- 微风,和风,柔风,轻风
- 争吵,吵闹,小风波,小纷争
- <美口>轻而易举的事
- 谣传,传闻,流言,谣言
- <英口>骚动
- 煤渣,煤屑,煤粉
- 【虫】虻,牛蝇
- 吹着微风,刮微风, 吹微风,吹起来(常与up连用)
- 一阵风似地走,轻快地急走,轻快地前进
- 轻易地通过,迅速地、很容易地通过,轻松完成
- <美俚>越狱逃走,逃走
- 使全速飞跑
- 闯入,冲进
- 漫不经心地行动
- 轻盈而自信地走
- 飘然而行
- 轻松地得胜或进步
n. (名词)
- [C]微风,轻风 a light gentle wind
- vi. 吹微风 make a light gentle wind
- vi. 漫不经心地行动 move or go quickly and in a carelessly confident way
n. (名词)
a slight wind (usually refreshing);
"the breeze was cooled by the lake"
"as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"
any undertaking that is easy to do;
"marketing this product will be no picnic"
blow gently and lightly;
"It breezes most evenings at the shore"
to proceed quickly and easily
- The wheat rippled in the breeze.
小麦在微风中起伏波动。 - We are enjoying the cool breeze that comes from the lake.
我们享受着湖面上吹来的凉爽微风。 - We got the job done in a breeze.
我们轻而易举就把这件事办了。 - Teaching you English is by no means a breeze.
教你英语绝对不是什么轻而易举的事。 - She breezed along, smiling at everyone.
她轻盈地向前走去,对每个人都嫣然含笑。 - He breezed through the task.
他轻松地做完了这项工作。 - He ran for president and breezed in.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
- It was steaming hot; there was no breeze at all.
天气闷热,一点风也没有。 - The banner fluttered in the breeze.
旗帜在微风中飘扬。 - It's beginning to breeze.
开始刮起微风了。 - Look who's just breezed in!
看,一阵风把谁吹来了! - He breezed through the task.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
n. (名词)
- breeze, blast, gale, wind
- 这组词都有“风”的意思。其区别在于:
- 1.wind是一个笼统的词,是泛指由于空气的自然流动而产生的风,风速可快可慢,风力可大可小,可以指强劲的,也可以指柔和的; blast是一股强劲的气流,不一定是自然产生的,风速较大,强劲而突然,指“狂风”或“暴风”; breeze指“轻风”“微风”“温和的微风”; gale指7级到11级的烈风、强风。例如:
- The dentist gave my tooth a blast to dry the filling.牙医朝我的牙吹风使补牙材料干结。
- A gust of wind billowed the sleeves and skirts of women's dresses.一股劲风把妇女们的衣袖和裙子吹得像波浪一样翻动。
- The banner fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。
- We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.昨夜的大风把我们的房顶给掀掉了。
- 2.用spring breeze指“春风”比用wind更为确切。例如:
- The soft spring breeze caressed my face and I felt refreshed.柔和的春风吹拂着我的脸,使我觉得神清气爽。
- wind,breeze
- 这两个名词均有“风”之意。
- wind普通用词,指空气的流动现象。
- breeze微风。
用作名词 (n.)
- bat the breeze 闲谈
- enjoy breeze 享受微风
- kick up a breeze 引起一场风波
- shoot the breeze 闲谈
- cool breeze 凉爽的微风
- icy breeze 寒风
- mild breeze 和风
- slight breeze 微风
- evening breeze 晚风
- land breeze 陆风
- morning breeze 晨风
- sea breeze 海风
- spring breeze 春风
- in a breeze 轻易地
- on the breeze 随风来
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