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英[dɪm] 美[dɪm]
  • adj.暗淡的;模糊的;笨的v.使暗淡;使失去光泽n.车头近光灯;停车灯
dimly dimmer dimmest dimness dimmed dimmed dimming dims


    adj. (形容词)
    1. 暗淡的,不明亮的
    2. 模糊的,朦胧的,看不清的
    3. 微暗的,昏暗的
    4. 悲观的
    5. <口>头脑迟钝的,迟钝的
    6. 混沌的
    7. 渺茫的
    8. 褪了色的
    9. 无光泽的
    10. 视力不好的
    11. 记不清的, 记忆模糊的
    12. 隐约的
    v. (动词)
    1. (变)朦胧
    2. 使变暗淡,使变模糊
    3. 弄暗,暗下来,变昏暗
    4. 把......得暗然失色
    5. (变)暗淡
    6. (变)模糊
    7. (使)失去光泽
    8. 变微弱,减弱
    9. 变淡漠
    10. 不鲜明
    n. (名词)
    1. 笨蛋,傻子
    2. 暗淡,昏暗
    3. 薄暮,黄昏
    4. 前灯,车头近光灯,停车灯
    abbr. (缩略词)
    1. =document image management 文件图像管理软件
    adv. (副词)
    1. 模糊地,朦胧地
    adj. (形容词)
    1. 暗淡的,昏暗的,不明亮的 not bright
    2. 隐约的,模糊不清的 not easy to see
    v. (动词)
    1. vt. & vi. (使)变暗淡,(使)变模糊 make or become unclear or not bright


  1. lacking in light; not bright or harsh;

    "a dim light beside the bed"
    "subdued lights and soft music"

  2. lacking clarity or distinctness;

    "a dim figure in the distance"
    "only a faint recollection"
    "shadowy figures in the gloom"
    "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"
    "a few wispy memories of childhood"

  3. made dim or less bright;

    "the dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation"
    "dimmed headlights"
    "we like dimmed lights when we have dinner"

  4. offering little or no hope;

    "the future looked black"
    "prospects were bleak"
    "Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult"
    "took a dim view of things"

  5. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity;

    "so dense he never understands anything I say to him"
    "never met anyone quite so dim"
    "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"
    "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"
    "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"
    "worked with the slow students"

  1. switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam

  2. become dim or lusterless;

    "the lights dimmed and the curtain rose"

  3. make dim or lusterless;

    "Time had dimmed the silver"

  4. make dim by comparison or conceal

  5. become vague or indistinct;

    "The distinction between the two theories blurred"


    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. Most comets are so dim that they can not be seen by the naked eye.
    2. He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.
    3. I made out two dim shapes in the gloom.
    4. She is rather dim about the importance of keeping records.
    用作动词 (v.)
    1. Old age hasn't dimmed her memory.
    2. The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight.
    3. Please dim out the stage for the final scene.
    4. My obscure lines shall not so dim their worth.
    5. Decades don't dim China's memory of Sino-Japan war.
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    用作定语 ~+ n.
    1. He sat in a dim corner.
    2. I have a dim recollection of it.
    用作表语 S+be+~
    1. Prospects for any early settlement of the dispute are dim.
    2. The outline of the mountain in the distance is dim.
    3. The old man's eyesight was dim.
    S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
    1. Some people are rather dim about the purposes of their lives.
    S+be+~+for sb+to- v
    1. The light is too dim for me to read easily.
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作不及物动词 S+~(+A)
    1. The lights in the theatre began to dim.
    2. The lights of his car dimmed when another car was coming from the opposite direction.
    用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.
    1. He dimmed the wall lamp in the room.
    2. 1
    3. The candle light is dimmed by sunlight.
    4. Her eyes were dimmed with tears.


v. (动词)
  1. dim的基本意思是通过减少照明等使事物的亮度和清晰度减弱,难以看清。
  2. dim可用作不及物动词,意为“(灯光等)变暗淡”; 也可用作及物动词,意为“使(灯光等)变暗淡”或“使(眼睛)变模糊”。
  3. dim接out可表示“变弱”,而dim up则指“逐渐增强”。
adj. (形容词)
dim, dark
  • dark与dim都有“黑暗”的意思,其区别是:
  • dark的意思是“黑暗的”,指黑暗无光,而dim的意思是“灰暗的”,表示由于光照不足所造成的昏暗状态,刚好达到看不清或分辨不清物体。修饰光线、灯光、阳光等只能用dim。例如:
  • With only the fire burning, the room was dim.只有火炉在燃烧,房里光线很暗。
  • He was reading a magazine under the dim light of a candle.他在微弱的烛光下看杂志。
  • dark,dim,black,gloomy,obscure,vague,grey
  • 这些形容词都含有“完全地或不完全地缺少光亮”之意。
  • dark最普通用词,指缺乏自然光线或人工照明,使某物漆黑无光或光线十分微弱。
  • dim指光线不足或视力较差,不能清晰地看见物体。
  • black侧重颜色是黑色的,有时也指无光的黑暗。
  • gloomy指光线不足或部分光线受阻而出现的阴暗。
  • obscure指因光线不充足而使物体灰暗不清,失去光泽或若隐若现。作借喻时指因复杂、深奥或含糊而难于理解。
  • vague通常作借喻用,形容抽象事物。
  • grey与dark意思相近,但侧重阴暗单调的意味。
  • vague,dim,indefinite,obscure,ambiguous,faint
  • 这些形容词均含“不明确的,模糊的”之意。
  • vague多指因语言不确切,太笼统或因构思含糊、不完善而造成模糊难解。
  • dim侧重指或因光线暗淡,或因年代久远、身体欠佳等因素而产生视觉或察觉方面的困难。
  • indefinite指无明确定义或限定,重点或总体轮廓不明确。
  • obscure语气最强,指晦涩难懂。
  • ambiguous指文章或讲话中,意思可能有多种理解,令人捉摸不定。
  • faint指对某事物印象不深,或指声音微弱或希望的渺茫等。
  • 用作形容词 (adj.)
    dim and distant
      很久以前 long past
    用作动词 (v.)
    dim out (v.+adv.)
      使…变弱 make (light) fainter
      dim sth ⇔ out

      The lights were dimmed out when the electricity supply was reduced.


    dim up (v.+adv.)
      逐渐增强 increase the brightness of (lighting) gradually
      dim sth ⇔ up

      During the first scene, which begins early in the morning, we'll dim the lights up to give the effect of growing daylight.


    用作形容词 (adj.)
    ~+名词 ~+介词
    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+副词 ~+介词


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