256查询网 英汉词典


英[kleɪm] 美[kleɪm]
  • n.要求;要求权;主张;断言;声称;要求物vt.要求;请求;主张;声称;断言
claimable claimer claimed claimed claiming claims


    n. (名词)
    1. 要求
    2. 权利
    3. 要求权
    4. 要求物
    5. 断言
    6. 主张
    7. 所有权
    8. 索赔
    9. 声称
    10. 申请产权的土地
    11. 认领
    12. 请求
    13. 索取
    14. 资格
    15. 自称
    16. 申请购买地
    17. 索偿
    18. 索赔案
    19. 声明
    v. (动词)
    1. 索取
    2. 认领
    3. 要求
    4. 主张
    5. 提出要求
    6. 要求(应得权利)
    7. 要求赔偿损失
    8. 要求承认
    9. 理应获得
    10. 要求获得
    11. 声称
    12. 需要
    13. 值得
    14. 自称
    15. 夺去
    16. 宣称
    17. 要求(拥有)
    18. 索要
    19. 断言
    20. 使失踪或死亡
    21. 引起注意
    22. 获得
    23. 赢得
    24. 夺走
    25. 对…提出要求
    26. 占有土地
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 声称,断言 assert; say that sth is a fact
    2. vt. & vi. 对…提出要求,索取 ask for or demand as the rightful owner or as one's right
    3. vt. (灾难等)使失踪〔死亡〕 (of a disaster, an accident, etc.) cause the loss or death of sb
    4. vt. 需要,值得 call for; deserve; need; require
    n. (名词)
    1. [C]要求 demand; request
    2. [C]主张,断言 statement of sth as a fact; assertion


  1. an assertion of a right (as to money or property);

    "his claim asked for damages"

  2. an assertion that something is true or factual;

    "his claim that he was innocent"
    "evidence contradicted the government's claims"

  3. demand for something as rightful or due;

    "they struck in support of their claim for a shorter work day"

  4. an informal right to something;

    "his claim on her attentions"
    "his title to fame"

  5. an established or recognized right;

    "a strong legal claim to the property"
    "he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate"
    "he staked his claim"

  6. a demand especially in the phrase

    "the call of duty"

  1. assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing;

    "He claimed that he killed the burglar"

  2. demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to;

    "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"
    "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"

  3. ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example;

    "They claimed on the maximum allowable amount"

  4. lay claim to; as of an idea;

    "She took credit for the whole idea"

  5. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs;

    "the accident claimed three lives"
    "The hard work took its toll on her"


    1. The matter claimed our serious attention.
    2. Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?
    3. The government would not even consider his claim for money.
    4. He set up a claim to the throne.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. I claim payment from my friend.
    2. Has anyone claimed the bike?
    3. The flood claimed hundreds of lives.
    4. There are several matters that claim my attention.
    5. The care of the baby claims half my time.
    S+~+to- v
    1. They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.
    1. He claimed that he found the money in the forest.
    用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n./adj.
    1. He claimed himself to be engineer.
    2. They claimed the child as their own.
    3. 1
    4. It is claimed to be true.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. She has no claim on my sympathies.
    2. He made a claim for damages.
    3. Mary made a claim to the book.
    4. His claim to own the house is valid.
    5. He made no claims to sound scholarship.


v. (动词)
  1. claim用作动词时的基本意思是“声称,断言”,可接动词不定式、that从句作宾语,也可接由“to be/as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。
  2. claim作“对…提出要求,索取”解时,多是指根据权利要求对方承认身份、所有权等,其语气表现出不卑不亢的特点。
v. (动词)
claim, affirm, allege, assert, declare
  • 这组词都有“以某种肯定口气提出…”的意思,它们之间的区别是:
  • 1.allege表示“声称,伪称”,常有借口的意思。例如:
  • He alleged illness for a reason for not going to work.他称病,以此作为不去工作的理由。
  • 2.affirm表示“肯定,断言”,指坚信不疑因而断言。例如:
  • It may be safely affirmed that he is innocent.可以断言,他是无罪的。
  • 3.assert表示“主张,断言”,指宣称某事如此,并不说它是事实,着重主观自信心。例如:
  • He asserts the cause of liberty.他主张自由主义。
  • 4.claim表示“宣称”,语气比assert弱些。例如:
  • He claimed to be the rightful heir.他声称自己是合法继承人。
  • 5.declare意味着因否认某事而郑重地宣称。例如:
  • He declared that he had not done it.他声称他没干这事。
  • claim, demand, exact, require
  • 这四个词都可表示“要求”。其区别是:
  • demand主要指理直气壮地强烈要求,常常侧重不容拒绝。例如:
  • The opposition have demanded that all the facts be made public.反对派要求把所有的事实都公之于世。
  • claim指认为有权或宣传有权得到某种东西因而公开提出要求。例如:
  • Did you claim on the insurance company after your car accident?你出车祸后有没有向保险公司提出赔偿?
  • require指根据内部需要,或法规义务,或紧急形势等提出要求。例如:
  • The urgency of the situation requires that we should make an immediate decision.局势紧急,需要我们立即作出决定。
  • exact不仅强调提出要求,而且侧重得到所要求的东西。
  • ask,beg,demand,require,request,implore,claim,pray,entreat
  • 这些动词均有“要求,请求”之意。
  • ask最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。
  • beg指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。
  • demand一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。
  • require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。
  • request正式用词,指非常正式,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。
  • implore书面用词,着重指迫切、焦急或痛苦地恳求或哀求,常含较强的感情色彩。
  • claim指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的要求。
  • pray语气庄重,指热情、诚恳和敬祈的要求,现不很常用。
  • entreat泛指一般“恳求或哀求”,含企图说服对方或用热烈的请求软化反对意见的意味。
  • assert,affirm,allege,maintain,testify,claim
  • 这些动词均含有“断言,声称”之意。
  • assert主观意味强,指自认为某事就是如此,而不管事实如何。
  • affirm侧重在作出断言时表现出的坚定与不可动摇的态度。
  • allege多指无真凭实据,不提供证据的断言或宣称。
  • maintain与assert近义,但前者指坚决维护某种主张或观点。
  • testify多指在法庭作证,庄严地宣称自己所说属实。
  • claim可与assert换用,但语气弱一些,侧重指行使自己的权利提出要求令他人承认。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    claim against (v.+prep.)
      (根据…)有权利要求得到 (according to sth) have right to get sth
      claim against sb/sth

      You should be able to claim against the car insurance.


      claim sth against sth

      You should claim the cost against the house insurance.


    claim back (v.+adv.)
      要求付还 ask for paying back
      claim sth ⇔ back

      Buy the special supplies for the company, and claim back their cost.


    claim for (v.+prep.)
      声称〔宣布〕…属于 declare sth belonging to sb
      claim for sth

      Can I claim for yesterday's journey?


      claim sth for sth

      You can only claim 100 dollars a day for your travel.


      claim sth for sth

      The discoverer claimed the island for the nation.


      Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines.


    用作名词 (n.)
    lay claim to
      自称有知识〔技能〕等 state that one has knowledge, understanding, a skill, etc.
    put in a claim for
      提出有权得到(某物) lay claim to sth
    set up a claim to
      提出…的要求 ask for sth
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+介词


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