- n.完全出人意料的结果
名词 turnup:
the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg
appear or become visible; make a showing
bend or lay so that one part covers the other
discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining
be shown or be found to be
find by digging in the ground
- The champion beaten in the first round? That's a turn-up for the book!
那冠军在第一回合中就败了? 真想不到哇! - Turn-ups are becoming fashionable again.
- turn up again like a bad penny 不要它偏又回来,挥去...
- turn up trumps 意外地令人满意...
- turn up again like a bad halfpenny come back ...
- turn up one's heels 死
- turn-up for the book 出乎意外的事...
- turn up someone's heels 把某人打倒在地...
- turn thumbs up 赞成
- turn it up 辞去工作,停止说...
- turn up the whites of one's eyes 翻白眼
- turn up one's toes 死
- turn up again like shilling 去而复返
- turn up one's nose 嗤之以鼻; 瞧不起...
- turn up missing 失踪
- turn up again like a half penny 不要它偏又回来,挥去...
- turn up her hair 把披下来的头发梳上去...
- turn up the little finger 喝酒
- turn up 朝上翻
- turn up again like a bad shilling 不要它偏又回来, 挥...
- turn up one's sleeve 卷起袖子
- turn up one's nose at 瞧不起
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