- adv. 随便地;不庄重地;无礼貌地
in an unceremonious manner;
"he was dismissed unceremoniously"
- 1. They dumped his belongings unceremoniously on the floor.
- 他们粗暴地把他的物品摔到地板上。
- 2. She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
- 她突然被弃用了,代替她的是有可能赢得竞选的领导。
- 3. When my uncle opened the door, three agents from the local committee walked in unceremoniously.
- 我叔叔一打开门,三个当地的委员会特工就不请自来的走了进来。
- 4. The bosses of both Genentech and ImClone have unceremoniously rejected the offers made by their partners.
- 基因技术公司和从英克隆公司的老板都随随便便地就拒绝了收购的出价。
- 5. But at a meeting on Oct. 14, the board unceremoniously dismissed Mr. Woodford, telling him to leave the country.
- 但是在10月14日召开的会议上,董事会突然宣告解聘伍德·福特,并要求他离开日本。
- 6. Yang was unceremoniously dumped, ousted by carpetbagging shareholders who'd hoped to make a pile from Microsoft's money.
- 希望从微软大赚一笔的股东们发难,杨致远被迫唐突离职。
- 7. Even those that have been in a deep loneliness will suddenly and very unceremoniously see themselves in the middle of friends.
- 纵然那一些深处孤寂中的天秤们也会俄然成为伴侣中的核心。
- 8. After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice.
- 被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。
- 9. But the black and white cat was spotted by a security guard who quickly grabbed him and unceremoniously dumped him outside on the pavement.
- 但警卫发现了这只黑白猫,于是迅速把他逮住且毫不客气地丢在了外头的人行道上。
- 10. Those lucky individuals who are merely taken prisoner are unceremoniously herded into holding camps, hemmed in by barbed wire for an indefinite duration.
- 那些只不过沦为俘虏的幸运的人被随便地赶入有刺铁丝网包围的拘留营不定期地关押起来。
- 11. Given that Mr Varin seems reluctant to deviate much from the path set out by his predecessor, it is worth asking why Mr Streiff was so unceremoniously fired.
- 既然瓦兰先生不愿意偏离他的前任CEO所开创的道路,那就有必要问一问,为什么突然解雇斯特·雷夫先生?
- 12. It earlier quoted the store's owner saying the burglar always cleaned up after himself, but the dolls were dumped unceremoniously in an alleyway behind the store.
- 早先引用商店老板的话说,这个窃贼在完事之后,总会把现场清理干净,但是,充气娃娃会被随便扔到商店后门的过道上。
- 13. Yet when the interior minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio, delivered the reform bills to Congress this week, he unceremoniously dumped them, without the customary speech.
- 然而,当内政部长,法比奥·瓦伦西亚·科西奥在这个星期向国会发表改良草案时,他只是随意称述了一下内容,而没有按惯例发表演讲。
- 14. Yet when the interior minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio?, delivered the reform bills to Congress this week, he unceremoniously dumped them, without the customary speech.
- 然而,当内政部长,法比奥·瓦伦西亚·科西奥在这个星期向国会发表改良草案时,他只是随意称述了一下内容,而没有按惯例发表演讲。
- 15. The wealthy seem to get tangled in the net of their own anxiety by worrying that, at any moment, they might be dropped unceremoniously from the ranks of fashionable society.
- 出于对自己随时可能被踢出上流社会的担忧,富人们似乎总是忧心忡忡,纠结万分。
- 16. In the chaos after the explosion, bodies — or what was left of them — were carried unceremoniously on wooden crates usually used for market produce and dumped on the backs of trucks.
- 在爆炸之后的混乱中,尸体或者任何残存的部分被胡乱地用平时用来装市场商品的板条箱抬走了,并堆放在卡车的后面。
- 17. With that, a scoop of French fries, dripping grease, would be flung into the bottom of a plain brown paper bag, a quickly wrapped hot dog would be unceremoniously flung directly on top.
- 这样,我就会拿到自己的晚餐——一包油糊糊的薯条,油渍能一直渗到棕色纸袋的最底层;一个草草包起来的热狗,毫无章法地放在薯条上;
- 18. You're back playing the role of Commander Shepard, a paramilitary hero trying to repel a massive forthcoming alien invasion only to be unceremoniously killed at the beginning of the game.
- 你再次扮演指挥官Shepard,一位安保英雄,试图击退即将到来的外星人大举入侵,却在游戏一开始就被毫不客气地干掉。
- 19. You're back playing the role of Commander Shepard, a paramilitary hero trying to repel a massive forthcoming alien invasion only to be unceremoniously killed at the beginning of the game.
- 你再次扮演指挥官Shepard,一位安保英雄,试图击退即将到来的外星人大举入侵,却在游戏一开始就被毫不客气地干掉。
- They carried him down to the beach and dumped him unceremoniously in the freezing water.
用作副词 (adv.)
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