against which no argument can be made
- 1. He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.
- 他关于我们的欲望和偏好中有社会因素的观点是不容置疑的。
- 2. Nevertheless, this tooth is the first unarguable proof that crocodilians did indeed snack on dinosaurs.
- 但无可争辩的是,这颗牙是第一个鳄鱼目动物拿恐龙当点心的证据。
- 3. It is an unarguable fact that the teaching of composition in Chinese plays an extremely role in the middle school.
- 作文教学在中学语文教学中有着极其重要的作用,可以说这是不争的事实。
- 4. Whether favored or not, it is an unarguable fact that computer game has surpassed all the art forms and become a recreation with largest participatory.
- 无论我们喜欢与否,电子游戏超越迄今尚存的所有艺术形式而成为一种拥有最庞大参与人群的娱乐形态,这已经是一个不争的事实了。
- 5. If the Doha round collapses, regionalism, despite its unarguable economic inferiority, will replace multilateralism as the organising principle of global trade.
- 如果多哈回合谈判破裂,那么区域主义将取代多边主义成为全球贸易谈判的组织原则,尽管区域主义在经济上的劣势毫无争议。
- 6. It is undoubted and unarguable that the basic task for colleges is to train personnel, and the main approaches of this training are teaching link and teaching course.
- 高等学校的根本任务是培养人才,这是无可置疑、无可争辩的共识,而培养人才的主要途径是教学环节和教学过程。
- 7. Federer showed again why he has built an increasingly unarguable case to be the greatest player of all time, his flowing style and vast array of attacking options proving too much for Murray.
- 费德勒再次展现他屹立于所有球员之上的绝对实力,他的进攻方式的流畅和多样的风格是穆雷所望尘莫及的。
- 8. Widespread socioeconomic crisis and unarguable problems such as that of distances in the urban centres might render it difficult to put to practice the psychoanalytic method in its full scope.
- 广泛的社会经济危机和无可置疑的问题(比如城市中心的空间问题)可能会对全面实施精神分析疗法增加难度。
- 9. It is an unarguable fact that those who have abundant and high quality reserved competitive sports talents can dominant the world competitive sports in competition of world competitive sports.
- 在世界竞技体育的竞争中,谁拥有雄厚的、高质量的竞技后备人才,谁就能称霸于世界竞技体坛,这已是不争的事实。
- 10. It is an unarguable fact that those who have abundant and high quality reserved competitive sports talents can dominant the world competitive sports in competition of world competitive sports.
- 在世界竞技体育的竞争中,谁拥有雄厚的、高质量的竞技后备人才,谁就能称霸于世界竞技体坛,这已是不争的事实。
- beyond doubt 无疑地
- incontestable 无可争辩的
- incontrovertible 不容置疑的
- indisputable 无可争辩的
- beyond question 毫无疑问
- unquestionable 无疑问的
- unanswerable 无法回答的(无可辩驳的...
- inarguable 不容争辩的
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