be endowed with
- 具有; 赋有
- 1. If we have a clear aim, life be endowed with lyric.
- 有了目标,生命就像有了歌词。
- 2. When you leave this building, you will be endowed with all my powers.
- 你走出这栋大楼的时候,你将被赋予我的力量。
- 3. When "art" is "industrialized", the two words then be endowed with more meanings.
- 当“艺术”被“产业化”,这两个词便同时被赋予了别样含义。
- 4. This computer program will be endowed with too much power and too much knowledge.
- 这个电脑程序会被过多的力量和知识所支持。
- 5. You have to be endowed with the human values of circumspect mindfulness and reasonable discernment.
- 你必须拥有审慎的念住与合理的明辨这个人类价值。
- 6. The students will be endowed with some priorities when they take part in the exam of civil servants.
- 当大学生参加公务员的考试,将被赋予一些优先权力。
- 7. Who knows but that we might be endowed with a sense which would perceive things which are now unknown.
- 说不定我们有一种感觉功能,能够看到我们今天还不知道的事物。
- 8. The quality features of accounting information should be endowed with new intension and added with new meaning.
- 电子商务环境下会计信息质量特征必须赋予新的内涵,增添新的内容。
- 9. We have known that ceramic product as a part of modern manufacture should be endowed with modern design viewpoint.
- 陶瓷产品作为现代大工业生产的一部分,理应在设计中贯穿现代设计理念。
- 10. The model, at least as it is shown, doesn't identify the kinds of values the associated objects might be endowed with.
- 模型,至少如其显示的一样,不确定出这些类型的值,以及可能具有的相关对象。
- 11. Only by following her born trait, a woman will be endowed with irradiant beauty when lost in love, housework and rearing.
- 一个女人,只要她遵循自己的天性,那么,不论她在痴情地恋爱,在愉快地操持家务,在全神贯注地哺育婴儿,都无往而不美。
- 12. An expert problem-solver must be endowed with two incompatiblequalities – a restless imagination and a patient pertinacity.
- 一个解决问题的专家必须要具备两项矛盾的品质——天马行空的想象力以及不撞南墙不回头的顽固精神。
- 13. I agree with the father, the child must be endowed with the consciousness that to enjoy the game is more important than to win.
- 我同意那位爸爸的话,孩子必须要有这样的意识,享受比赛比赢得比赛更为重要。
- 14. It can also be clearly stated in this essay that only when the artificial environment be endowed with ecological status can peo...
- 明确了必须在法律上赋予人为环境以生态环境地位,才能对人为环境要素实施有效的环境法保护。
- 15. He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation equivocation and mental reservation.
- 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
- 16. Men are supposed to be endowed with tolerance, generosity, an open mind and a loving heart, all of which vital to a successful marriage.
- 一个男人的豁达和洒脱、爱心和宽容、真心和付出应该是与生俱来的,是维系一段婚姻的基石。
- 17. Yes, you Asians and the Jews have taken up all the IQ points in the world, and the rest of us are lucky to be endowed with the puny remaining IQ's.
- 是的,你们亚洲人和犹太人拥有世上几乎所有的智商,我们其他人则很幸运地被赐予余下智商中的一丁点儿。
- 18. It flows from her premise that elephants should be endowed with all the basic human rights, and that we can expect them to respect our rights in turn.
- 依据她的假设得出:象应当享有所有人类享有的基本权利,而且反过来我们可以要求他们尊重我们的权利。
- 19. By successful brands, we believe companies can be endowed with strong vitality. Meanwhile, a successful brand needs excellent market plan and management.
- 我们尊重品牌形象,品牌成功可赋予企业顽强的生命,品牌更需要优秀的创意、策划与管理。
- 20. If you have people with the same keen sense of business building and finance, then the organization will be endowed with assets that can propel future growth.
- 如果您有相同的人,敏锐的商业建筑和金融,那么该组织将赋予资产,可以推动社会的未来增长。
- 21. People feel blessed to be endowed with a good financial set up, isn't it?Money is the essential part of today's life to live off the edge and live off the moment.
- 人们很荣幸能被赋予一个良好的财务设置,不是吗?金钱是今天的生活居住的边缘和生活的时刻。
- 22. At the same time, metal coordination polymers can be endowed with optics, electric and magnetism by selecting functional metal ions and organic ligands with functional groups.
- 同时,还可以通过选择功能性的中心金属离子和具有功能官能团的有机配体赋予目标金属配位聚合物以光、电、磁等功能。
- 23. Kind of like if you built a robot that could think and feel, and then it painted a picture, that picture would be the result of the precise structure of thought and feeling you endowed the robot with.
- 如同你创造了一个可想能感的机器人,它画了一幅画,画作就是你赋予机器人的所有想法与感觉的精确表现。
- 24. Future military robots endowed with ethical programs might be able to decide on their own when, and at whom, to shoot.
- 未来拥有道德程序的军用机器人,可能将会自行决定在什么时候,朝谁开火。
- 25. The researchers also detected higher levels of the enzyme in the eggs of calorie-restricted mothers, so it could be that their offspring are simply endowed with the stuff.
- 研究人员同时检测了得到热量控制的母体产下的卵,它的过氧化氢酶浓度较高,所以这可能是这些后代与生俱来的。
- 26. They saw themselves as well-endowed with all the refined feelings and sensibilities that could be expected of a gentleman.
- 他们认为自己被赋有优雅情感和被绅士所期许的那种敏感性。
- 27. And for those who aren't endowed with a baby face, it might be time to invest in that "guyliner" and "manscara".
- 对于那些天生就与娃娃脸无缘的人来说,是时候去试一下眼线膏(guyliner)和眉笔(manscara)了。
- 28. The U.S. is endowed with a vast resource of at least 250, 000 square miles of land in the Southwest alone that would be suitable for constructing solar power plants.
- 美国单独在西南方提供了至少24万平方英里的土地,在那里十分适合建造太阳能发电站。
- 29. The U.S. is endowed with a vast resource of at least 250, 000 square miles of land in the Southwest alone that would be suitable for constructing solar power plants.
- 美国单独在西南方提供了至少24万平方英里的土地,在那里十分适合建造太阳能发电站。
- He is endowed with an inventive mind.
他天生具有发明才能。 - What we need here is some new blood with new ideas.
我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员。 - The greatest scholar is not endued with perfect wisdom.
最伟大的学者并不赋有完美的智慧。 - Any man endowed with the required qualities can aspire to the status.
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