bowl over
- 击倒; 使大吃一惊
cause to overturn from an upright or normal position;
"The cat knocked over the flower vase"
"the clumsy customer turned over the vase"
"he tumped over his beer"
overcome with amazement;
"This boggles the mind!"
- 1. KATE: In that round bowl over there.
- 凯特:在那边的圆缸里。
- 2. Set bowl over saucepan of simmering water.
- 锅里加水,把碗架到锅上。
- 3. Invert large bowl over dough and let rise in warm place 1 hour or until doubled in bulk.
- 取一个大盆或是蛋糕模盖住,放到暖处发酵大约1小时,面团膨胀为双倍。
- 4. Melt the chocolate in a very small bowl over a very small pot filled with simmering water.
- 把巧克力放在一个小碗里,在一个装满水的小锅里熔化。
- 5. The pair turned the bowl over to archaeological experts who discovered it was packed with coins and jewelry.
- 两人把一碗交给考古专家发现它挤得水泄不通硬币及饰品。
- 6. Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.
- 将巧克力和黄油、咖啡一起放入一个碗里,放一点点温水慢慢加热融化,跟着倒入榛子。
- 7. Break the chocolate into squares and melt in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. remove from the heat and leave to cool for5minutes.
- 把巧克力掰成碎块放进碗里;连碗放入平底锅,用半开的水煨至熔化。然后取出,冷却5分钟。
- 8. Make up espresso, using Fairtrade coffee. Melt the chocolate with the butter and coffee in a bowl over barely simmering water. Cool, then fold in the hazelnuts.
- 做一杯意式浓缩咖啡。将巧克力和黄油、咖啡一起放入一个碗里,放一点点温水慢慢加热融化,跟着倒入榛子。
- 9. Preheat skillet, add oil. Bring to a boil over strong heat. Whisk eggs again. Hold mixing bowl over skillet and let the egg mixture trickle in, forming crisp droplets.
- 锅热后加入油,大火让油迅速沸腾,柴鸡蛋再次搅拌,将碗放至下巴高度,倾斜让蛋汁细细地流入油锅中,形成一朵朵蛋酥。
- 10. A few minutes later the waitress carried over a heavy bowl full of broth and I quickly dug in.
- 几分钟后,女服务员端过来一大碗肉汤,我很快就吃了起来。
- 11. Although the price of a bowl of Lanzhou noodles has soared to over 10 yuan in restaurants, you can still get a bowl for 4.5 yuan at college canteens.
- 尽管饭馆里的兰州拉面已经飞涨到了每碗10块钱以上,但在大学食堂你仍然可以只花4块5就买到一碗。
- 12. Place a clean dry folded piece of cheesecloth loosely over a bowl or a pitcher, and create a shallow well in the center.
- 将一片干净的干棉布折叠好松松地放在碗上或水罐上,在中间形成一个浅浅的窝。
- 13. Simply place a dry coffee filter in a clean drip coffee filter basket or colander, and place the basket or colander over a clean dry pitcher or bowl.
- 只需将一个干的咖啡滤纸放在干净的滤器中,然后将滤器放在干的干净水罐或碗上即可。
- 14. Make sure the bowl sits securely on the rim of the pan so that its base is over the water and not in it.
- 请确认碗在锅沿上安全的放置着以便使它在凌驾在水上。
- 15. An ordinary sieve placed over a bowl or a food mill can take the place of a.
- 拿一只碗,在上面放个普通的筛子,或是用手磨(mo)(译注二:又称食物研磨器),跟筒筛有一样的效果。
- 16. Flash-freezing, either by pouring liquid nitrogen over a bowl of food or by placing food onto an anti-griddle.
- 速冻,要么将液氮浇在一碗食物上,要么把食物放置于“反扒”设备上。
- 17. Holding FIG by the stem end, dip halfway into chocolate and remove, leaving the fruit suspended over bowl until all excess chocolate has dripped off.
- 持无花果的枝干末尾,把一半浸入巧克力再取出,把无花果悬挂在碗上直至所有多余的巧克力滴完。
- 18. "Like this," he said, pantomiming filling a bowl with water and dumping it over his head.
- “就像这样,”他一边说,一边做了个用碗舀水浇到头上的动作。
- 19. Their advice: Place the fruit in a fruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fruit at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.
- 他们建议:水果应放置在水果钵内或顶部可折叠的纸袋里,在室温条件下保存,避免阳光直接照射。
- 20. If you're using a basket-type filter, set it in a sieve over a jar or bowl.
- 如果你用的是篮状的滤纸,请将它放在罐子或者碗的筛子上。
- 21. Nothing emerged, but I gagged a few times, then leaned over the bowl, considering the toilet from this angle-the calm water, the curving porcelain.
- 什么也没吐出来,只是几番作呕,我靠在马桶边,从这样的角度观察着——平静的水面、弯曲的瓷盆。
- 22. As it usually exudes a bit of liquid, it is a good idea to turn it into a fine-meshed sieve and place the sieve over a bowl. This allows any seeping liquid to drop out of the cream.
- 不过打发好的奶油里常会渗出液体,所以把奶油放进一个网眼很细的筛子里,再把筛子架在碗上面,就可以让渗出来的液体直接掉到碗里去。
- 23. Joseph was bending over the fire, peering into a large pan that swung above it; and a wooden bowl of oatmeal stood on the settle close by.
- 约瑟夫正在弯着腰对着火,盯着火上悬着的一只大锅,还有一木盆的麦片摆在旁边高背椅上。
- 24. Remove the bowl from the mixer and fold in the chocolate chips or nuts or both. Pour the filling over the cooled crust and spread until smooth.
- 将碗从搅拌机中取出,并将巧克力片或坚果或两者都加入其中,将这些浇到刚刚冷却好的基本原料上,让其舒展平整。
- 25. Let sit for 30 minutes. Set a strainer over a bowl, and line it with cheesecloth.
- 30分钟后,在碗上架一个滤网,并铺上粗棉布。
- 26. The older girls would heat up the water over an open fire so that we could bathe in the evenings, using a plastic bowl.
- 年龄大些的女孩在露天烧水,以便我们晚上洗澡。 我们用塑料盆洗澡。
- 27. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and set the sieve over a glass bowl or measuring cup.
- 把棉布线筛罩在玻璃碗或量杯上。
- 28. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and set the sieve over a glass bowl or measuring cup.
- 把棉布线筛罩在玻璃碗或量杯上。
- Sometimes hurricanes of dreams still knock them over.
有时梦中的暴风还会将他们击倒。 - In the third round,he got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out.
- bowl over 击倒
- flabbergast 使大吃一惊
- knock over 撞倒
- tip over 翻倒
- turn over 滚动
- boggle 犹豫
- upset 心烦的
- overturn 翻倒
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