- 官僚
- 官僚政治
- 官僚主义
- 繁文褥节
- 形式主义
- 政府机构
- 官僚机构
- 官僚作风
- 科层制
- 官员,官吏
- 官僚体制,官僚制度
- 实行官僚体制的国家
- 文牍主义
- 官僚集权
n. (名词)
- [S]官僚;工商业的高级管理人员 a group of government,business, or other officials who are appointed rather than elected
- [U]官僚主义,官僚作风 a system of doing things officially which is annoyingly and unnecessarily difficult to understand or deal with and usually ineffective
n. (名词)
nonelective government officials
a government that is administered primarily by bureaus that are staffed with nonelective officials
any organization in which action is obstructed by insistence on unnecessary procedures and red tape
- All this is a product of corrupt bureaucracy.
这一切都是腐朽的官僚制度的产物。 - The bureaucracy has become ossified.
官僚主义已变得僵化了。 - The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress.
官僚主义的流毒拖慢了我们的进步。 - You will find a lot of bureaucracy in this company.
你会在这个公司看到很严重的官僚作风。 - She talked vaguely of streamlining the bureaucracy.
用作名词 (n.)
- I hate to deal with the university's bureaucracy.
我讨厌和学校的官僚打交道。 - He tried to penetrate the layers of bureaucracy.
用作名词 (n.)
- government 政府
- administration 实施
- civil service 行政部门
- officialdom 公务员
- organization 机构
- establishment 确立
- red tape 官样文章
- rules and regulations 规章制度
- paperwork 文书工作
- bureaucratism 官僚主义
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