- 诅咒,骂一声“该死”
- 丝毫,一点点,些微
- 讨厌
- 毫不在乎
- 完全的,十足的
- <口>该死的,讨厌的,可恶的
- 糟透的
- 倒霉的,倒运的
- 混蛋
- 捣蛋的
- 玩命的
- 不可救药的
- <口>非常,十足,十分,极其,完全地,极,真
- 该死!讨厌!
- 毫无,丝毫不,完全没有
- 使(彻底)失败
- 毁掉,毁坏
- 咒骂,诅咒,骂...该死,骂...一文不值
- (强烈)指责,谴责,非难,严厉批评,狠狠批评
- 罚...入地狱(受罪),使堕地狱,下地狱
- 攻击
- 糟踏
- 置后果于不顾
- 用冷漠的赞扬贬低,寓贬于褒,明褒实贬
- 处罚,对…判罪
- 使…注定命苦,葬送…前途
- vt. (表示愤怒)该死,混账 used when swearing at sb/sth to show that you are angry
- vt. 严厉批评;谴责 criticize sb or sth extremely severely;declare to be bad or worthless
- [A] 该死的;讨厌的 used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about sth
- (用于强调)真他妈,太,非常 used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about sth;used for giving force to an expression, good or bad
- [S]一点点,丝毫 even the smallest amount
something of little value;
"his promise is not worth a damn"
"not worth one red cent"
"not worth shucks"
used as expletives;
"oh, damn (or goddamn)!"
expletives used informally as intensifiers;
"he's a blasted idiot"
"it's a blamed shame"
"a blame cold winter"
"not a blessed dime"
"I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"
"he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"
"a deuced idiot"
"an infernal nuisance"
"you are bloody right"
"Why are you so all-fired aggressive?"
wish harm upon; invoke evil upon;
"The bad witch cursed the child"
- Damn! I've broken one of my nails.
该死!我弄断了一个指甲。 - I made the damn doctors tell me.
我让那些讨厌的医生告诉了我。 - Oh, damn the dirty swine to hell.
让那卑鄙的畜生见鬼去吧。 - The book was damned by the critics.
这本书受到批评家的指责。 - I don't give a damn.
我一点也不在乎。 - I don't give a damn what you say, I'm going.
不管你怎麽说,我走定了。 - "Week in and week out, we had to write that damn paper."
我们都要写那该死的文章。 - That damn thief deserves a real kick in the ass.
这可恶的小偷真该挨揍! - You know damn well what I mean.
你非常明白我的意思。 - It was a damn dull dinner.
- We should not totally damn a man's character for a few faults.
我们不应当抓住一点点毛病就把一个人说得一无是处。 - He damned his men right and speed ahead.
他破口大骂他的部下。 - The department's review damned the whole system.
该部门的评述严厉批评了整个系统。 - He damned himself with one stupid remark.
他被自己的一句蠢话毁了。 - Dan you! I am not going to let you bully me.
你这个混蛋!我决不让你欺负我。 - Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!
该死的鱼雷!全速前进。 - Damn this machine! why won't it work?
这台该死的机器!怎么就发动不起来。 - Chapman's remarkable preface if written by a modern author would at once damn his book.
查普曼那篇出色的序文要是换一位现代作者来写,顿时就会毁了他的书。 - It'll take two weeks, as near as damn it.
- The play was damned by all the critics.
这出戏被所有评论家贬得一钱不值。 - That film is very popular although it was damned by the critics.
那部电影尽管被评论家评得一文不值,可深受大家的欢迎。 - He had rather be damned with Plato than saved with those who anathematized him.
他宁可让自己的灵魂与柏拉图一道被罚入地狱,也不愿和谴责他的人们一起升入天国。 - The venture was damned from the start.
这次冒险行为一开始就注定要失败。 - The government emerged from the early 1970s damned for total failure to control money growth.
政府总算挨过了20世纪70年代初期对货币发行量的控制完全失败而受到指责。 - I can't open the damn window.
我打不开这扇该死的窗子。 - I feel a damn sight better than I did yesterday.
我感觉比昨天好多了。 - He would know damn well better on time tonight or I am leaving without him.
他应该明白今晚得准时来,否则我就自个走。 - Don't lie to me.You know damn well what was happening.
别瞒我了,你压根就很清楚发生了什么事? - I knew damn well what he was going to say.
我非常清楚他要说什么。 - You'll damn well do as you're told!
要你做什么你他妈就做什么! - She works damn hard.
她工作得真他妈努力。 - That article is not worth a damn.
那篇文章一文不值。 - His promise isn't worth a damn.
他的诺言一文不值。 - The contract isn't worth a damn if it hasn't been signed.
- damn尤指“(神)使下地狱,使遭天罚”,有时可作“使彻底失败;毁掉”解。
- damn用作形容词时在句中只作定语,不用于比较等级。
- damn用作副词时不用于比较等级。
- damn用作名词时一般用于单数形式,且通常用于否定句。
- damn, curse
- 这两个词的共同意思是“责骂”“诅咒”。
- 1.curse指采用任何言语来斥责或诅咒别人,用在最为正式的场合; 而damn指因愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑、失望等情绪而指责或咒骂。
- 2.curse含有请求某种神力惩罚做了错事的人或者其敌人的意味; 而damn则有“宣称某人某物是坏的”之意。
- damn all
毫无;丝毫不; 完全没有 nothing
- not care〔give〕 a damn (about)
(对…)毫不在乎not care at all (about sth)
not care〔give〕 a damn (about sth)I don't care a damn.
He doesn't care a damn about it.
I don't give a damn about their opinions.
not care〔give〕 a damn (about) wh-clauseI don't give a damn what she thinks.
I don't give a damn what they say.
We don't give a damn whether he goes with us or not.
I don't give a damn whether you stay or leave.
I don't care a damn about what he said.
- damn sight better 好
- damn cheaper 便宜
- damn worse 糟糕得多
- curse 诅咒
- censure 责难
- condemn 谴责
- denounce 谴责
- doom 毁灭
- castigate 惩罚
- impute 归罪于
- straw 稻草
- goddamn 受诅咒的
- anathemise 诅咒
- tinker's damn 毫无价值的东西...
- red cent 一分钱
- hoot 鸣笛声
- blessed 神圣的
- beshrew <古>诅咒
- shit 表示愤怒、厌恶等的感叹词...
- deuced 该死的
- blame 责备
- anathemize 诅咒
- bloody 流血的
- goddamned 咀咒的
- shucks 呸!无聊!可恶(表示不满...
- darned 岂有此理的
- blamed 该死的
- darn 织补
- maledict 诅咒
- goddam 诅咒
- blasted <口>该死的
- all-fired 极度
- imprecate 诅咒
- damned 被诅咒的
- infernal 地狱的
- bless 保佑