- n. 武器;兵器
- 名词weapon的复数形式.
名词 weapon:
any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting
a means of persuading or arguing
- 1. They handed the weapons over to the police.
- 他们把武器交给了警方。
- 2. Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
- 国际上禁止使用化学武器。
- 3. The troops submissively laid down their weapons.
- 士兵们顺从地放下了他们的武器。
- 4. A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons.
- 化学武器已被禁止使用。
- 5. His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons.
- 他的汽车遭到了自动武器炮火的扫射。
- 6. Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome.
- 削减化学武器的任何进展都是受欢迎的。
- 7. Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.
- 核武器应该只被用作最后手段。
- 8. He could face a charge of illegally importing weapons.
- 他可能会面对一项非法进口武器的指控。
- 9. The human race has enough weapons to annihilate itself.
- 人类有足够的武器灭绝自己。
- 10. They insisted on the immediate surrender of all weapons.
- 他们坚持要求立即交出全部武器。
- 11. They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.
- 他们交出武器以示诚意。
- 12. He said chemical weapons had never been sited in Germany.
- 他说从未在德国部署过化学武器。
- 13. The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons.
- 该国并未保证禁用化学武器。
- 14. Replica weapons are indistinguishable from the real thing.
- 仿真武器与真武器难以辨别。
- 15. You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.
- 你们不可能一挥魔杖就消除核武器。
- 16. All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
- 整个会谈都是关于核武器的限制。
- 17. They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons.
- 他们拒绝了清除所有核武器的要求。
- 18. The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.
- 令人恐惧的是,该国离拥有核武器为期不远。
- 19. He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines.
- 他被判犯有非法越境偷运武器罪。
- 20. Nuclear weapons have wrought a revolution in international relations.
- 核武器已经使国际关系发生了变革。
- 21. They should change the law to make it illegal to own replica weapons.
- 他们应该修改法律,使拥有仿真武器非法。
- 22. Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.
- 这样一场战争可能导致生化武器的使用。
- 23. They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.
- 他们在核武器试验过程中暴露于放射性核辐射。
- 24. The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
- 长远目标一定是销毁所有的核武器。
- 25. He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly.
- 他声称几个国家已经秘密开发了核武器。
- 26. Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.
- 核武器似乎违背了罚当其罪的正义战争原则。
- 27. Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.
- 自我表达和个性是对抗专制暴政的最强武器。
- 28. South Pacific nations have protested against the incineration of the weapons.
- 南太平洋各国抗议武器的焚烧。
- 29. The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.
- 两位领导人也都赞同削减化学武器储备的条约。
- 30. Russia was cutting procurement of new weapons "by about 80 percent," he said.
- 他说俄罗斯正“以大约百分之八十的幅度”削减新武器的补给。
- The expenditure of money on weapons is very large.
购置武器的开支很大。 - The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。 - The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.
大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。 - America has a lot of aggressive weapons now.
美国现在有很多进攻性武器。 - These ancient weapons are all cast out of bronze.
用作名词 (n.)
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