to the moment
- 恰好; 不差片刻
- 1. They made things as jolly for me as ever they could, right up to the moment I left.
- 直到我离开的那一刻,他们都尽量为我带来欢乐。
- 2. While e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.
- 虽然网店可以提供图片和声音,但只有实体店可以为顾客提供从踏入门店到离开那一刻的全面体验。
- 3. That’s why such spending is perfectly suited to the moment.
- 这就是为何这样的开支最适合现在的情况。
- 4. And he was seeking perfection right up to the moment he finished.
- 他一直在寻求完美,直到最后完成的一刻。
- 5. He dissimulated his intentions right up to the moment of the attack.
- 一直到进攻的时刻他仍掩饰自己的意图。
- 6. It's an elegant system that works wonderfully right up to the moment that the queue fills up.
- 这是一种优雅的系统,在队列满员之前,它都能很好地工作。
- 7. This behavior makes the speaker feel unimportant and shows you are not committed to the moment.
- 这种行为会让谈话者觉得自己不受重视,并且显示出你的不专心。
- 8. That's why it's natural to point to the moment of star when we say that's when my death occurs.
- 所以很自然的,我就死在星号这里。
- 9. With most Web applications, the when often defaults to the moment when the user submits the offending page to the server.
- 对于绝大多数Web应用程序来说,这个时间通常是默认的,也就是用户向服务器提交有问题的页面的时刻。
- 10. He remembered back into the fight to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering on the hair-line balance of defeat.
- 他回想起刚才比赛时,桑德尔摇摇欲坠,快要失败的那一刻。
- 11. What have you found helps bring you back to the moment you're in and really start to enjoy the life you're living right now?
- 你找到了什么东西能帮助你活在当下,并且开始享受你现在的生活呢?
- 12. From the moment people arrive by plane or train to the moment they leave 'they need to feel their stay in the capital has been memorable'.
- 游客们从做飞机或者火车抵达伦敦的那一刻开始,一直到他们离开,他们都要有一种感觉,那就是他们在伦敦待着的每一秒都值得记忆。
- 13. When historians look back to the moment when the post-Cold War reign of American power ended, they may well settle on 2010 as a crucial year.
- 当回顾冷战后美国霸主地位终结的这一刻,历史学家们也许会把2010看作一个非常重要的年份。
- 14. Once you have had a difficulty your concentration moves to the moment where your heightened awareness allows you to appreciate every small detail.
- 一旦陷入困境,高度集中的注意力赋予你感知细节的敏锐洞察力。
- 15. It is (or it should be) something that permeates an organisation from the moment its raw materials arrive to the moment its finished products leave.
- 全面质量管理要求(或者说应该是)企业在原材料到达企业的那一刻就开展起来,直至最终产品销售结束。
- 16. A photographic image might look like actual reality, but gradations of truth are measured in the circumstances that led up to the moment the picture was taken.
- 摄影影像也许看上去确实像真的,不过,在引导人去拍下那一刻的情况下,真实度是有偏差的。
- 17. After all, conservatives hailed the debt boom of the Bush years as a triumph of free-market finance right up to the moment it turned into a disastrous bust.
- 毕竟,保守分子将布什时代的债务繁荣称赞为自由市场金融的伟大胜利,直到这种繁荣变成灾难性的破灭。
- 18. But I've been just as happy lying, through the long June evenings, on her mother's grave, and looking forward to the moment when I can join Catherine there!
- 但在那6月的漫漫长夜里我躺在她母亲的坟冢上,期望着能在另一个世界与她重逢的时候,我也同样欣慰!
- 19. That depends on whether he is able to strike the right balance between speaking to the moment and speaking to history; between addressing the audience and addressing the ages.
- 那取决于他能否抓住现在和历史的平衡;能否抓住听众和这个时代。
- 20. Few doubt that Portugal is close to the moment when it has no alternative but to seek help from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone's bail-out fund.
- 毋庸置疑,葡萄牙即将别无选择从而向欧洲金融稳定基金求助(欧元区的救助基金)。
- 21. The life span of the data saved to a session is, at most, from the moment the user accesses a domain to the moment when a user times out after a preset amount of time of inactivity.
- 保存在会话中的数据的生命期,最长是从用户访问域的那一刻到用户在预设的一段不活动时间之后超时的那一刻。
- 22. Few doubt that Portugal is close to the moment when it has no alternative but to seek assistance from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro-zone's bail-out fund.
- 葡萄牙无疑接近如此境地:它别无选择,唯有寻求欧元区救援基金“欧洲金融稳定机构”的援助。
- 23. With each swan dive, handball and feigned injury we have shuffled to the moment where the modern player thinks it is his duty to cheat, and the responsibility of the state to stop him.
- 但凡假摔、手球或是诈伤,这些场面皆证明,现代球员认为使诈是自己的不二责任,而阻止自己使诈则是国家的不二责任。
- 24. Well-cared-for cattle will "actually SEEK handling procedures, " she asserts, and such cattle can remain relaxed, unstressed, and happy all of their lives—right up to the moment of slaughter.
- 她确信,和蔼对待牛群要“仰赖于处理程序”。这样,牛群就会放松,不紧张,快乐终其一生——一直到进入屠场的那一刻。
- 25. I want to see him the moment he arrives.
- 希望他一到我就见到他。
- 26. This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon.
- 正是在这一刻,内尔·阿姆斯特朗成为了登月第一人。
- 27. She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.
- 她不想在此刻对史蒂夫在感情上作出重大的承诺。
- 28. She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.
- 她不想在此刻对史蒂夫在感情上作出重大的承诺。
- They arrived at five o'clock to the minute.
他们恰好五点到达。 - The ugly scar runs across his left cheek.
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