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英[bɒb] 美[bɑːb]
  • v.上下疾动;剪短;行屈膝礼;欺骗;窃取n.上下快速摆动;短发,波波头;钟摆;浮子;屈膝礼;一束;先令;大雪橇;鲍勃(人名)
bobber bob bobbed bobbed bobbing bobs


    v. (动词)
    1. 使上下快速摆动,急拉,急动,急牵
    2. 用浮子钓鱼
    3. 试咬住悬挂的目的物
    4. 上下快速摆动,上下跳动,摆动,跃起
    5. 轻打,轻敲,轻拍
    6. 行屈膝礼
    7. 使敲
    8. 剪短(头发)
    9. 冒出,出现
    10. 截断(马尾)
    11. <古>欺骗,窃取
    n. (名词)
    1. 浮子
    2. 秤锤
    3. 短发
    4. 鲍勃(男名)
    5. 屈膝礼
    6. 上下快速摆动,跳跃
    7. 跳跃舞
    8. 钟摆
    9. 一束,一团
    10. 剪短的马尾
    11. 一串鱼饵
    12. 连橇,大雪橇
    13. <古>歌曲的短叠句
    14. 轻敲,轻打
    15. 【物】摆锤
    16. <英俚>一先令


  1. a former monetary unit in Great Britain

  2. a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around

  3. a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism

  4. a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string

  5. a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line

  6. a short or shortened tail of certain animals

  7. a short abrupt inclination (as of the head);

    "he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"

  1. move up and down repeatedly;

    "her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"

  2. ride a bobsled;

    "The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"

  3. remove or shorten the tail of an animal

  4. make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect;

    "She curtsied when she shook the Queen's hand"

  5. cut hair in the style of a bob;

    "Bernice bobs her hair these days!"


    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Tag ends of memories bob up now and then.
    2. A boxer learns to bob and weave.
    3. The girls began to bob their hair to be in style.
    4. Don't forget to bob to the princess when you see her.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The girl, who had been looking down for some time, raised her bob cut head in surprise.



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