without issue
- 无子女
- 1. He died without issue.
- 他死后无子嗣。
- 2. As soon as I deleted them, I could get access on my proper PC, without issue.
- 当我删除了他们,我能得到适当的访问我的个人电脑,没有问题。
- 3. After the TIME_WAIT state has exited, the socket is removed, and the address can be rebound without issue.
- 在TIME_WAIT状态退出之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定而不出问题。
- 4. Once you kill the process and unmount the Setup disk, you can continue with the installation without issue.
- 一旦你杀进程,卸载安装盘,您可以继续安装没有问题。
- 5. So far the project has run some 4, 600 hours continuously without issue and captured some 18, 000 tons of CO2 over the last year.
- 至今,这一项目已无故障地连续运营了4600多个小时,并在过去的一年里捕获了超过18 000吨的二氧化碳。
- 6. After a few days of troubleshooting in March, technicians made some temporary fixes, and on a second attempt, Discovery lifted off without issue.
- 在三月份经过几天排除故障之后,技术人员完成了了一些临时修复工作,并且在第二次尝试时,发现号没有问题升空。
- 7. Additionally, we did not see any issue with the operational status of your hosting account and your site appears to be setup and accessible without issue.
- 缓慢此外,我们还没有看到任何问题的运行状况进行了您的托管帐户和你的站点设置和访问似乎没有问题。
- 8. History, "a three unfilial, without issue," saying that many of unfilial conduct, but no children, Nobody inherited status, family name, this is the most serious matter.
- 历史上有“不孝有三,无后为大”的说法,不孝的行为很多,但是没有孩子,没有人继承地位、姓氏,这是最严重的事项。
- 9. It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.
- 即使不和宗教搅在一起,这个问题也已够难的了。
- 10. Wise words or books that aim to teach us to tackle this daunting issue are, almost without exception, putting stress on mutual understanding and respect, the significance of which seems self-evident.
- 旨在教我们解决这一棘手问题的明智言论或书籍几乎无一例外地强调相互理解和尊重,其重要性似乎不言而喻。
- 11. It's also hard for many people to rent for most of their lives, instead of getting a mortgage. And in some areas it's hard to even rent without a good credit history (it's not an issue where I live).
- 对很多人来说,不借房贷而是租房度过其大半生也是一件难事。在某些地区,如果没有好的信用纪录,就连租房也成困难(我住的地方没有这种问题)。
- 12. In this part I'm going straight to the issue of performance without further discussion of the whys and hows!
- 在本部分中,我将直接讨论性能问题,而不会进一步讨论原因和方法!
- 13. A handful of states like California that have set aggressive goals for renewable energy are being forced to deal with the issue, since the goals cannot be met without additional power lines.
- 许多像加利福尼亚这样设定了雄心勃勃的再生能源目标的州都被迫正在解决这一问题,因为不建新的输电线路就不可能实现这些目标。
- 14. An issuing bank that sends a pre-advice is irrevocably committed to issue the operative credit or amendment, without delay, in terms not inconsistent with the pre-advice.
- 发出预先通知的开证行应不可撤销地承诺将不延误地开出有效的信用证或修改,且条款不能与预先通知书相矛盾。
- 15. The real issue comes when you see all limits as evil without any evaluation.
- 当你认为所有的限制都是没有任何价值的恶魔时,真正的问题也就产生了。
- 16. Preemption handles this issue automatically, without any specific intervention by an application developer.
- 抢占将自动处理这种问题,不需要应用程序开发者作出任何特定干涉。
- 17. I've heard people scoff at updates being applied without their explicit permission, and it's typically an issue of trust or personal responsibility.
- 我曾见过某些人对这种不经用户允许便自动更新的做法嗤之以鼻,这确实是一个典型的信任或个人责任问题。
- 18. It lets lazy or biased people make what seem to be cogent arguments without understanding the whole issue.
- 它让懒惰或有偏见的人们在不理解整个情况时做出看似有力的论断。
- 19. The ability to cancel tasks, without Thread-Aborts, continues to be an important issue.
- 安全地取消任务而不引发线程取消异常依旧是一个重要的方面。
- 20. The teaching of a skeptical, evidence-based assessment of all claims — all claims — without exception is fundamentally an intellectual integrity issue.
- 对于所有论断一律进行质疑性的、基于证据的评估的教学根本上是一个的理智健全的问题。
- 21. The issue is unlikely to be resolved without radical action by chief executives.
- 如果首席执行官不采取一些激进行动的话,这个问题不大可能得到解决。
- 22. The actual process of backing up is easy, and the results are accessible without much issue.
- 实际的备份过程很简单,结果不会有多少问题。
- 23. But without enough land in the highlands to support the growing population, settlements soon became an issue.
- 不过,高地地区并没有太多可耕种的土地,以支撑不断增长的人口,定居点很快变成一个难题。
- 24. Israel cannot carry on as usual without reaching a substantial compromise on the Palestinian issue.
- 不在巴勒斯坦问题上妥协,以色列终将难以为继。
- 25. The most challenging issue is building a dependable team without funding, and creating a realistic business plan to scale up.
- 最具有挑战性的事情是在没有经费的前提下建立一个可靠的团队,并制定一个可行的商业计划来扩大规模。
- 26. And that's not the case in general. The teaching of a skeptical, evidence-based assessment of all claims — all claims — without exception is fundamentally an intellectual integrity issue.
- 我们需要带着怀疑精神,基于证据去判断所有结论,而且没有例外,这完全是一个知识的诚信问题。
- 27. This can help alleviate the issue of Heap exhaustion without the need to increase the JVM Heap to an excessive size.
- 这有助于缓解Heap耗尽问题,而无需将JVM Heap的大小增加得过大。
- 28. In addition to displaying search results, xfy can also generate and issue search queries without requiring programming by users.
- 除了显示搜索结果外,xfy还可以在不需要用户编写程序的情况下,自动生成和发出搜索查询。
- 29. In addition to displaying search results, xfy can also generate and issue search queries without requiring programming by users.
- 除了显示搜索结果外,xfy还可以在不需要用户编写程序的情况下,自动生成和发出搜索查询。
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