- 交易,买卖
- 大量
- 待遇
- 发牌(者)
- 协定
- 木板,木材,木料
- 量,数额,数量
- 所发的牌
- 一圈,一场
- 密约
- 政策
- 松木
- 枞木
- 应付,对付,处理,
- 分配,分给,分派,分
- 交易,(做)买卖,经营,做...生意,与…有生意往来
- 发(牌)
- 从事,参与,和…有关,涉及
- 予以,给予,施予
- 论及,讨论,论述
- 非法买卖(毒品)
- 令…震惊,给...以打击,使...受到伤害,给...一击,打击
- 对待(人),为人,表现(与with连用)
- 考虑
- 采取行动
- 把…分成份额
- vt. 分给,分配 give especially as a share of sth
- vt. & vi. 发牌 give out (playing cards) to players in a game
- vt. 打击 strike (a blow)
- [C]〈美·非正〉协议,〈非正〉交易,安排 an agreement or arrangement
- [S]数量,程度 a quantity or degree, usually large
- [S]待遇 a particular type of treatment that is given or received
- [U]发牌 the process of giving out cards to players in a card game
a particular instance of buying or selling;
"it was a package deal"
"I had no further trade with him"
"he's a master of the business deal"
an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each;
"he made a bargain with the devil"
"he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
"a batch of letters"
"a deal of trouble"
"a lot of money"
"he made a mint on the stock market"
"see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"
"it must have cost plenty"
"a slew of journalists"
"a wad of money"
a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)
the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time;
"I didn't hold a good hand all evening"
"he kept trying to see my hand"
the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement);
"he got a good deal on his car"
the act of distributing playing cards;
"the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
the act of apportioning or distributing something;
"the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression;
"This book deals with incest"
"The course covered all of Western Civilization"
"The new book treats the history of China"
take into consideration for exemplifying purposes;
"Take the case of China"
"Consider the following case"
take action with respect to (someone or something);
"How are we going to deal with this problem?"
"The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
come to terms with;
"We got by on just a gallon of gas"
"They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
administer or bestow, as in small portions;
"administer critical remarks to everyone present"
"dole out some money"
"shell out pocket money for the children"
"deal a blow to someone"
"the machine dispenses soft drinks"
do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood;
"She deals in gold"
"The brothers sell shoes"
be in charge of, act on, or dispose of;
"I can deal with this crew of workers"
"This blender can't handle nuts"
"She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
behave in a certain way towards others;
"He deals fairly with his employees"
distribute cards to the players in a game;
"Who's dealing?"
direct the course of; manage or control;
"You cannot conduct business like this"
give out as one's portion or share
give (a specific card) to a player;
"He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
"deal hashish"
- We did a deal with the management on overtime.
在加班问题上我们与管理部门达成一项协议。 - After weeks of negotiating, they're finalizing the deal today.
经过几周协商,他们今天会搞定交易。 - In addition to leaves, these animals eat a great deal of fruit.
除了树叶之外,这些动物还吃大量的水果。 - If the worst comes to the worst, we can always deal with it.
事情再糟,我们总可以应付。 - The profits will be dealt out among the investors.
红利将分发给投资者。 - The meeting will deal with these problems.
本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。 - The French minister was accused of having taken bribes in the arms deal.
那个法国的部长被指控在武器交易中接受了贿赂。 - We deal in hardware but not software.
- Who will deal the money?
谁来分发钱? - Who dealt the cards?
是谁发的牌? - It's your turn to deal the cards.
轮到你发牌了。 - The country threatened to deal elsewhere and pay cash on the barrel head, but it is not likely to move its opponent.
- He is dealt at that shop for 20 years.20
年来,他常在那家商店买东西。 - The mother dealt the children the food.
母亲把食物分给孩子们。 - The teacher deals the students several papers.
老师发给学生几张纸。 - He dealt me three cards.
他分给我三张牌。 - He dealt me a sudden blow on the chin.
他突然给我下巴一拳。 - His mother dealt him a severe scolding.
他母亲狠狠地骂了他一顿。 - This battle dealt the enemy hard blows.
- The new government has been dealt a great blow by the strike.
这次罢工给新政府一个巨大的打击。 - Their prestige has been dealt a heavy blow.
他们的威望受到了沉重的打击。 - In bridge, each player is dealt thirteen cards.
在桥牌游戏中,每位牌手拿到13张牌。 - He had been dealt four aces.
他拿到了4张A。 - We dealt a deadly blow to the enemy.
我们给敌人一个致命的打击。 - He has dealt studying materials to us.
他已经把学习材料发给我们。 - Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.
我军忍无可忍,奋起反击,给了敌人沉重的打击。 - The Japanese Government had a secret deal with Germany during the Second World War.
第二次世界大战时,日本政府和德国订有密约。 - The two companies made a deal.
这两家公司做成了一笔交易。 - He was trying to make a deal with them.
他试图和他们做一笔交易。 - His unkind behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.
他不厚道的行为令他的父母极度痛苦。 - Tom's actions caused his parents a great deal of anxiety.
汤姆的行为使他的父母极为忧虑。 - Monkeys and apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another's fur.
猴子花费大量时间互相梳理身上的皮毛。 - People with a great deal of personality often have admiring friends and bitter enemies.
个性鲜明的人常有衷心爱戴他的朋友,仇恨他的敌人。 - The nurses did a great deal to keep my wound clean of infection.
护士们尽力使我的伤口保持洁净,不受感染。 - He seemed to have suffered a great deal.
看来他经受了诸多磨难。 - She is a great deal better today.
她今天身体好多了。 - I owe a great deal to my parents.
我该大大感激父母。 - It snowed a great deal last year.
去年下了许多雪。 - He was a great deal interested in music.
他对音乐非常感兴趣。 - Today computers are used a good deal.
当今计算机已被广泛地应用。 - This term Tom studies a great deal harder than last term.
这学期汤姆学习比上学期用功多了。 - They promised to give the nurses a better deal if they were elected.
他们答应如果当选,就给护士优厚的待遇。 - Whose deal is it?
轮到谁了? - The next 2 deals will be interesting.
- deal的基本意思是指把某物一片一片地“分配”,或以适当的份数分给应给之人,有时只表示“给予”或“交给”。
- deal还可表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威性的处置,也可指与人或团体在大致平等的基础上打交道。
- deal主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语或双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。deal用作不及物动词时,可表示“发牌”。
- 在文学语言或古旧用法里, deal也可作“打击”解,常接双宾语。
- deal in的意思是“经营”, deal with的意思是“处理”“应付”或“论述”“涉及”。
- deal用作名词意思是“交易,协议,安排”,尤指贸易或政治上对双方有利的协议,是可数名词。
- deal也可表示“数量,程度”,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。a great〔good〕 deal (of)意思是“大量(的); 许多(的)”,在句中可用作定语或状语。
- deal也可作“待遇”解,是单数名词,不用于复数形式,通常与a或an连用。
- deal还可指纸牌游戏中的“发牌或坐庄”,是可数名词。
- a great deal与a good deal一个是表示很多,一个表示相当多,前者比后者语气更重一点;
- a great deal与a good deal都只能用来修饰不可数名词,不用来修饰可数名词。例:a great (good) deal of money,a great (good) deal of trouble。a great deal of laughter and kisses的表达方式也可以,因这里的kisses跟laughter用在一起,并不是数量的意思;
a great (good) deal可以用作状语短语。
I am a great (good) deal better today.
我今天好很多。 - a deal在口语里可以解释为a great deal。
- deal at, deal with
- 这两个短语都可作“与…打交道”解。其区别在于:deal with多用于与人或较大的商号打交道; 而deal at指与一小店铺打交道。例如:
- I have dealt with the firm for many years, but I have not dealt at this branch before.我和那家商号打交道已有多年,但不曾和它的这家分店有过往来。
- deal in, deal with
- 这两个短语都有“做生意”的意思。其区别在于:deal in表示经营的内容,而deal with表示经营的对象。另外, deal in还有“忙于”的意思,而deal with无此义。deal with还有“对付某人”“处理某事”的意思,而deal in无此义。
- deal with, dispose of, manage, transact, treat
- 这几个词(组)都有“处理”的意思。其区别是:
- manage指人凭借知识、才能和经验等将某行业、部门或某一方面事务处理好,它强调的是有技术地控制人或处理事,以期得到好的结果,含有“成功”之义; treat用于人时,含有以何种态度或方式对待之义,用于物时,专指用某种化学物质处理某物; transact是正式用语,主要用于商业、生意中的协商、谈判,以达成一致; deal with中的deal用作不及物动词,是普通用语,应用广泛,用于人时意为“交往,对待”,用于问题、困难等具体事物的时候,意为“处理,应付,论及”,含有亲自处理的意思; dispose of是正式用语,含有通过法律或正当途径对某事进行妥善处理之意。例如:
- He managed to get the work done with very little help.在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把工作完成了。
- He treated me as a child.他把我当小孩子看待。
- New timber should be treated with a preservative.新采的圆木应进行防腐处理。
- He transacted most of his business by phone.他大部分生意是通过电话处理的。
- I can't deal with this problem; can you manage it?这个问题我处理不了,你能处理吗?
- They empowered him to dispose of the farm's property and funds.他们授权他处理农场的财产和资金。
- deal, dispense, distribute, divide
- 这四个词的共同意思是“分配”。其区别在于:deal强调公平分配; dispense强调按需分配; distribute强调均衡分配; divide则强调人人有份。例如:
- The money must be dealt out fairly and justly.这笔钱必须公平分配。
- The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.这台机器将种子又匀又快地播种下去。
- He dispensed money to the poor.他把钱分给穷人们。
- They divided the money among themselves.他们把那钱分了。
- deal with, do with, have done with
- 这组短语都有“处理”的意思。前两个短语的区别在于前者中的do是及物动词,有宾语; 后者中的deal是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语; 而have done with的意思是“不再做某事”“和…不往来”“把…做完”。
- a great deal, a great deal of
- 这两个短语含义和用法都不相同。前者是名词词组,在句中用作宾语时意为a great of things; 用作状语时修饰动词、形容词或副词的比较级,相当于very much。后者意为much,须接不可数名词,一起在句中作宾语或主语,作主语时其谓语动词用单数形式。
- a great deal of, a lot of, a number of, lots of, many, many a, much
- 这组词(组)都表示“许多”的意思。其区别在于:many是普通用语,其后只能接可数名词复数; many a是书面用语,后接单数可数名词,当修饰主语时谓语动词要用单数形式; much是普通用语,是对量和程度而言的,只能修饰不可数名词; a number of可用来修可数名词复数; a lot of和lots of既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,多用于肯定句。a great deal of后接不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,且常用于肯定句中。例如:
- Man and the ape have many things in common.人和猿有许多共同之处。
- Many a man comes or goes.一个又一个的人来来去去。
- A number of people came to the meeting from all over the world.来自世界各地的许多人参加了这次会议。
- A lot of friends are thinking of emigrating.许多朋友正在考虑移民国外。
- There are lots of antiques shops in Australia now.现在澳大利亚有许许多多的古玩店。
- She's earned a great deal of money in the last few weeks.在最近几个星期内,她挣了大量的钱。
- business,commerce,trade,bargain,deal
- 这些名词均含“贸易,交易”之意。
- business指包括售货、购货、换货在内的综合商业活动,方式可以是批发或零售。
- commerce多指大规模的买卖或易货关系。
- trade普通用词,含义广。既可指某种具体的商业又可指广泛的贸易。
- bargain多指买卖双方通过谈判、协商就商品质量、数量、价格等项达成协议所成的生意。
- deal口语用词,指买卖双方经过交涉达成协议成交。
- deal at (v.+prep.)
买东西 be a customer of a business such as a shop
deal at sthThey deal at Harridge's.
I've stopped dealing at that shop; their prices are too high.
- deal by (v.+prep.)
以某种态度对待某人 treat (sb) in a certain manner, as well or badly
deal by sbMr. Cabe has always dealt fairly by me.
She's been badly dealt by.
- deal in (v.+prep.)
买卖,经营 trade in; buy and sell
deal in sthHe deals in furs.
He deals in hardware.
Our company deals in electronics.
Our company deals in ball bearings.
His firm deals in the software of computer.
That shop deals in men's clothing.
The greengrocer deals in all kinds of vegetables.
This garage deals in machine oil, tyres and petrol.
Most foreign trading companies in West Africa deals in rubber, cocoa and vegetable oil.
He deals in laser surgery.
That woman deals in gossip and slander.
The shares of that company have not been dealt in for some time.
- deal out (v.+adv.)
分发; 施与 give sth to several people
deal sth ⇔ out (to sb)I dealt out 3 pieces to each guest.
The teacher dealt out books to the students.
The hostess dealt out three pieces of ham to each guest.
She dealt out a bar of chocolate to each child.
A judge must deal out justice to all men.
The children felt that the teacher had been unfair in dealing out the punishment to the whole class.
The money must be dealt out fairly.
The pears were dealt out fairly among the children.
- deal with (v.+prep.)
惩罚 punish sb
- big deal
哼,可了不起呀 I'm totally unimpressed
- fair deal
公平的交易 fair treatment in a bargain
- it's a deal
就这样定了 it is agreed
- new deal
彻底改变 change completely
- raw deal
不公正的待遇 unfair treatment
- square deal
公正的待遇 fair agreement
- swing a deal
作一笔交易 make a deal
- deal sb a blow 给某人以一击
- deal sb a scolding 给某人一顿责骂
- deal sb six cards 给某人六张牌
- deal the cards 发牌
- deal ill 虐待
- deal well 优待
- deal badly 虐待
- deal deservedly 应受到
- deal effectively 有效地处理
- deal exclusively 专门经营
- deal exhaustively 详尽地论述
- deal fairly 公平地对待
- deal frankly 坦率地对待
- deal fully 详尽地论述
- deal generally 一般性地论述
- deal honestly 忠实地处理
- deal honorably 光明正大地处理
- deal justly 公正对待
- deal kindly 好心地对待
- deal promptly 立即处理
- deal properly 适当地处理
- deal publicly 公开发放
- deal rapidly 迅速处理
- deal realistically 用写实手法处理
- deal rightly 公正地处理
- deal severely 严厉地对待
- deal sternly 严肃地对待
- deal tactfully 巧妙地处理
- deal wisely 机智地应付
- deal out 分配,分给
- deal out books to the students 把书发给学生
- deal out justice 伸张正义
- deal a blow against sb 打击某人
- deal a blow at sb 打击某人
- deal at the shop 常在商店买东西
- deal in 经营,从事,参加
- deal in cotton goods 经营棉织品
- deal in foreign trade 从事对外贸易
- deal in furniture 经营家具
- deal in goods of all sorts 经营百货
- deal in gossip and slander 忙于搬弄是非和造谣中伤
- deal in rice 经营大米
- deal in stocks and shares 经营股票交易
- deal in tea 经营茶叶
- deal with 处理,对付,论述,研究,与…打交道,做买卖
- deal with a firm 与某公司有生意来往
- deal with a wholesaler 和批发商做生意
- deal with children 和孩子们谈他们的事
- deal with complaints 处理不满的意见
- deal with customers 跟顾客打交道
- deal with problem 处理问题
- deal with such details 讨论这种细枝末节
- deal with the problem of inflation 论述通货膨胀问题
- call the deal off 取消这笔生意
- carry on a deal 进行一笔交易
- close a deal with 跟…达成交易
- do a deal with 〈英〉跟…达成交易
- fix up a deal 达成交易
- make a deal with 〈美〉跟…达成交易
- make a big deal out of sth 把某事小题大做
- put the deal through 使成交
- strike a deal with 跟…达成交易
- a good〔great〕 deal 很多,相当多
- a vast deal 非常多
- dirty deal 肮脏交易
- fair deal 公平交易
- rough deal 不公平的交易,不公平的待遇
- square deal 公平交易,公平的待遇
- big deal 要人,重要事物
- New D- 新政
- business deal 商业往来,公事往来