confide to
- v. 信赖;透露
- 1. He could not confide them even to his wife, although they provide the unacknowledged foundation of his fiction.
- 他甚至不能向他的妻子倾诉,尽管它们为他的小说提供了不为人知的基础。
- 2. Someone close you can confide in can go a long way to dissipate depression and will provide the strength and support that you need.
- 一个你亲近并且信赖的人可以帮助你战胜消沉,给你勇气并在你需要的时候给你支持。
- 3. She suggests buying my daughter – who at nine is more aware of the world and likely to be worse affected – a pet, a cat or dog, or even a rabbit, she can "confide in".
- 她建议为我的女儿——她已经九岁了,对这个世界有更深的了解,很有可能被伤得更严重——买一个宠 物,一只猫或一只狗,或者甚至一只兔子这样她能“信赖”它们。
- 4. If you're reluctant to seek treatment, confide in a trusted friend or loved one.
- 如果你不愿意寻求治疗,那么可以向一名值得信赖的朋友或心爱的人吐露。
- 5. Professor Simon, of Wake Forest University in the U.S., said the findings could be down to the fact that young men often have few people in whom they confide - apart from their romantic partner.
- 美国维克森林大学的西蒙教授还说,造成这种结果的原因在于:除了另一半,年轻男性很少有其他倾诉对象。
- 6. I was inspired by my female friends who like to confide their troubles about family, study and work.
- 来自上海的 “讨骂网店”店主王平(音译)表示:“我的几个闺蜜很喜欢向别人倾诉家庭、工作和学习上的烦心事,正是她们启发我开了这个网店。
- 7. You need to be able to confide in others; you need to belong; you need to get and give support.
- 人都需要亲密而长期的人际关系,有人能够信赖,归属感,支持别人也给予别人支持。
- 8. This is because people can confess to you, they can confide in you, they can help you.
- 因为人们可以向你忏悔,他们可以向你吐露秘密,可以帮你。
- 9. Because of my book, teenagers confide things to me that they can't tell anyone else, so I want to use this and do something positive to help build ugly kids' self-esteem.
- 由于我的书,青少年向我吐露了一些他们不会告诉其他任何人的事情,因此我希望利用这一点,做些积极的事情,帮助丑孩子树立自尊心。
- 10. I want a few bosom friends, unbound by ceremony, and willing to confide in me.
- 我要几位知心友,不必拘守成法,肯向我尽情吐露他们的苦衷。
- 11. Think of your doctor both as a resource and a friend who you can confide in about what's happening to you.
- 不仅要把你的医生当成一个信息来源,还要把他当成你信任的朋友,告诉他所有的信息。
- 12. There are few people they can confide in, and no one's closer to William than Harry.
- 几乎没有什么人能走进他的心里,没有人比哈里和威廉更亲密。
- 13. As a young woman with a broken heart, she was reluctant to confide in him, thinking he could not help. She was wrong.
- 一个心已破碎的年轻女子,她不愿意相信她的父亲,认为他不能给她帮助,可是她错了。
- 14. Don't confide in any relatives whom you know have a tendency to meddle in other people's affairs.
- 要是你知道某某亲戚有干涉别人的习惯,不要向他吐露心声。
- 15. Then she said to him, "How can you say, 'I love you,' when you won't confide in me?"
- 大利拉对参孙说:“你既不与我同心,怎么说你爱我呢?”
- 16. When it comes to infidelity, it seems men are twice as likely to tell a stranger as confide in their best friend.
- 尽管在出轨这件事上男性会尽量守口如瓶,但是男性似乎更愿意向陌生人吐露这一秘密,告诉陌生人的可能性是告诉好友的两倍。
- 17. He confide his troubles to his friend.
- 他向朋友倾诉困难。
- 18. You do want to practice how to respond to inappropriate questions, and be prepared that some co-workers may be hurt that you didn't confide in them sooner. '.
- 你确实需要练习一下如何应对不适合的问题,做好心理准备一些同事可能会因为你以前不说实话而觉得伤心。
- 19. It found the office is the preferred place for men to exchange gossip, whereas women prefer to confide in their friends from the comfort of their own home.
- 调查发现,男人最爱在办公室里闲聊,而女人则更爱在自己舒适的家中与朋友互聊心声。
- 20. This kind of situation makes depressive, I even don't intend to confide.
- 这种孤寂让我恨憋,有些事我并不想去倾诉。
- 21. They confide that the drudgery of the production line has helped them to understand that "only by study can [they] change their lives and escape from poverty". "one."
- 他们坚信,生产线上的苦力劳作让他们懂得“只有读书才能改变生活,脱离贫困”。
- 22. The bottom line is that being trusted enough for others to confide in you at a personal level is a very good thing, in every way.
- 底线在于你给他人足够的信任使他人向你吐露心声,这是一件非常美好的事情,无论以何种方式。
- 23. But that's all temporary - after all, you have also learned to breathe, exercise, confide in the right Allies, and move forward with your chosen career.
- 不过那些都只是暂时性的,毕竟,你还得学会如何透气,锻炼,与对的盟友并肩作战,以及在自己所选的事业向前进。
- 24. They also make little noise, seldom ignore each other and are more likely to confide in their mother or father, scientists claim.
- 科学家称,两个女孩制造的噪音小,很少会不理对方,而且更愿意向母亲或父亲吐露秘密。
- 25. Openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
- 公然不信任的和不愿意信赖的。
- 26. He wanted desperately to confide in some about iii feelings of failure.
- 他极想向某个人吐露他失败的感受。
- 27. Why didn't you confide the secret to me?
- 你为什么不向我透露这件秘密?。
- 28. Why didn't you confide the secret to me?
- 你为什么不向我透露这件秘密?。
- She can be trusted to act on the square.
她办事正派,可以信赖。 - I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.
我认为他不可信赖。 - She gradually unfolded her plan to him.
她渐渐向他透露了自己的计划。 - The politician leaked the news to the newspaper.
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