third degree
- n. 疲劳讯问(刑讯;逼供)
interrogation often accompanied by torture to extort information or a confession
- 1. I'm not going to give you the third degree or anything.
- 我不会狠批你一顿或对你怎样。
- 2. Would you stop giving me the third degree?
- 你能别再对我严刑拷问吗?。
- 3. I always get the third degree from my parents.
- 我的父母总是对我问东问西的。
- 4. The following are the most frequently asked questions in the Thanksgiving Third degree.
- 以下是“感恩节逼婚”环节最常问到的几个问题。
- 5. The soldiers were given the third degree in order to make them reveal the information.
- 为了得到情报,他们一直在拷问那些士兵。
- 6. The accused refused to confess despite being subjected to the third degree for two whole days.
- 尽管对被告进行了两个整天的刑讯,但他仍然拒不坦白。
- 7. In third degree burns, muscle tissue and bone may be involved, and secondary infection is very common.
- 在三度烧伤,肌肉组织和骨骼可能是参与,而继发感染是很常见的。
- 8. Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin.
- 三度烧伤所有三层皮肤以及皮下组织和器官都受到损害。
- 9. It's when you are going to second and third degree, they need to take look at whether university spends budget research.
- 当你修第二个或第三个学位时,你就需要考虑该校是否有研究经费。
- 10. Result Among the 17241 MRs, 1570 of them have different defects including 95 of the second degree and 17 of the third degree.
- 结果在17241份病案中有1570份存在不同程度缺陷,其中乙级病案95份、丙级病案17份。
- 11. A person whose friends had obese friends carried an added 20 percent risk of obesity, which fell to 10 percent for friends of the third degree.
- 如果一个人的朋友有肥胖朋友,那么这个人肥胖的风险增加20%,而当第三方朋友为肥胖时此风险降至10%。
- 12. The apparatus of claim 19, wherein the bracket is configured to pivot the handle in a third degree of freedom with respect to the first cross beam.
- 该仪器索赔19个,其中支架配置为支点的处理在第三自由度方面的第一次横梁。
- 13. The holidays are known to cause stress to scores of single women in the throes of 'The Panic Years', who dub the annual visit-cum-interrogation the 'Thanksgiving Third Degree'.
- 节假日会给众多单身女性带来压力,《心慌的岁月》正体现出了单身女性这一心头之痛,她们将每年一次的“回家兼受审”称为“感恩节逼婚”。
- 14. The holidays are known to cause stress to scores of single women in the throes of 'The Panic Years', who dub the annual visit-cum-interrogation the 'Thanksgiving Third Degree '.
- 节假日会给众多单身女性带来压力,《心慌的岁月》正体现出了单身女性这一心头之痛,她们将每年一次的“回家兼受审”称为“感恩节逼婚”。
- 15. In this there is very marked difference between lie-detection techniques and the use of the "third degree", which has caused many subjects to confess to crimes from the intolerable situation.
- 测谎技术疲劳询问这里有着显著的区别,后者使许多人因无法忍受而被迫认罪。
- 16. He suffered third-degree burns over 98 percent of his body.
- 他身上三度烧伤的面积达98%。
- 17. While many employers don't insist on a particular degree subject, a third prefer to hire those with a STEM-related subject.
- 尽管许多雇主并不坚持要求拥有某个特定的学位,但三分之一的雇主更愿意聘用那些学过STEM 相关课程的人。
- 18. And while many employers don't insist on a particular degree subject, a third prefer to hire those with a STEM-related subject.
- 尽管许多雇主并不坚持要某个特定的学位,但三分之一的雇主更愿意聘用那些学过 STEM 相关课程的人。
- 19. Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a successful academic career: as late as 1969 a third of American professors did not possess one.
- 专业主义已经把获得博士学位变成了学术生涯成功的先决条件:直到1969年,三分之一的美国教授没有博士学位。
- 20. Alternately, if you're buzzing with questions and give the interviewer what feels like the third-degree, it will immediately signal that you are unfocused or too aggressive.
- 另外,如果你频繁地提问,则会给面试官一种像拷问的感觉,这会立刻给面试官一个信号——你心不在焉或者过于激进。
- 21. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1.
- 当时,我的一个熟人在将他的三等学位抬高至二等一级(2:1)学位后,得到了一家大银行培训生一职。
- 22. In England (which the OECD no longer ranks in the top ten), a third-class or even a pass bachelor's degree will suffice, along with the most basic qualifications in English and maths.
- 在英格兰(OECD不再将其列在前十位),一个三等的,甚至是刚及格的学士学位,再加上在英语和数学上基本合格就足够了。
- 23. Third, to some degree, the final solution to climate change lies on technology innovation and technology transfer.
- 第三,在一定程度上,最终解决气候变化问题需要依靠两个臂膀:一是技术创新,二是技术转让。
- 24. KIPP's focus on discipline and self-control has gotten its poor minority students college scholarships, but only a third of them have graduated with a college degree.
- KIPP所强调的自律自控理念在学校的小范围内进行了试点,但这其中只有三分之一的人获得了毕业证书。
- 25. A happy third-degree friend — a friend of a friend — increases a person's chances of being happy by 6 percent.
- 如果你的第三层社交圈,如朋友的朋友很快乐,那么你快乐的几率会增加6%。
- 26. Carol Vorderman got a third-class degree at Cambridge.
- 卡罗尔·沃德曼在剑桥仅仅拿到了三等学位。
- 27. We searched fruitlessly for thirty minutes until I had a third-degree sunburn on my bald spot.
- 我们搜索了三十多分钟,直到我的秃顶被日头晒的三度灼伤,也没有看到鞋的影子。
- 28. When I got to hospital, my total body surface was 65% burned, with a little more than 50% third-degree burns; the fingers on my left hand had burned down to the bone.
- 我被送进医院时,全身烧伤面积达65%,其中有50%以上为三度烧伤,左手手指更是连骨头都露了出来。
- 29. Around 1,200 each year graduated with the lowest class of degree, a third.
- 每年约有1,200的低学历者占了三分之一。
- 30. Around 1,200 each year graduated with the lowest class of degree, a third.
- 每年约有1,200的低学历者占了三分之一。
third tap
Third International Sports Industry
third- party beneficiary contract
third-party materials circulation
third-party logistics enterprises
third party qualification institute
third-generation current conveyor
third degree Kaschin-Beck disease
third fundamental differential form
third-order differential equation
third party distribution enterprise
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