these days
- 现在; 目前
- 1. They seldom watch television these days.
- 这些日子他们很少看电视。
- 2. These days they were up at the crack of dawn.
- 这些天他们在破晓时就起床。
- 3. It's no joke trying to find a job these days.
- 这些日子想找工作可不是件容易事。
- 4. She hardly (ever) sees her parents these days.
- 这些日子她难得见到她父母。
- 5. These days, people appreciate a chance to relax.
- 目前人们很珍惜能放松的机会。
- 6. The café seems to be her home away from home these days.
- 这些天来,咖啡馆似乎成了她的第二个家。
- 7. There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.
- 目前对有机农产品有更大的需求。
- 8. There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.
- 这些日子可买到各种各样的蘑菇。
- 9. These days much of my time is spent weaving my way around cocktail parties.
- 这些日子我的很多时间花在闲转于各鸡尾酒会上。
- 10. In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.
- 在这科技日新月异的时代,过多的信息使人人都应接不暇。
- 11. How is the old girl these days?
- 老母亲近来好吗?
- 12. News travels fast these days.
- 如今消息传播得很快。
- 13. It's all about money these days.
- 如今谈的就是钱。
- 14. What's Tom doing these days?
- 汤姆最近在干什么?
- 15. Almost anything goes these days.
- 这个年月几乎是无奇不有。
- 16. These days kids grow up so quickly.
- 如今孩子们成长得真快。
- 17. My tennis is very rusty these days.
- 最近我的网球荒疏了。
- 18. Children grow up so fast these days.
- 如今孩子们长得真快。
- 19. Jobs are hard to come by these days.
- 如今找工作很难。
- 20. These days the media are omnipresent.
- 现在新闻媒体无处不在。
- 21. Young people these days have no morals.
- 现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。
- 22. I'm really getting into jazz these days.
- 我最近真的开始喜欢爵士乐了。
- 23. Five pounds doesn't go very far these days.
- 这年头五英镑买不了多少东西。
- 24. It is rare to find such loyalty these days.
- 这样忠心耿耿,在今天非常少见。
- 25. Kids seem to be texting non-stop these days.
- 现在的孩子好像在不停地发短信。
- 26. The buses are absolutely hopeless these days!
- 如今的公共汽车简直糟透了。
- 27. Movies are all about making money these days.
- 当今电影就是只顾赚钱。
- 28. I find that I need very little sleep these days.
- 我觉得我现在需要的睡眠很少。
- 29. You can put a bet on almost anything these days.
- 如今,你几乎可以就任何事下赌注。
- 30. It's shocking how students can't spell these days.
- 如今学生居然不会写字真让人震惊。
- These fears ought now to be laid.
这些疑惧现在可以平息了。 - A top hat is a rare sight these days.
高顶大礼帽现在已不多见。 - Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days.
我们公司目前情况相当不错。 - You can ignore the implementation of these for now.
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