culture dish
- 培养皿
- 1. Each membrane comes individually packaged in a sterile cell culture dish.
- 各膜来单独包装在无菌细胞培养皿。
- 2. CONCLUSION The validation method of Qiju Dihuang Pills for microbial limit should use culture dish method.
- 结论可按平皿法对杞菊地黄丸进行微生物限度检查。
- 3. To the team's surprise, the process took just over 2 weeks and reprogrammed as many as 4% of the cells in the culture dish.
- 令研究团队惊讶的是,这一过程只需两周,并且在培养皿中有多大4%的细胞可以发生重新编程。
- 4. Embryonic stem cells, which replicate indefinitely in the culture dish, are capable of forming almost any tissue in the body.
- 胚胎干细胞,在培养基中不确定的复制,有能力形成身体几乎所有的组织。
- 5. Results: the method of culture dish for bacteria and moulds and yeast for inspection, the bacteria are larger than 70% recovery rate;
- 结果:采用平皿法对细菌、霉菌和酵母菌进行检查,细菌回收率均大于70%;
- 6. For example, nitric oxide could be used to grow and expand blood stem cells either in the culture dish or in patients after transplantation.
- 例如,氧化一氮能被用于在移植以后生长和扩展血液干细胞在培养皿或在患者。
- 7. The method is simple, convenient and fast, is easy to operate, has low cost and can maintain good surface transparency of a culture dish of the polystyrene.
- 本发明提供的方法简便、快捷,易操作,成本低,并能够维持聚苯乙烯培养皿良好的表面透明性。
- 8. Methods the amount of bacterium contamination and pathogenic bacteria of the used disinfectant was monitored reverse medium method with closed filter-counter-culture dish.
- 方法用封闭式薄膜计数培养器反注培养基法对临床使用中的消毒剂染菌量及致病菌进行监测。
- 9. Results Cultured RPE can survive 2~3 months in a culture dish either being placed right side up or up side down and maintain the typical morphological characters of epithelial cells.
- 结果培养的RPE细胞可在培养皿中存活2~3个月。顺极性和反极性培养不影响细胞的形态和存活时间。
- 10. The results, he says, would contribute to scientists' understanding of the full pathway of genes needed to prompt differentiation of neural stem cells both in the brain and in the culture dish.
- 这些结果,他说,将有助于科学家理解神经干细胞需要迅速分化的所有基因的途径,无论在大脑还是培养基。
- 11. It is part of our culture to make every dish appear to be special.
- 让每一道菜看上去别具一格也是我们饮食文化的一部分。
- 12. Comparing seed bed culture with raising seedling dish, the former is more easily managed, and has higher amounts of tuber and higher ratio of big tuber than the later.
- 通过对苗床和育苗盘栽培比较,前者利于管理,结薯量和大薯率都较后者高。
- 13. Like Teacher Li (Li Jianmin) said that, because in the Taosi culture Panlong, pottery dish on Long;
- 像李老师(李健民)说的,因为在陶寺文化有盘龙,陶盘上有龙;
- 14. Do not disregard the dish-it is more than just, simply food combination. Bear in mind the culture elements-appreciate the blessing within.
- 不要认为菜肴只是简单的食物搭配而忽视它。牢记美食中蕴含的文化元素,感受食物被赋予的美好祝福吧。
- 15. The cultural connotation of Sichun dish is just the feature of its folk custom culture with its rich flavor of local culture.
- 川菜的文化内涵正是它那具有浓郁的乡土文化气息的民俗文化的特征。
- 16. Chinese dish culture is famous around the world for its long history, going round wide area, large population, transcendence of cook and deep culture details.
- 中华饮食文化,素以历史渊源悠远,流传地域广阔,食用人口众多,烹饪工艺卓绝,文化底蕴深厚而享誉世界。
- 17. The biodegradability of regenerated cellulose film was tested by soil-burial test in field, culture-dish test and CO2 evolution test respectively.
- 采用田间掩埋、平皿培养和CO2释放试验分别测试了再生纤维素膜的生物降解性。
- 18. Though originally a dish hailing [2] from Mexico, the taco has found its way into American culture, and the stomachs of people all across America!
- 墨西哥玉米卷原本是一道颇受欢迎的来自墨西哥的美味佳肴,它还走进了美国文化,成为令全美国人民都胃口大开的美食!
- 19. Though originally a dish hailing [2] from Mexico, the taco has found its way into American culture, and the stomachs of people all across America!
- 墨西哥玉米卷原本是一道颇受欢迎的来自墨西哥的美味佳肴,它还走进了美国文化,成为令全美国人民都胃口大开的美食!
- The culture vessel must be rendered initially sterile.
培养皿必须先行灭菌。 - They used a Petri dish of mouse nerve cells and a fluorescent lamp.
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