wield power
- 行使权力
- 1. My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools.
- 我的学生们很快发现,父母能让孩子们合作的最简单方法就是使用奇怪的电动工具。
- 2. One can't wield Power without perfect mastery of circum - stance.
- 一个人如果不能完美的驾驭现状,就不能自如的运用力量。
- 3. Because I wield power over others, I am at great risk of acting like an insensitive jerk - and not realizing it.
- 由于我拥有凌驾于别人之上的权力,所以我就更像是一个对“巨大风险”不敏感(无法意识到)的笨蛋!
- 4. Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together.
- 国会就是这样设计的,如果少数派们联合起来,他们能够行使大于他们人数比例的权力。
- 5. Effectively she was buying into the idea that for a woman to wield power in what was historically a man's world, she had to pretty much dress like a man - but brighter!
- 她有效地带来了这样一种观念:对于一个在历史上由男人把控的世界中行使权力的女性来说,她必须在很大程度上穿得像个男人——但是得更亮丽!
- 6. But one thing is certain: they did not anticipate what they would do to their own lives when the free will to wield power deprived them of the lucid perspective to look at life.
- 但有一点可以肯定:在舞弄权力的自由意志使他们失去清醒的认知看待生活和生命时,他们并没有预料到会以这样的方式处置自己的生命。
- 7. To them, "a wide variety of forces has made it increasingly more difficult for any state to wield power over its people and address issues it once considered its sole prerogative."
- 他们认为,“来自各方面的力量已使得任何一个国家都越来越难以对其人民行使权力,也越来越难以处理那些传统上完全属于他管辖的问题。”
- 8. Mom take charge of situation , various sugar-coated cannonball throw to you but you cannot dodge, defeated calculate you deserved it, who let you don't have a rich dad and a wield power mom.
- 老妈坐阵,各种糖衣炮弹迎面而来,你却不能躲闪,败下阵来,算你活该,谁让你不有个有钱的爸有权的妈。
- 9. Once the fighting stops, however, the personalities of those who wield power, and important differences over the wording of the country’s founding documents, will become much more compelling issues.
- 但是,一旦战争结束,那些行使权力人的性格、国家建国文件中的话语之间的重要区别将成为更加引入关注的问题。
- 10. The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.
- 那些掌权者当然都在全力支持他。
- 11. No single figure, much less a private banker, could wield the kind of power in today’s gargantuan collapsing markets that Morgan had a hundred years ago.
- 在今天这个摇摇欲坠的庞大市场上,没有一个人,更不必说一个私人银行家,能够具有摩根在一百年之前的那种权力。
- 12. Last, they thought about how actively the candidates wield their power.
- 最后,他们还考量候选人如何积极活跃地行使其权势。
- 13. True power is what Obama has learned wield: the power to inspire, lead, and engender belief.
- 奥巴马已经学会使用才是真正的权力:那是一种激动人心、引领潮流、给人信念的权力。
- 14. The influence we exert is powerful. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. We often don't give ourselves enough credit for the power we wield.
- 我们发挥的影响力是很强大的。我已经思考这个问题很久了。我们常常不够确信自己所拥有的力量。
- 15. We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for the power we wield.
- 我们常常不够确信自己所拥有的力量。
- 16. Finally we insisted that they actively wield their power.
- 最后我们认为,他们都必须是在积极的使用他们的权力的人。
- 17. Those on your planet that truly wield the greatest power, do so in brotherhood, and exude gentleness. True power is also subtle.
- 但这爱的振动必须以智慧的能量使用它,在你的星球上要真实地运用这最伟大的力量,并用在兄弟情谊上且让它散发出温柔,真正的力量是非常微妙的。
- 18. True, the senior figures around Bashar, such as his brother Maher and his brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, wield significant power;
- 实际上,巴沙尔周围的资深人物,例如兄弟马赫和妹夫(Assef Shawkat),掌握重要的权力;
- 19. Plutocrats who win political power will not necessarily wield it well, as Italy has found.
- 正如意大利人发现的那样,财阀一旦掌力,不一定能够很好地运用权力。
- 20. Giant supermarket chains wield great power: it is legitimate to demand that power is wielded fairly.
- 巨型连锁超市发挥着巨大的影响力:要求这种影响力被公平的行驶是合理的。
- 21. Dr Bogaert reasoned that if the effect were social, elder brothers would wield the same power even if they had not been born to the same mother.
- 博加尔特推论,如果影响来自社会生活,哥哥们即便不是出生自同一个母亲,也会对其弟弟造成同样的影响。
- 22. Relationship power: Your day-to-day interactions with others at work contribute to the relationship power that you wield on the job.
- 关系力:每天在工作与他人进行互动有助于你在工作中运用关系力。
- 23. They wield great power-a downgrade can tip a company into bankruptcy-but lack accountability.
- 它们手握大权——一次等级下调就可以使一个公司破产,但却不负相应的责任。
- 24. The personal nature of the information posted on social-networking sites means users are sensitive to any changes—and wield unusual power as a result.
- 社交服务类网站所发布信息私人化的特点意味着用户对任何变化都很敏感,因此也对网站施以非同一般的影响力。
- 25. And because older voters turn out more reliably than the young, they could wield crushing power.
- 也正因为老年选民相对年轻人投票更为稳定,所以产生的的影响力不容小觑。
- 26. Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it. I put an end to that sort of thinking before it begins.
- 接近权力让一些人错以为他们拥有权力,我要把这种错觉扼杀在萌芽中。
- 27. Power retailers often wield greater power than the companies that supply them.
- 强势零售商往往掌握着比那些供应它们的公司更大的权力。
- 28. Power retailers often wield greater power than the companies that supply them.
- 强势零售商往往掌握着比那些供应它们的公司更大的权力。
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