white man
- n. 白人;白种人
a man who is White
- 1. The driver was a white man in forties.
- 司机是一个四十多岁的白人。
- 2. Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall.
- 当然,当一些白人男性或女性出现在不属于他们的地方,比如在黑人军团大厅,我们世界的分界线就似乎受到了影响。
- 3. Certainly, the borders of our world seemed to be impacted on when some white man or woman showed up where he or she did not belong, such as at the black Legion Hall.
- 当然,当一些白人男性或女性出现在不属于他们的地方,比如在黑人军团大厅,我们世界的分界线就似乎受到了影响。
- 4. My father was a white man.
- 我父亲是个白人。
- 5. Karry, the twins' mother, is of English-Nigerian heritage, while her husband is a white man.
- 这对双胞胎的母亲卡里英国和尼日利亚混血,而她的丈夫是位白人。
- 6. To ride, to hunt, to smoke like a Turk in the sunshine, there's the destiny of the white man.
- 骑马,打猎,像土耳其人一样在阳光下抽烟,这就是白人的命运。
- 7. It was also the first day back for the principal, Hulond Humphries, a white man who was reinstated by a 4-to-2 vote of the school board after being suspended on March 14.
- 这也是校长胡伦德·汉弗莱斯重返校园的第一天。汉弗莱斯是一名白人,3月14日被停课后,以学校董事会4比2的投票结果通过了复职。
- 8. Is the white man innocent or guilty?
- 白人男子到底是无罪还是有罪?
- 9. We know that the white man does not understand our ways.one.
- 我们知道,白人很难理解印第安人之道。
- 10. If I draw a stick figure, most Americans will assume that it is a white man.
- 如果我随手画一个小人,大多数的美国人会认为它是白人。
- 11. Conrad Zdzierak, a white man, robbed six Banks in Ohio while disguised as a black man.
- ConradZdzierak明明是白种人,在打劫俄亥俄州的六家银行时,都把自己伪装成是黑种人。
- 12. Long before the white man came to the Americas, the land belonged only to the Indian.
- 远在白人来到美洲之前,印第安人是这片土地的唯一主人。
- 13. He's a poor white man in the South; his social status was just better than those colored people.
- 他不过是一个南方的贫穷的白人,他的社会地位也不过比那里的那些有色人种高些。
- 14. A white man mustn't be frightened in front of "natives"; and so, in general, he isn't frightened.
- 而身为一个白人,你是绝不能在当地人面前流露出一丁点儿怯场的;久而久之,白人也就不知道怯场了。
- 15. "The white man has been thinking for us too long," she said. "We want him to think with us instead of for us."
- 她说,“白人已经为我们考虑了很久了,我希望他们能和我们共同考虑,而不是他们一厢情愿。”
- 16. That was the question a white man in Memphis recently asked a racial reconciliation group with which I am involved.
- 一个来自孟菲斯的白人向我参与的种族和解互助小组这样问。
- 17. He asked blacks not to be filled with hatred of whites and reminded them that his brother, too, had been killed by a white man.
- 他期望黑人心中不要充满对白人的仇恨,并提醒他们,他的兄弟也是被一名白人杀死的。
- 18. Must keep it apart and sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind is sweetened by the meadow's flowers.
- 你们必须对这块地特殊对待,保持它的圣洁,使她成为白人也能闻到草地花香的地方。
- 19. We sat on carpet samples because my father had torn out the seats in a sober rage not long after he bought the van from a crazy white man.
- 我们坐在地毯样品上,因为我父亲从一个白人疯子手里买到这辆货车之后不久就在一次有节制的盛怒中拆掉了座椅。
- 20. Mississippi also passed a law saying a black person could be forced to work for a white man — usually his former owner — if he had no other job.
- 密西西比州还通过一项法律,该法律规定,黑人如果没有其他什么工作可做的话,可以强迫其为白人工作,而这个白人通常是他们原先的主人。
- 21. Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people.
- 上层人则饱受社会优宠:多尔弗斯·雷蒙出身世家,是个富有的白人,更喜欢与黑人为伍。
- 22. At the centre of the story is a late-night murder: after hours of drinking with two friends, a young, white man is shot and killed on the street.
- 故事的中心是一场深夜谋杀:一个年轻白人男子和两个朋友喝了好几个钟头的酒后,在街上被人杀害。
- 23. By the Indian's side, and evidently sustaining a companionship with him, stood a white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilised and savage costume.
- 在那个印第安人的身边,站着一个身上混穿着文明与野蛮服装的白种人,无疑是那印第安人的同伴。
- 24. Police found two of Slusser's masks in Zdzierak's safe - one of a young black man called "the Player," and another of an old white man called "the Elder."
- 警方在Zdzierak的保险箱里发现了两副面具,一副年轻黑人男子的面具,称为“ThePlayer”,另一幅是白人老头的面具,称为“ TheElder ”。
- 25. Police found two of Slusser's masks in Zdzierak's safe - one of a young black man called "the Player," and another of an old white man called "the Elder."
- 警方在Zdzierak的保险箱里发现了两副面具,一副年轻黑人男子的面具,称为“ThePlayer”,另一幅是白人老头的面具,称为“ TheElder ”。
- White folks are strict about such things.
白人对这类事非常计较。 - From the white, middle-class English-speaking mold almost all of its teachers had emerged.
这里所有的教师也都是出身中产阶级讲英语的白人。 - She is white and he is coloured.
她是白种人而他是黑人。 - When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!
用作名词 (n.)
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