- n. 痕迹;遗迹
- 名词trace的复数形式.
名词 trace:
a just detectable amount
an indication that something has been present
a suggestion of some quality
a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something
make a mark or lines on a surface
to go back over again
pursue or chase relentlessly
discover traces of
make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along
copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of
read with difficulty
- 1. The school traces its history back to 1865.
- 这个学校的历史可以追溯到1865年。
- 2. He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings.
- 他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。
- 3. It's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.
- 发现以前文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。
- 4. Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.
- 官方说他们在这位政治家的尸体上没有发现任何暴力痕迹。
- 5. The exhibition traces the history of graphic design in America from the 19th century to the present.
- 这个展览会追溯了从19世纪到现在美国平面设计的历史。
- 6. Rinse very thoroughly to remove all traces of the soap.
- 彻底清洗来消除肥皂的所有痕迹。
- 7. After the fragments' entry, these analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur.
- 在碎片进入之后,这些分析揭示了前所未有的硫磺痕迹。
- 8. At last, he raised his head, and the traces of strong emotion were visible on his features.
- 最后,他抬起头来,脸上强烈感情的痕迹可见一斑。
- 9. Sometimes, the traces of breadcrumbs you leave behind are the only clues that you have an eating disorder.
- 有时,你留下的面包屑痕迹是暗示你患有饮食失调症的唯一线索。
- 10. Traces of the very first stages in the development of numeration can be seen in several living languages today.
- 在如今一些现存的语言中,可以看出计数能力发展过程中特有的第一阶段的痕迹。
- 11. The earliest discovered traces of art are beads and carvings, and then paintings, from sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period.
- 最早发现的艺术痕迹是珠子和雕刻品,然后是绘画,它们来自旧石器时代晚期的遗址。
- 12. By fossils, we mean traces of prehistoric animals such as bones, which become mineralized, or impressions of bones or organs that are left in stone.
- 我们所说的化石,指的是史前动物的遗迹,如已矿化的骨头,或留在石头上的骨头或器官的印痕。
- 13. An important archaeological discovery on the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces of an ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of todays Polynesians.
- 瓦努阿图太平洋群岛埃法特岛上的一项重要考古发现揭示了古代航海民族的踪迹,即今天的波利尼西亚人的远祖。
- 14. The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.
- 验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。
- 15. Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body.
- 分析显示,尸体中有微量砒霜。
- 16. Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.
- 她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。
- 17. The actor's absurd behaviour put an end to the last traces of affection his fans had for him.
- 这位演员的荒谬行为断送了影迷们对他的最后一丝爱慕之情。
- 18. In Oliver Twist, he traces an orphan's progress from the workhouse to the criminal slums of London.
- 在《雾都孤儿》一书中,他追踪描述了一个孤儿从济贫院到伦敦高发犯罪贫民窟的生活经历。
- 19. Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes.
- 在水中大多数氢原子和氧原子是稳定的,但这两个元素也有微量以较重的同位素形式存在。
- 20. On some early gauffered edges traces of color will be discernible.
- 在一些早期的皱褶边缘上,可以看到颜色的痕迹。
- 21. However, we can detect traces of it.
- 然而,我们能够觉察到它的踪迹。
- 22. They bear traces of red ochre, a pigment.
- 这些外壳上有赭红色颜料着色的痕迹。
- 23. No, nothing, not even gossamer-like traces.
- 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?
- 24. No traces of the previous user are left.
- 不会留下上一个用户的任何痕迹。
- 25. Traces of the chemicals remain in foods.
- 而这些化学制品则残留在食物上。
- 26. And they still contained traces of flour.
- 这些痕迹就包括了面粉痕迹。
- 27. Traces of her blood will still be in that cement.
- 她的鲜血还是会在那片水泥地上留下痕迹。
- 28. This procedure traces the entry to procedure.
- 该过程跟踪对应于过程的条目。
- 29. Still, traces of charm and bygone ambition survive.
- 象征昔日魅力及抱负的遗迹尚存。
- 30. Still, traces of charm and bygone ambition survive.
- 象征昔日魅力及抱负的遗迹尚存。
- The room bore traces of a fierce struggle.
这个房间留有激烈搏斗的痕迹。 - Age has left its traces on her face.
岁月在她脸上留下了痕迹。 - It's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.
发现以前文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。 - The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area.
用作名词 (n.)
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