throw over
- 背弃; 抛弃。拒绝接受; 拒绝
- 1. You should throw over your lifestyle.
- 你应该改变你的生活方式。
- 2. It is the logical blanket to throw over the entire Truth Movement.
- 在逻辑上使整个真理运动受挫。
- 3. Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch.
- 不少的丑陋及欺骗为了达到自己的目的披着爱情的彩衣招摇撞骗。
- 4. But no, along comes a pair a real aristocrats from Europe, and straightway you throw over the half-breeds.
- 可是不成,从欧洲来了两个货真价实的贵族,你马上让煮了半熟的鸭子飞了。
- 5. When I can not move and throw over grateful sight , unexpectedly he says that he knows me: "Only you have smiled at us."
- 在我站着不动把感激的目光投过去的时候,他竟然说他认识我:“只有你向我们笑过。”
- 6. Inmates' associates pull over to the side of the road at night and just throw over a distinctive bag such as one from McDonalds, or Burger King.
- 囚犯的同伙夜间时将车停在路边,向里面扔一个显眼的袋子,比如说麦当劳或汉堡王的包装袋。
- 7. Don't go over that line or your throw won't count.
- 别越过那条线,否则你的投掷就会被判无效。
- 8. Throw a tablecloth over the dining table.
- 在餐桌上扔一块台布。
- 9. John fired over their heads to throw a scare into them.
- 约翰朝他们头顶上开枪吓唬他们。
- 10. A lot of the time they don't really notice it because they simply think "I have random green dots in a tile, so this is a grass tile, and I can just throw it all over the place...
- 很多时候人们不会注意到这一点,因为他们认为“我把不同明暗的绿色绘制了图块,所以这是一个草地图块,我可以把它铺满任何想铺的地方。 我该继续画下一个图块了。”
- 11. Every time you buy something new, throw out or give away two things, this will ensure the quantity of items you own decreases over time rather than the gradual creep of belongings.
- 每次买了什么新东西的时候,就丢掉或者放弃两件旧东西,这能够保证你所拥有的物品的数量会随着时间的流逝不断减少,而不是越来越多。
- 12. I'll not lie there by myself: they may bury me twelve feet deep, and throw the church down over me, but I won't rest till you are with me.
- 我不要一个人躺在那儿:他们也不许要把我埋到一丈二尺深的地里,把教堂压在我身上,可是我不会安息,除非你跟我在一起。
- 13. People feel that they have a natural right to throw away as much stuff as they like, just as those lucky native Americans chucked the shells from their plentiful oyster piles over their shoulders.
- 人们总是觉得,他们天生有权利任由喜好的随意丢弃垃圾,想扔多少扔多少,就好像那些幸运的土著美国人可以拍掉已经多到淹没肩头的量牡蛎壳那样。
- 14. Unless you change this property, a command that runs for over 30 seconds will time out and throw an exception.
- 除非更改此属性,否则运行30秒后,命令就会超时,并且将抛出一个异常。
- 15. They think about coming home, and nobody is making supper for them, and then they throw their clothes on the floor, and nobody washes them, and so they start arguing over little things.
- 他们回到家来,没人给他们做晚饭,他们把脏衣服丢在地上,也没有人给他们洗,于是他们就开始为这些小事争执。
- 16. It understood that Indians, who expect a good price even for old newspapers, do not throw their watches away lightly, and has over 700 after-sales centres that will replace straps and batteries.
- 它意识到连旧报纸都渴望廉价的印度人,并不轻易丢弃已买的手表。因此,它设立了超过700家可以替换表带和电池的售后服务中心。
- 17. But today's findings throw open a whole new area of research after proving that the possibility of life was over a longer period of time.
- 今天的研究结果证明那里可能有生命存留了一段较长的时期,为研究打开了一个全新的领域。
- 18. He explained that if Picasso made a mistake, he couldn't afford to throw out the canvas, but rather painted over it.
- 他解释说如果毕加索创作失败,他可承受不起把画布一丢了之,他得在上边再画一张。
- 19. We'll have kids over here day and night, and they'll throw sand into the flower beds, and cats will make a mess in it, and it'll kill the grass for sure.
- 麦克两岁了,他想要个沙池①,他父亲说:“那样园子算是完了,不分白日黑夜都会有孩子来玩,而且他们会把沙子撒到花坛里去,猫会把那儿弄的一团糟,草肯定都会被折腾死的。”
- 20. From 12 feet, you'll throw a full-spin rotation. Grab the knife by the handle, as you would a hammer, but keep your thumb along the top edge for stability and to prevent over-rotation.
- 你得从12英尺外让刀旋转着飞出去,所以你要像握锤子一样握住刀把,并且让拇指顺着刀刃的方向以保持平衡、防止刀转过头。
- 21. The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley.
- 群山已在山谷里开始投下蔚蓝色长影。
- 22. The findings point to ways of overcoming the temptations of the food aisles and throw fresh light on the rise of obesity over the past 30 years.
- 这个研究发现让人们知道了如何去抵制食品货架的诱惑,并且对过去30年肥胖人群数量的增加的原因有了一个不一样的看法。
- 23. Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles.
- 随意地朝临近通道仍东西。
- 24. Then throw in the garlic and scallions and sprinkle the thyme over the chicken.
- 然后放入蒜和葱,并在鸡块上撒上百里香。
- 25. Once sailors knew how to calculate longitude accurately they no longer had to throw chunks of wood over the side to calculate how fast they were going.
- 一旦水手知道如何准确计算经度,他们就不用再把木头扔在船边计算船的航速了。
- 26. All the waiting is over--it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
- 一切等待终于结束,我们盼望已久的这场关键性的比赛终于要开始了。球员们都已上场,裁判正要抛起球来准备开场。
- 27. We usually get worried when invited to events for fear of being either over or under dressed and we end up not having any hint on what to throw on and hit the road.
- 通常,我们收到重要场合的邀请时,会局促不安,生怕穿衣不得体,结果是,关于穿什么上路一点头绪也没有。
- 28. So while you should pick an API that you know, and favor quick over elegant, don't throw out all of your good programming practices.
- 因此在选择了解的一种API,认为快速优于典雅的时候,不要扔掉好的编程经验。
- 29. In July outrage over the issue drove a South Korean man to throw a stone at the Japanese ambassador.
- 七月,一名对此事愤慨的韩国人向日本驻韩大使投掷石块。
- 30. In July outrage over the issue drove a South Korean man to throw a stone at the Japanese ambassador.
- 七月,一名对此事愤慨的韩国人向日本驻韩大使投掷石块。
- We refuse to bargain over the price.
我们拒绝在价格上讨价还价。 - He mulled over the offer for some time,but finally rejected it.
- throw one's cap over the mill 不顾利害地干, 冒身...
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- throw someone over the bridge 对某人背信弃义...
- throw the cap over the windmill 冒身败名裂的危险,不...
- throw over board 废除
- throw cold water over 向
- throw the cap over the mill 冒身败名裂的危险,不...
- throw one's cap over the windmill 冒身败名裂的危险,不...
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