work as
- 担当; 充当
- 1. He started work as a security guard.
- 他开始工作时做保安员。
- 2. You need to be able to work as part of a team.
- 你必须能作为团队的一员去工作。
- 3. He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.
- 他曾经找过一份当牛仔的工作,负责看牛不让其失散。
- 4. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.
- 希拉在一家保险公司找到了一份做秘书的工作。
- 5. His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy.
- 他以公务员的工作作为搞间谍活动的掩护。
- 6. If you have to work as part of a team, you must learn to read people.
- 如果你不得不在一个团队中工作,你必须学会领会别人的意图。
- 7. His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories.
- 他做顾问的工作主要包括就新工厂选址为外国公司提出意见。
- 8. I work as a firefighter and my wife is a nurse.
- 我的工作是消防队员,而我太太是护士。
- 9. "Treat project work as your real job," Fay advises.
- Fay建议:“把项目工作当成你真正的工作来对待。”
- 10. She and her husband, who still has work as a machinist, were sinking into debt.
- 她和仍担任机械师的丈夫,开始陷入债务。
- 11. No data has been duplicated, and the encyclopedia will work as it always has, except in a read-only mode.
- 没有数据被复制,而除了在只读模式下运行外,百科全书会按照一贯的方式工作。
- 12. Ever since Sandra left the department, I feel like I've been targeted to do all her work as well as mine.
- 自从桑德拉离开我们部门之后,我感觉我就承包了她的工作,一直干两个人的活儿。
- 13. It is best to submit your application early because universities begin work as soon as forms start rolling in.
- 你提交申请越早越好,因为一旦有学生提交申请,学校就会开始审核工作。
- 14. But it is best to submit your application early because universities begin work as soon as forms start rolling in.
- 但是你最好尽早提交你的申请,因为一旦申请表格开始蜂拥而来,这些高校就开始工作了。
- 15. The men emigrate to work as seamen.
- 这些男人移居国外当海员。
- 16. Her vocation is her work as an actress.
- 她适合的职业就是当演员。
- 17. They have had to seek work as labourers.
- 他们只好找体力活来做。
- 18. Critics praised the work as highly original.
- 评论家称赞这部作品独树一帜。
- 19. He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre.
- 他曾在一家剧院做兼职引座员。
- 20. I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
- 我现在盼望尽快回到工作中。
- 21. You can phone me at work as long as you don't make a habit of it.
- 你可以在上班时给我打电话,只要你别让这成为习惯就行。
- 22. The left have seen the work as an apologia for privilege and property.
- 左派把该作品看做是为特权和财产所做的辩解。
- 23. To work as a translator, you need fluency in at least one foreign language.
- 要做一名译员,你至少要一门外语流利。
- 24. I started work as a journalist and it was downhill all the way for my health.
- 我开始当记者后,身体每况愈下。
- 25. She made no concession to his age; she expected him to work as hard as she did.
- 她丝毫也不体谅他的年龄,要求他干得像她一样卖力。
- 26. In his twenties Roosevelt had sought work as a cowboy on a ranch in the Dakota Territory.
- 二十多岁时,罗斯福曾经到达科他地区的一个大牧场去找牧牛工的活儿。
- 27. Did you work as a volunteer?
- 你做过志愿者吗?
- 28. I work as an engineer.
- 我是一名工程师。
- 29. They work as clowns.
- 他们扮演小丑。
- 30. He does not treat work as a chore or routine.
- 他不会把工作当作杂事或例行公事。
- His skills qualify him for the work.
他的技能使他能担当这项工作。 - You undertook other important work as well.
你也担当其他重要的工作。 - The table used to do duty as a hotel desk.
这张桌子以前曾充当旅馆服务台。 - It acts as a home tutor at home.
- As is the workman so is the work. 什么匠人出什么活。...
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