was too labor-intensive and costly.
- 施普林格集团已经一纸诉状将《每日新闻》告上法庭,控告后者发起的修改路名之举过于劳民伤财。
- 17. What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.
- 好的政治可能是不道德的,事实上,由于一种奇怪的宿命,当道德和政治发生冲突时,后者通常占上风。
- 18. Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do.
- 医院教学的原因从防止孩子落后和保持学校的习惯到让孩子被占着,而后者往往是老师所能做的事情。
- 19. The latter often still think mainly in terms of the "social responsibility approach" and thus seem to prefer deals that are riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria would warrant.
- 后者往往还是以“社会责任方式”为主要思路,因此似乎更倾向于风险较大、吸引力较一般投资标准低的交易。
- 20. The latter point is the most important.
- 后面提及的那一点是最重要的。
- 21. I would unhesitatingly choose the latter option.
- 我会毫不犹豫地选第二个选项。
- 22. He is getting into the latter years of his career.
- 他正进入职业生涯的晚期。
- 23. He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better.
- 他提出了两个解决方案,后一个看起来要好得多。
- 24. The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme.
- 这些练习很有趣,还可以为后面的课程做热身准备。
- 25. The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages.
- 这些窗户可能是中世纪后期精制而成。
- 26. The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s.
- 这座城市有一个音乐厅和两个剧院。这两个剧院都是在20世纪50年代建成的。
- 27. There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the latter category.
- 有些人先想后说,有些人边想边说。迈克当然属于后一类人。
- 28. I lean toward the latter view.
- 我倾向于后一种观点。
- 29. Many support the former plan, but personally I favour the latter one.
- 很多人赞同第一种方案,但我更倾向后第二种。
- 30. Many support the former plan, but personally I favour the latter one.
- 很多人赞同第一种方案,但我更倾向后第二种。
- One can travel there by ship or plane. Most people choose the latter.
乘船或乘飞机都可以到那,人们多选择后者。 - Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter aren't.
人不同于野兽,因前者能笑,而后者却不能。 - In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors.
他晚年独居,从不欢迎来访者。 - The latter, as the name suggests, are used to record any changes in the tilt of the land.
后者,顾名思义,是用来记录任何土地斜度的变化。 - Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.
珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。 - Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive.
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