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英[klʌtʃ] 美[klʌtʃ]
  • vt.抓住;抓牢vi.企图抓住;踩离合器n.抓住;爪子;离合器;紧要关头n.一窝鸡(蛋);一群adj.关键的;致胜的
clutched clutched clutching clutches


    n. (名词)
    1. 抓住, 攫取
    2. 【机】离合器,离合器踏板
    3. 掌握
    4. 一窝蛋,一窝雏鸡,一次孵的蛋
    5. 控制
    6. 起重机抓爪
    7. <美口>紧急关头
    8. 危机
    9. 一组, 一捆
    10. 魔掌,毒手
    11. 【海】有叉支柱
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 紧要关头的,关键时刻(做)的
    2. 在关键时刻可能起作用的
    3. 关键的,致胜的
    v. (动词)
    1. 抓住,攫取,攫住,紧握,抓紧,抓牢,紧紧抓住,捏紧
    2. 抓,攫
    3. 孵(小鸡)
    4. 抱紧
    5. 试图一把抓住,企图抓住
    6. 突然抓住
    7. 抓住机会利用
    8. 踩汽车的离合器
    9. 变得紧张,惊慌,害怕
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. 抓住; 紧紧抓住; 抱住 seize; take hold of tightly with the hands
    n. (名词)
    1. [S]把握,抓紧 an act of clutching or the fingers and hands in the act of clutching
    2. [P]掌握,控制 control or power
    3. [C]离合器 in a car, which allows working parts of machinery to be connected or disconnected smoothly


  1. the act of grasping;

    "he released his clasp on my arm"
    "he has a strong grip for an old man"
    "she kept a firm hold on the railing"

  2. a tense critical situation;

    "he is a good man in the clutch"

  3. a number of birds hatched at the same time

  4. a collection of things or persons to be handled together

  5. a woman's strapless purse that is carried in the hand

  6. a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism;

    "he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other"

  7. a coupling that connects or disconnects driving and driven parts of a driving mechanism;

    "this year's model has an improved clutch"

  1. take hold of; grab;

    "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"
    "She clutched her purse"
    "The mother seized her child by the arm"
    "Birds of prey often seize small mammals"

  2. hold firmly, usually with one's hands;

    "She clutched my arm when she got scared"

  3. affect;

    "Fear seized the prisoners"
    "The patient was seized with unbearable pains"
    "He was seized with a dreadful disease"


    用作及物动词 (vt.)
    1. The boy clutched the marbles and ran away.
    2. The child clutched his toy.
    用作不及物动词 (vi.)
    1. John jumped up to clutch at the branch,but missed.
    2. It is useless to clutch at a straw.
    3. Engage the clutch before selecting a gear.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The eagle flew away with a rabbit in the clutch of its claws.
    2. He fell into the clutches of the criminal gang.
    3. He burnt out the clutch on his car.
    4. She release the clutch and the car begin to move.
    5. He was great in the clutch as he could make shots and pass to his teammates for easy shots.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He's won a whole clutch of awards.
    2. The Prime Minister was there with a clutch of cabinet ministers.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Tmac is a choker and will never be able to get it done during clutch time.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. I clutched the rope they threw to me.
    2. The mother clutched her baby in her arms.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.
    2. Those people feared to live in the clutches of foreign secret police.
    3. He released the clutch and the car began to move.
    4. Take your foot off the clutch after changing gear.


v. (动词)
clutch, clutch at
  • 这两个词(组)的共同意思是“抓”。前者指已经在手的东西; 后者指尚未到手的东西。
  • clutch, grab, grasp, seize, snatch, take
  • 这组词都可表示“伸出手或臂去抓住某物”。其区别在于:take仅指抓住具体的东西; clutch强调匆匆忙忙、紧急、迫不及待,因而抓住的可能性较小,引申可用于思想上或情感上的把握; grab常含有庸俗和不关心他人或无视公共准则的意思; grasp的基本意思是指用手、牙齿、爪等紧紧抓住某人或某物,引申指能充分理解难以理解的东西; seize通常指突然地、有力地抓住,引申用于无形的东西时,往往强调该物在快速掠过或难以捉摸,或强调有力地、出人意料地夺取,或强调理解了难以理解或难以分析的事物; snatch强调不为人知、救人及时或动作粗暴,引申指偶然地或无准备地抓住能抓住的东西。例如:
  • She clutched at my arm as she fell.她跌倒时想要抓住我的胳臂。
  • He grabbed the coin and ran off.他抓起硬币就跑了。
  • I grasped the man by the arm.我抓住了那人的手臂。
  • He seized the gun from the robber.他从强盗手里夺过了枪。
  • The letter was snatched out of my hand before I could read it.那封信我还没来得及看就被别人从我手里拿走了。
  • take,grasp,grab,grip,clasp,clutch,snatch,seize
  • 这些动词均有“抓住,握紧”之意。
  • take最普通用词,不带感情色彩。指用手抓、取某东西或控制某物。
  • grasp指紧紧抓住、抓牢。
  • grab指粗暴而急迫的抓住。
  • grip语气比grasp强,指用手的最大力量紧紧抓住。
  • clasp指用手紧握或用臂紧抱。
  • clutch强调匆忙、紧急地抓、抓紧。
  • snatch指突然抢走,侧重动作更快或更具暴力性质。
  • seize指突然抓住某物,强调突然的猛烈动作。
  • 用作动词 (v.)
    clutch at( v.+prep. )
      试图抓住任何机会 try to seize any chance
    clutch to( v.+prep. )
      紧紧抓住 hold sth/sb tightly to oneself
      clutch sb/sth to sth

      The child clutched the doll to her arms and would not show it to anyone.


      She clutched her child to her breast.


    用作动词 (v.)


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