this time
- 这次
- 1. I've really messed up this time.
- 这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。
- 2. You've really fucked up this time!
- 你这次确实搞得一塌糊涂!
- 3. We're talking megabucks this time.
- 我们这次正在讨论的可是一笔巨款。
- 4. He's determined to pass this time.
- 这一回他决心要考及格。
- 5. What excuse did he invent this time?
- 他这次编了什么借口?
- 6. Demand is high at this time of year.
- 一年的这个时期需求很大。
- 7. What is she scrounging for this time?
- 这次她又来要什么?
- 8. This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada.
- 明天这个时候我就在加拿大了。
- 9. She wouldn't be fobbed off this time.
- 这次她一定不会上当受骗了。
- 10. Who will the voters put in this time?
- 这次选民会选谁执政呢?
- 11. This time they've messed up big time!
- 这一次他们把事情搞得糟透了!
- 12. I really and truly am in love this time.
- 我这一次确确实实是恋爱了。
- 13. Late again! What's your excuse this time?
- 又迟到了!你这次有什么借口?
- 14. Anne, you need to listen to me this time.
- 安妮,这次你要听我的。
- 15. This time next week I shall be in Scotland.
- 下周这个时候我就在苏格兰了。
- 16. By this time next week we'll be in New York.
- 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约。
- 17. 'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time.
- “不。”她重复说,这次语气较前坚决。
- 18. By golly we can do something about it this time.
- 我们这次确实该可以采取行动了。
- 19. He spent much of this time communing with nature.
- 他这个时期的许多时间都沉浸在大自然中。
- 20. Business is usually quieter at this time of year.
- 每年这个时节,生意往往比较清淡。
- 21. There's a fair chance that we might win this time.
- 这次我们可能胜算很大。
- 22. This time I'll do it right with a spool of thread.
- 这次我会用一轴线把它弄好的。
- 23. Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas.
- 通常在这种时候我们的心思都放在圣诞节上。
- 24. The weather is very changeable at this time of year.
- 年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。
- 25. There's always a lot of traffic at this time of day.
- 每天这个时候总是有很多来往车辆。
- 26. Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.
- 许多作家这一时期刻板地固守教条主义的观点。
- 27. Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year.
- 一年里这个季节顾客很少。
- 28. That's much better—you played the right notes this time.
- 很好—你这次把音弹准了。
- 29. It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year.
- 只有新鲜的水果才会在每年的这个时候吸引我。
- 30. Just think —we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow.
- 想想看,明天这个时候我们就躺在海滩上了。
- We benefited greatly by this frank talk.
这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。 - We had a ghastly time at the Chritmas party.
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