be comparable to
- 比得上 ...
CET4 TEM4 考 研 CET6
- 1. No one can be comparable to him.
- 无人能比得上他。
- 2. We only ask that your prices be comparable to others.
- 我们只要求你方的价格能和别人差不多就行了。
- 3. What I want is that your prices be comparable to others.
- 我只是要你的价格与其他的价格相当就行了,也会与其他人。
- 4. Do you think the specs will be comparable to any current games?
- 你认为配置要求会与目前的游戏相似吗?
- 5. The results are found to be comparable to those using liquid electrolytes.
- 所得结果与使用液体电解质组装的大阳电池具有一定的可比性。
- 6. The careful process of reasoning can be comparable to mathematic reasoning.
- 这种严谨的演绎推理过程,是可以和数学推理比美的。
- 7. The depth in phantom or body may be comparable to the range of the electrons.
- 在模型或人体中的深度可以和电子的射程相比较。
- 8. Choreography has not gained support from the industry which would be comparable to BPEL.
- 业务流程并未得到业内人士将可媲美BPEL的支持。
- 9. Your tuition should be comparable to that of regular universities, perhaps slightly less.
- 你的学费应该和正规学校的学费相当,或者更少。
- 10. We decided that even the economy model had to be comparable to the luxury and performance versions.
- 甚至是经济型也要比得上豪华型和超性能型。
- 11. Wushu is the national traditional sports in China is one and Opera can be comparable to the Quintessence.
- 武术散打是我国的民族传统体育项目之一,是可以和京剧媲美的国粹文化。
- 12. After a bottle of slow aging, not just mature wines of any durable young wine can be comparable to the phase.
- 一瓶历经缓慢陈年,刚好成熟的耐久佳酿绝不是任何年轻的葡萄酒可以相比得上的。
- 13. In terms of depth, it's going to be comparable to what we've seen in -relatively deep recessions of 1982 and 1975.
- 从衰退幅度看,这次衰退程度堪比1982年和1975年。
- 14. After ra bottle of slow aging, not just mature wines of any durable young wine can be comparable to the phase.
- 一瓶历经缓慢陈年,刚好成熟的耐久佳酿绝不是任何年轻的葡萄酒可以相比得上的。
- 15. It strongly proves that Wen Xin Diao Long can be comparable to any outstanding literature criticism in history.
- 它有力地证明:《文心雕龙》完全可以和世界历史上任何一部杰出的文论名著媲美。
- 16. Based on rough estimates, said nu? Ez-Ameni the output would be comparable to that of a conventional wind farm covering the same area.
- 据粗略估计,nu ?ez - Ameni说道,该风电场的输出功率等同于覆盖同区域的一座传统风电场的输出功率。
- 17. Realistically the variation of the molecular energies — that variation is going to be comparable to the energy itself. To the average energy.
- 实际上分子能量的变化-,和它本身的能量相当,对于平均能量。
- 18. In other words, the reason this result happens is because there aren't a bunch of other levels up here that eventually get to be comparable to kT.
- 换句话说,这个结果产生的原因,是没有一系列的其他能级上升到这儿,最终达到和kT类似的能级。
- 19. Experts contend that if everyone in the U.S. skipped meat just one day per week, the benefit would be comparable to taking 7.6 million cars off the road.
- 专家们主张,如果每个美国人每周有一天不吃肉,带来的好处相当于减少七千六百万辆汽车。
- 20. Life aboard manned space stations won't be as exciting as we might suppose. It will probably be comparable to the life people lead aboard deep-sea oil RIGS.
- 在载入太空站的生活并不像我产想象的那般令人兴奋,这种生活大概和人们在深海石油井平台上过的生活差不多。
- 21. The production of refined products not only convenient health and realistic image of the design can be comparable to the real goods, decorations also Jiapin!
- 本产品制作精致,不但使用方便卫生且设计逼真形象可以与真品相媲美,摆设也堪称佳品!
- 22. The low-cost mold manufacturing, service satisfaction - and whether it is mold precision, durability and flexibility, and so can be comparable to import mold.
- 所制造的模具价格低廉,服务满意——而且无论是模具的精密度,耐用性和灵活性等都可以媲美进口模具。
- 23. The AP Chinese Language and Culture course is designed to be comparable to fourth semester (or the equivalent) college/university courses in Mandarin Chinese.
- AP中文和中国文化课程相当于大学第四学期的普通话中文课程,需要完成250学时。
- 24. Plane wave has the overall direction, compared with the normal migration, the plane-wave imaging results can be comparable to, and has a high computational efficiency.
- 平面波具有全局方向性,相对逐炮偏移而言,平面波偏移成像的结果是可以与其相相比的,并有很高的计算效率。
- 25. Even though the number of test cases required for NFT maybe very less compared to functionality testing, the effort requirements will be comparable to that for functional testing.
- 尽管相对于功能性测试,非功能性测试所需要的测试用例数量会比较少,但是它所需要付出的努力却是相当的。
- 26. The amount of radiation regularly reaching Earth from the sun 3.45 billion years ago would be comparable to what rains down on the planet during the most powerful solar storms today, Tarduno says.
- 5亿年前从太阳定期抵达地球的辐射量,将可与现在最大的太阳风暴(solar storm)发生时降落在地球上的太阳雨相比较,塔都诺说。
- 27. Shampoo is an example of a product where the footprint associated with using the product-the so-called "use phase" emissions-can be comparable to, or even greater than, the manufacturing footprint.
- 香波是个如何将碳足迹与产品使用相结合的例子——所谓“使用阶段”的碳排放,可与生产阶段的碳足迹相提并论甚至更大。
- 28. Shampoo is an example of a product where the footprint associated with using the product—the so-called "use phase" emissions—can be comparable to, or even greater than, the manufacturing footprint.
- 香波是个如何将碳足迹与产品使用相结合的例子——所谓“使用阶段”的碳排放,可与生产阶段的碳足迹相提并论甚至更大。
- 29. Shampoo is an example of a product where the footprint associated with using the product—the so-called "use phase" emissions—can be comparable to, or even greater than, the manufacturing footprint.
- 香波是个如何将碳足迹与产品使用相结合的例子——所谓“使用阶段”的碳排放,可与生产阶段的碳足迹相提并论甚至更大。
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