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英['kærəktə(r)] 美['kærəktər]
  • n.个性;品质;字符;人物;名誉;地位adj.[剧](角色)代表某一特性的
characterless charactered charactered charactering characters


    n. (名词)
    1. 角色,人物
    2. 特性,特色,特征
    3. 性格,品质
    4. 【计】字符
    5. 字体,印刷体,手写体
    6. 名声,品行
    v. (动词)
    1. 使具有特性
    2. 描述,描绘,勾画
    3. 表现...的特性, 表示…的特性,刻划…的性格
    4. 写,印,刻(写)
    5. 滑稽的人
    n. (名词)
    1. [C][U]性格,个性; 特性,特色 the combination of qualities that make a particular person, thing, place, etc.different from others
    2. [U]人格,品行; 德性 a combination qualities that are regarded as valuable or admirable
    3. [C]人物,角色 a person or a person in a book, play, etc.
    4. [C](书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字,字母 a letter, mark, or sign used in writing or printing


  1. an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story);

    "she is the main character in the novel"

  2. a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something;

    "each town has a quality all its own"
    "the radical character of our demands"

  3. the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions;

    "education has for its object the formation of character"

  4. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play;

    "she played the part of Desdemona"

  5. a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities);

    "a real character"
    "a strange character"
    "a friendly eccentric"
    "the capable type"
    "a mental case"

  6. good repute;

    "he is a man of character"

  7. a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability;

    "requests for character references are all too often answered evasively"

  8. a written symbol that is used to represent speech;

    "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters"

  9. (genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of genes

  1. engrave or inscribe characters on


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The boy has a strong character.
    2. He is remembered for the nobility of his character.
    3. We need only keep track of the last marked character.
    4. I never saw a character so thoroughly hit off .
    5. His character is without a blemish.
    6. She is responsible for the character part of the hero's devoted mother.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. My character is very different from my brother.
    2. The twins look alike but have very different characters.
    3. The whole character of the city has changed since I was last here.
    4. He has won golden opinions by his high character.
    5. Some character just walked up and stole my bag.
    6. His characters are well drawn.
    7. The characters on my typewriter are too small.
    8. Our new printer operates at 60 characters per second.


n. (名词)
  1. character的基本意思是“个性”“特色”。主要指某人、事物或地点所具有的区别于他人、他物、他地点的所有属性,即某人、事物、地点具有的独特的品质或本质,也可指一个人根深蒂固的心理特征的综合,即个人特定的内在本质。多用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
  2. character也可指“品行,德性”,如原则性强、诚实等,这时用作不可数名词。
  3. character作“人”解时是非正式用法,或谓其古怪滑稽,或含贬义。也可指小说、戏剧中出现的“人物,角色”。
  4. character还可作书写或印刷的“字体”“符号”解,“汉字”一般说Chinese characters。
  1. character意为“性格”,characteristic是“性格里的特质”,多个characteristics可以合成一个character,而一个人只可以有一个character
  2. 在指人时,在表语用法习惯里有a/an,但在定语用法习惯里没有a/an。

    You are of a fine character.

  3. 在不指人时,在表语或定语用法习惯里通常都有a/an,在定语用法里也有不用a/an,但不普遍。
  4. This book is of a literary character.

  5. a man of character,a person of no character 等表达方式里的character理解为“好的character”;
  6. 在指“某民族的性格”时,the可加可不加,如(the)American character
  7. 在指“汉字”时,通常用character,但该词一般指写的或印的字。口语中常用word;
  8. character前加形容词可代替抽象名词使用。

    On account of its light character, Purity and Age-'s whisky is a whisky that will agree with you.

n. (名词)
character, disposition, nature, personality, temper
  • 就组词意义相近。personality指日常表现出来的“性格”; character作“性格”解,指一个人真正的根深蒂固的、永久具有的内在的本质; disposition意为“性癖”,强调一个人对其周围的生活所表现的一贯的态度; nature指天生的、无法改变的性格或品质,有时也指“脾气”; temper可作“脾气”解,指心境的好坏。
  • alphabet,letter,character,script
  • 这些名词均有“字母”之意。
  • alphabet指整个字母系统或一种语言的字母表,不表单个字母。
  • letter指单个的字母。
  • character通常指汉语的方块字,也指字符。
  • script指书写或印刷的字母。
  • quality,property,feature,characteristic,peculiarity,trait,attribute,character
  • 这些名词均有“特性、特点、品质”之意。
  • quality最普通用词,既可指有形或无形的特性,又可指个性或共性的特征。
  • property多指同类事物所共有的特性,一般不用于指人。
  • feature指事物突出引人注目的特点。多用来说明人的容貌特征或地理特征。
  • characteristic指某人或某物天生有别于他人或他物的内部特质或外表特征。
  • peculiarity指人或事物独具的或奇怪的特点,常带感情色彩。
  • trait多指人的性格、心情的特征,尤指先天秉赋的持久的行为模式或性格特征。
  • attribute通常指人主观赋予某事物的属性,可指典型事物。
  • character多指一类人或事物所具有的独特的典型的特征。
  • temper,character,nature,personality,disposition,complexion
  • 这些名词均有“性格、气质、性情、习性”之意。
  • temper指从感情方面体现出来,决定处理问题或应付形势的方式的性格或性情,这种性情可以是暂时的也可以长久的。
  • character指对个性或人格所作出的客观评价,常常与道德有关。
  • nature指其天性。
  • personality主要指个性。
  • disposition书面用词,指人的主要爱好或思想、精神方面的重要习性、气质。也可指短暂的情绪。
  • complexion指由思维方式、态度和情绪所决定的本质特征。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
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