- n. 次长
- 1. We also need to continue the vice-minister level security dialogue and exchanges between the military of the two countries to enhance mutual trust.
- 应继续开展两国副外长级安全对话及两军交流,增进互信。
- 2. Xue acknowledges that the status of vice-minister can be useful for university administrators. "no matter where you go in China, people pay attention to rank."
- 薛澜也承认副部级的身份对于大学管理者是有帮助的,他说:“在中国,无论你走到哪里,人们都是会关注行政级别的。”
- 3. One suggestion is to end the practice, started in 1999, of bestowing the administrative rank of vice-minister on the presidents of China's 31 leading universities.
- 一个建议就是要终止从1999年开始实行的授予中国前31所大学的校长副部级行政级别的做法。
- 4. Yesterday, the minister of Health, accompanied by a vice-minister and the head of the WHO office in Angola, flew to Uige to investigate the situation, find solutions, and oversee their implementation.
- 昨天,卫生部长在一名副部长和世卫组织驻安哥拉办事处负责人陪同下飞往威热以调查事态,寻找解决办法和监督其实施。
- 5. China's lead negotiator in the talks, Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei, said Wednesday he is optimistic they will make progress.
- 中国参加这一谈判的首席人员是副外长武大伟,他星期三说,他对谈判将取得进展持乐观看法。
- 6. Later that night, Li also held talks with Luxembourg Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn.
- 当天晚上,李肇星还与卢森堡副首相兼外交大臣阿塞尔·博恩举行会谈。
- 7. Vice Foreign Minister Zhai said Iraq is one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic ties with China and the two peoples share a profound traditional friendship.
- 翟隽副外长表示,伊拉克是最早同中国建交的阿拉伯国家之一,两国人民之间有着深厚的传统友谊。
- 8. A: I do not have information on the details of Vice Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing's exchanges of views with the US.
- 答:我不了解李肇星副外长在美国与美方交换意见的具体议题。
- 9. From January 9 to 12, he will be in the UK to have talks with Vice Prime Minister, meet with Prime Minister and attend dinner with business representatives.
- 9日至12日访问英国,与英国副首相会谈,会见首相等并出席工商界晚宴。
- 10. On March 10, 2011, visiting Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun met with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.
- 2011年3月10日,正在埃及访问的中国副外长翟隽在开罗阿拉伯国家联盟总部会见了阿盟秘书长穆萨。
- 11. At the conference in Beijing in November, Mr. Ma, the vice health minister, said the situation “can even be called neglect.”
- 马晓伟在去年十一月的会议上表示,整形美容手术的监管“被严重忽视”。
- 12. Vice Minister Wang attended the Leadership Session and Launching of the APLF Advocacy Publication "Act Now" organized by UNAIDS and USAID on 13 July and delivered a speech.
- 王陇德副部长出席13日召开的“亚太区域领导人会议暨出版物发刊式”并致辞。
- 13. He also served as chief economist for the World Bank's East Asia and the Pacific Region and as deputy vice minister for international affairs of Japan's Ministry of Finance.
- 他还担任过世界银行东亚、太平洋地区首席经济师及日本财务省负责国际事务的副财务官、内阁大臣官房参赞等职。
- 14. I just read to you the exact words of Vice Minister he Yafei during the interview, and I believe you could have a clear understanding of the position expressed.
- 刚才我已经将何亚非副部长接受《金融时报》采访时的表述告诉大家了。大家能清楚地了解何亚非副部长接受采访时所表明的立场。
- 15. EISUKE SAKAKIBARA, Vice Minister of Finance, Japan, 1997-1999: Japan is a very sort of parochial and very closed economy; there's no question about it.
- 大藏省次长,日本,1997-1999:日本是一个地域狭小的国家,经济非常封闭,这一点毋庸质疑。
- 16. Assistant manager organize all jobs about VIP guests reception. Minister , the same line hotel general manager, VIP guests below the vice general manager must be recepted by front officer.
- 大堂经理组织所有VIP宾客的堂面接待工作。部长级、同行业酒店总经理、集团公司副总经理以上规格VIP 宾客,必须由前厅(副)经理组织接待。
- 17. Financial Services vice Minister Kouhei Ohtsuka said recently: "Privatization was supposed to make people's lives easier, but in reality it did not happen this way."
- 财经事务副部长Kouhe i冢近日表示:“私有化是应该使人们的生活更简单,但实际上这没有发生过这种方式。”
- 18. On 8 Jan. 2003, Vice-president Zhang Aihua and Bian Zhenhu of CFNA, met with Agricultural Counselor with the rank of minister of the American Embassy in China.
- 2003年1月8日,张爱华、边振瑚副会长会见了美国驻华大使馆公使衔农业参赞桑来睿先生一行3人。
- 19. Cuba's Vice Minister of Transportation Eduardo Rodriguez echoed those comments, saying "Cuban airports have been systematically preparing over the past few years for the increase in tourists to Cuba."
- 古巴副交通部长罗德里格斯表达了同样的意思。 他说:“过去几年,古巴机场一直在为游客的增加进行系统化的准备。”
- 20. Cuba's Vice Minister of Transportation Eduardo Rodriguez echoed those comments, saying "Cuban airports have been systematically preparing over the past few years for the increase in tourists to Cuba."
- 古巴副交通部长罗德里格斯表达了同样的意思。 他说:“过去几年,古巴机场一直在为游客的增加进行系统化的准备。”
- Andrew L. Y. Hsia, the Political Deputy Minister of the Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited CCBA.
曾任驻纽约台北经济文化办事处处长的现任中华民国外交部夏立言政务次长访问中华公所。 - Vice Economics Minister Yiin Chii-ming yesterday denied that power rationing may be imposed because of the impact of the U.S.-led war on Iraq.
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