bank up
- v. 堆积;封炉;堵截
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 1. At night we bank up the fire.
- 夜间我们燃起篝火。
- 2. Clouds began to bank up.
- 云层开始重叠起来。
- 3. At night we bank up the fire for fun.
- 夜间我们燃起篝火做游戏。
- 4. The held the same bank up twice in one week.
- 他们一星期内两次抢劫了同一家银行。
- 5. Dark clouds began to bank up in the distance.
- 远处乌云开始聚积成堆。
- 6. Towards noon, dark clouds began to bank up and soon a violent storm broke out.
- 中午时分,天上乌云密集,不一会儿狂风大作。
- 7. After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up.
- 年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。
- 8. They decided that their water conservancy project this winter was to bank up the river.
- 他们确定今冬兴修的水利项目是修筑河堤。
- 9. Now French and Belgian officials are discussing how to split the bank up and create a so called "bad bank" that would hold its worst assets.
- 目前法国和比利时官员正在讨论如何分拆该银行,并设立一个所谓的“坏账银行”来持有其最差的资产。
- 10. The form of courtyard, high bank up a fire wall, the roof from the four-party center inside a low proportion of small square courtyard was inclined to absorb sunlight and air.
- 形式为四合院,高高的封火墙内,屋顶从四方成比例向内中心低斜呈小方形天井,可吸纳阳光和空气。
- 11. The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity.
- 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。
- 12. The bank scrambles all that money together, jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.
- 该银行把那些钱集中凑在一起,然后贷给成千上万的借款人。
- 13. We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.
- 我们把独木舟拖上了海滩,直朝堤岸拖去。
- 14. He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank.
- 他会在汽车底盘上拴一条缆绳,然后用绞车把汽车吊到运河岸边。
- 15. A bank loan helped to set him up in business.
- 他靠一笔银行贷款做起了生意。
- 16. She took out a bank loan and set up on her own.
- 她从银行贷了一笔款,自己干起来了。
- 17. The children clambered up the steep bank.
- 孩子们攀登上了陡峭的河岸。
- 18. Users will be able to use their handhelds to look up timetables on the net, search for a local hotel, and check their bank accounts.
- 用户将能够使用掌上装置查阅网上时刻表,搜索当地旅馆并核对他们的银行账户。
- 19. Bank is a 38-year-old singleton who grew up in Philadelphia.
- 班克是一个38岁的单身汉,在费城长大。
- 20. Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account?
- 在这家银行开立账户要收费吗?
- 21. A bank of clouds had built up along the western horizon.
- 一堆堆的云沿着西边的地平线积聚起来了。
- 22. The central bank says that it will soak up the cash, for instance, by selling instruments of its own, so monetary policy will not be loosened.
- 中央银行说道,例如通过出售自己的债券,它将会迅速吸收大量现金,所以货币政策将不会放松。
- 23. What she didn't know at the moment she gave up was that the opposite bank was only 1 mile away.
- 在她放弃的那一刻,她不知道的是,对岸离她只有一英里远。
- 24. When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up.
- 当利亚姆·麦基8月辞去美国银行行长一职时,他的解释直截了当,让人意想不到。
- 25. Take the hit up front by putting the toxic assets into a "bad bank" that acts as a cordon sanitaire.
- 通过将有毒资产放到充当警戒线的“坏银行”中来应对。
- 26. After the bank robbery they lay up in a basement for 2 weeks.
- 抢劫银行以后他们在一间地下室躲了两星期。
- 27. It was snubbed, and the central bank mopped up all the foreign exchange it could find to pay the IMF.
- 但这都受到了冷遇,中央银行清查了所有的外汇交易,然后用来支付给IMF。
- 28. The bank recently snapped up GMAC’s North American portfolio.
- 该银行最近收购了GMAC的北美业务。
- 29. The bank recently snapped up GMAC’s North American portfolio.
- 该银行最近收购了GMAC的北美业务。
- The wind banked the snow up against the wall.
风使雪堆积在墙脚下。 - He piled up fallen leaves in a corner of the yard.
他把落叶堆积在院子一角。 - At Genappe, an effort was made to wheel about, to present a battle front, to draw up in line.
在热纳普,有人还企图回转去建立防线,去遏止,堵截。 - They ended up, rather pathetically, having to wait until every supporter had gone home to pose in an empty stadium to avoid a barrage of insults.
用作动词 (v.)
- bank up 堆积
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