- 脚扣
名词 climber:
a vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants
someone seeking social prominence by obsequious behavior
someone who ascends on foot
someone who climbs as a sport; especially someone who climbs mountains
an iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing
- 1. The climbers had been stranded by a storm.
- 这些登山者被暴风雨困住了。
- 2. The climbers were overtaken by bad weather.
- 登山者突然遭遇了恶劣天气。
- 3. The climbers made camp halfway up the peak.
- 登山者在半山腰设置营地。
- 4. The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.
- 攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。
- 5. The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave.
- 登山运动员在山洞里躲避暴风雨。
- 6. The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.
- 筋疲力尽的登山者由直升机营救出来。
- 7. Two climbers were brought in suffering from exposure.
- 两名登山者因冻僵被带了进来。
- 8. All good garden centres carry a selection of climbers.
- 所有好的花卉中心都有不同的攀缘植物可供挑选。
- 9. Yesterday no fewer than thirty climbers reached the summit.
- 昨天不少于三十名登山者到达了顶峰。
- 10. A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers.
- 直升机接到命令,紧急起飞前去营救三个登山的年轻人。
- 11. The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful.
- 救援行动如果今天不能成功,登山队员必死无疑。
- 12. Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday.
- 搜救人员已找到了自周六起失踪的3名登山者。
- 13. The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.
- 3名登山者的尸体在一个陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了。
- 14. About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.
- 当3位登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。
- 15. A few precautions can help most climbers avoid altitude sickness.
- 一些预防措施可以帮助大多数登山者避免高原反应。
- 16. Climbers, however, must be careful not to pollute the environment.
- 然而,攀岩者必须注意不要污染环境。
- 17. The climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain.
- 攀登者试图找到一条通往山顶的新路线。
- 18. Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.
- 阿斯加德山和托尔峰是攀岩者的梦想目的地。
- 19. He planned to climb it without oxygen tank, something only a few climbers had managed to do.
- 他计划在没有氧气罐的情况下攀登,只有少数登山者做到了这一点。
- 20. These improvements have made the sport both safer and more enjoyable for experienced climbers.
- 这些改进使得这项运动对有经验的攀岩者来说既安全又有趣。
- 21. When Deta saw the little party of climbers she cried out shrilly, "Heidi, what have you done?"
- 当迪蒂看到那一小群登山者时,她尖声叫道:“海蒂,你做了什么?”
- 22. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders.
- 但近年来,哥伦比亚的登山者以及美国和爱尔兰的骑手占据了该赛事的主导地位。
- 23. One of the most common dangers to climbers is altitude sickness, which can affect even very experienced climbers.
- 登山者最常见的危险之一是高原反应,即使是非常有经验的登山者也会受到影响。
- 24. Many climbers, lulled into a false sense of security, use the new equipment to attempt climbing feats of which they are not capable.
- 许多登山者被一种虚假的安全感所迷惑,他们使用新装备尝试攀登他们不擅长的山峰。
- 25. Monkeys are efficient climbers.
- 猴子的攀缘能力很强。
- 26. The climbers cut steps in the ice.
- 攀登者在冰上凿出踩脚处。
- 27. Why do so many climbers risk their lives?
- 为什么会有这么多的登山者冒生命危险?
- 28. The climbers were on the rope.
- 攀登者们用绳索相互系在一起。
- 29. The climbers had a camp near the top of the mountains.
- 登山者们在靠近山顶处设有一个营地。
- 30. We first notice the three climbers.
- 首先,我们注意到这三个登山者。
- The climbers had difficulty getting a/any purchase on the rock face.
攀登者很难抓住岩石表面的什麽东西。 - The climbers mounted higher and higher.
攀登者越爬越高。 - A false step could have cost the climbers their lives.
爬山者一失足就会丧命。 - Weather conditions were bad enough to give pause to even the most experienced climbers.
天气十分恶劣,即使最有经验的登山者也犹豫不决。 - The climbers made camp half-way up the peak.
登山队员在半山腰扎营。 - The climbers gazed down from on high.
攀登者从高处向下眺望。 - Two of the mountain climbers were suffering from frost-bite.
有两个登山者冻伤了。 - The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.
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