wait until
- 等到
- 1. Wait until the Shark has digested us both, I suppose.
- 我想,大概是要等到鲨鱼把我们俩都消化了吧。
- 2. Before putting it to your ear, wait until the person you are calling picks up the phone.
- 等到你要找的人拿起电话,再把话筒放到耳边。
- 3. I could just not consume anything this year, and I could wait until next year and consume the terminal value.
- 我今年也可以分文不花,到明年再消费最终价值。
- 4. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the rickshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home.
- 例如,一个要买东西的老妇人可以坐人力车来,让人力车车夫等她从各个摊位回来装上她买的东西,然后拉她回家。
- 5. Let's wait until the rain stops.
- 咱们等雨停了吧。
- 6. I'll wait until they arrive.
- 我会一直等到他们来。
- 7. He will probably wait until the last minute.
- 他可能会等到最后一刻。
- 8. Wait until the media gets its claws into her.
- 等着媒体来严厉批驳她吧。
- 9. I think we should wait until tempers have cooled.
- 我认为我们应该等到怒火平息下来再说。
- 10. Wait until it happens to him—he'll soon change his tune.
- 等着瞧吧,到他遇上这事时,他很快就会改变调子了。
- 11. I think you should wait until she's cooled down a little.
- 我觉得你应该等她镇静一点再说。
- 12. I've got some calls to make but they can wait until tomorrow.
- 我有几个电话要打,不过可以等到明天再说。
- 13. You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system.
- 你必须等到药物排出体外。
- 14. If you think this all sounds very exciting, just wait until you read the book.
- 如果你觉得所有这些听起来令人兴奋,那就等你看了书之后再说吧。
- 15. Wait until the bell rings.
- 等铃声响再出发。
- 16. Wait until we get to Paris and Madrid.
- 在我们到达巴黎和马德里前请等着。
- 17. We can wait until the deposit is paid off.
- 我们可以等到定金付清。
- 18. Can we at least wait until the NBA matches are over?
- 我们能等到NBA比赛结束吗?
- 19. They must stay there and wait until the searchers came.
- 他们必须呆在那里,等待搜寻者的到来。
- 20. You must wait until they finish before you start speaking.
- 你必须等到他们说完你才开始说话。
- 21. You don't want to wait until it's too late to do something.
- 你不会想等到为时已晚的时候再去做些事情。
- 22. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling can wait until you revise.
- 语法、标点和拼写可以等到你修正的时候再做。
- 23. Don't wait until you feel 100 percent confident before you proceed.
- 不要等到你感到有百分之百的信心之后才继续进行。
- 24. Do you mean I ought to wait until Prof. Bloom comes back from class?
- 你是说我应该等到布鲁姆教授下课回来吗?
- 25. Like too many of us, you can wait until midnight on the last day to submit.
- 和我们大多数人一样,你可以等到最后一天的午夜再提交。
- 26. There are people who always wait until the last minute, and make it much harder than it needs to be.
- 有些人总是等到最后一分钟才动手,让事情变得比原本更困难。
- 27. I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive.
- 甚至在我年轻的时候,我就因驾驶技术良好而自豪,因为我必须等到我有一辆车才能学开车。
- 28. He told these children that they could eat the marshmallow at once, or wait until he came back and get two marshmallows.
- 他告诉这些孩子,他们可以立即吃掉棉花糖,或者等他回来,然后得到两块棉花糖。
- 29. Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, my customers will wait until I announce the total.
- 当我在杂货店结账时,我的顾客通常会等我告诉他们总金额后,才写支票或找信用卡。
- 30. As soon as she saw something which she thought might make a tasty snack, she would lock onto it, wait until it came close enough, and then suddenly pounce.
- 一旦发现她认为会是美味的点心的东西,她就会锁定它,等待它足够接近,然后突然之间猛扑过去。
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