- n. 有钩刺的灌木
- 1. Let's wait a bit.
- 我们稍等片刻。
- 2. It won't hurt him to have to wait a bit.
- 等上一会儿对他无妨。
- 3. Why not wait until you cool down a bit?
- 为什么不等你们都冷静一点呢?
- 4. This trick can save you microseconds or fractions of seconds with every page you open. When you visit a site that’s not on that “most popular” list, though, you may wait a bit.
- 这种小伎俩能在你每次打开页面的时候节省几毫秒的时间,但是当你访问的网站不属于这个“最火”列表时,你可能就要耐心等待一下了。
- 5. This trick can save you microseconds or fractions of seconds with every page you open. When you visit a site that's not on that "most popular" list, though, you may wait a bit.
- 这种小伎俩能在你每次打开页面的时候节省几毫秒的时间,但是当你访问的网站不属于这个“最火”列表时,你可能就要耐心等待一下了。
- 6. The concept of wait states might seem a bit abstract and you might wonder why this is relevant in a discussion about workflow or process languages.
- 等待状态的概念或许显得有些抽象,你或许会问这和工作流或过程语言的讨论有什么关联性。
- 7. Those who prefer their decisions to be based on evidence should probably wait a bit before casting their vote on geoengineering.
- 那些喜欢他们的决定是基于证据或许应该等待一位前铸造投票地球工程。
- 8. Many industries are suffering now, so you might need to wait for things to pick up a bit.
- 现在很多行业都陷入了困境,所以你可能需要等待情况好转一些之后再行动。
- 9. If there were an omniscient central planner, she could simply ring up the sort-of hungry guy who decides he may as well drive to get that burrito and tell him to wait a bit.
- 如果有一套无所不知的中央计划系统,她需要做的仅仅是通知那个处于排队中的可能打算开车去买个玉米煎饼充饥的家伙再等一会儿。
- 10. Although we had to wait for seats at a restaurant that will never get a Michelin star and were squeezed into the 16-square-meter restaurant with another 18 diners, we didn't care one bit.
- 虽说一家要让顾客排队的餐厅注定得不到米其林星星,虽说我们必须和其它18个食客一起挤在一间16平米的“蜗店”里面,但这丝毫没有让我们介怀。
- 11. Hubble may extend current vision a bit, but the next boon in deep-space discovery will likely have to wait for the James Web space Telescope, planned for launch in 2010.
- 哈勃望远镜的视线可能会比现在拓展一点,但对于宇宙深处下一步的探索将很可能不得不等着吉姆斯网络太空望远镜,它计划在2010年发射。
- 12. The first time you get a bit of surprise, maybe concern, a dash of fear, but then you put your head back and wait for the baby to try again.
- 第一次小孩儿可能有点儿吃惊,或许担心,有点儿恐惧,然后你再拉开距离等着小孩儿再来一次。
- 13. THOSE hoping for a definitive answer on whether America’s strategy in Afghanistan stands a reasonable chance of success are going to have to wait a bit longer.
- 那些希望知道美国对阿富汗战略政策是否成功的合理机会的人,恐怕要多等些时间才知道真相了。
- 14. Oftentimes we have the illusion that if we just wait a bit longer, it will become easier to make the decision - but in fact that usually simply compounds the problem.
- 我们经常幻想说,等再晚点做这个决定,可能就没有那么难了—但事实上,这样的话会让决定更加得复杂。
- 15. Then they started saying,well,okay wait a minute, they kind of liked Buddhism, they thought it kind of looked a bit like Protestantism.
- 接着他们又开始说,慢着,他们挺喜欢佛教的,他们认为佛教有点像新教。
- 16. When you visit a site that's not on that "most popular" list, though, you may wait a bit.
- 不过当你访问一个非热门网站时,您可能还是要稍等一会。
- 17. If you were hoping to start using the next iPhone as a mobile wallet, the wait might be a bit longer.
- 如果你希望在苹果iphone手机中使用手机钱包业务,那你或许需要等很长一段时间。
- 18. Unfortunately we don’t have any tooling support for the beta yet, so if you want to dig in you’ll have to wait a bit.
- 不幸的是,我们对这个beta版本尚且没有任何工具上的支持,所以如果想要在它上面深入开发的话,你需要再等一等。
- 19. Well, we can do this but we have to wait a bit before we can create another explosion.
- 那么,我们可以做到这一点,但我们稍等一会才能创建另一个爆炸。
- 20. It's a bit scary to think about... if the world feels crowded to you now, just wait a few decades.
- 这想起来很可怕……仅仅再过10年,你就会感觉到世间将变的拥挤。
- 21. Users are advised to wait for a bit and refresh the page if the "turn on" option isn't immediately visible.
- 如果“turnon”选项没有马上显示,建议用户等待一会并刷新一下。
- 22. In this release the new-and-improved Firefox skin is only complete for the Windows release, so Mac and Linux users, you'll have to wait a bit.
- 这个版本中全新优化的Firefox皮肤只适用于Windows版本,所以Mac和Linux用户还须稍稍等待。
- 23. There might be drinks if you wait a bit.
- 如果你再等一会儿,可能会有饮品。
- 24. Otherwise, we may have to wait a bit to get lucky enough to observe one from a shorter distance.
- 要不然我们就只有等,等到足够幸运的时候,在较近的地方观测到一个。
- 25. After you know he went for them, do NOT instantly deploy the vehicle but wait a bit and try to clear the st's first.
- 在你知道对方派出影子小队孩子后,不要立刻展开车辆,稍等一下,先清除了影子小队再说。
- 26. If no one crashed, can wait a bit again after the bell or knock on the door (but rang the bell, it will not take too long).
- 如无人应声,可稍等半晌后再次按铃或拍门(但按铃工夫不要过长)。
- 27. If I were you I should wait a bit.
- 我要是你的话,我就会等一会儿。
- 28. If I was you I should wait a bit.
- 我要是你的话,我就会等一会儿。
- 29. If I was you I should wait a bit.
- 我要是你的话,我就会等一会儿。
- wait a bit 等一下
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