- 大炮,火炮,加农炮
- 【空】机关炮,自动机关炮
- 榴弹炮
- 坎农((Joseph Gurney,1836-1926,美国律师及从政者)
- 【机】套轴,空心轴
- 【动】(有蹄动物的)炮骨,管骨
- 【英台球】连撞二球
- 卡农(音译名)
- 复调音乐之一
- <美俚>连珠枪,机关枪
- 大炮型的枪
- 手枪
- 扒手,小偷
- 【冶】加农高速钢
- 粗短管
- 厚衬套
- 厚壁小玻璃瓶(装香精用)
- 雪茄烟中段
- 空心圆筒
- <口>(与…)猛撞,碰撞,相撞
- 开炮,炮击,炮轰
- 【英台球】连撞二球,击中两球
- 间接碰撞
- 对...偷窃
n. (名词)
- [C]大炮; 加农炮; 机关枪 a large powerful gun, often fixed to the ground or onto a two-wheeled carriage or, in modern times, fixed to aircraft
n. (名词)
a large artillery gun that is usually on wheels
heavy gun fired from a tank
(Middle Ages) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm
heavy automatic gun fired from an airplane
lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals
a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other
make a cannon
fire a cannon
- 1. The stillness of night was broken by the boom of a cannon.
- 夜晚的寂静被隆隆的炮声打破。
- 2. Max is a loose cannon politically.
- 马克斯在政治上我行我素。
- 3. The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.
- 应征入伍者被当做炮灰。
- 4. Many cynical managers see employees as cannon fodder.
- 许多自私自利的经理视员工如草芥。
- 5. The bullets and cannon - balls were flying in all directions.
- 子弹和炮弹到处乱飞.
- The cannon shot the town to pieces.
大炮的射击毁了这座城市。 - Being destitute of cannon, they mounted Quaker guns in the fort.
因为没有大炮,他们只得在城堡上装设假炮。 - The cannon thundered in the hills.
大炮在山间轰鸣。 - Our fighter planes are all armed with cannon.
我们的战斗机都装备了机关炮。 - put a finger into another pie
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
- The soldiers fired the cannon.
士兵们开炮。 - In this castle there are cannons from the 15th century.
用作名词 (n.)
n. (名词)
- cannon, artillery, gun
- 这组词都有“枪炮”“火炮”的意思。其区别是:
- gun指小型枪炮或其他枪状物、喷射器等; cannon指比较大型的、火力较猛的“大炮”“火炮”“加农炮”“榴弹炮”或战斗机上的“机关炮”; artillery是所有火炮,大炮的总称。例如:
- The gun sounded and the race began.信号枪一响,赛跑就开始了。
- The soldiers fired the cannon.士兵们发射大炮。
- They got an antiaircraft artillery from their enemy.他们从敌人那里缴获一门高射炮。
- ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的canna,意为芦秆,管子。
用作名词 (n.)
- aim a cannon at 将炮口对准…
- capture a cannon 缴获大炮
- fire〔shoot off〕 a cannon 开炮
- the report of a cannon 一声炮响
- attack with cannon 用大炮轰击
- cannons from port 要塞上的大炮
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