emission spectrum
- 放射光谱,放射谱
spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a self-luminous source
- 1. The structure, emission spectrum and excitation spectrum of the phosphor were measured.
- 测定了荧光粉的结构、发射光谱和激发光谱。
- 2. The infrared emission spectrum required for the light regulation tea is seen in the attachment.
- 调光茶所需的红光发射光谱见附图。
- 3. The experiment indicates that this method is simple and effective for the emission spectrum tomography system.
- 实验表明该方法用于发射光谱层析系统简单而有效。
- 4. The optical emission spectrum of r. f. plasma during amorphous silicon based film etching in CF4 gas is detected.
- 用该系统检测了仅用CF4作为刻蚀气体刻蚀非晶硅基薄膜的等离子体光发射谱。
- 5. Temporal response in the emission spectrum of detonation processes and the measurement of detonation temperature is studied.
- 研究爆轰反应过程的光谱时间响应特性并测量爆温。
- 6. The excitation spectrum of SSA changes when its concentration is relatively higher, but the emission spectrum remains unchanged.
- SSA浓度较高时,荧光激发光谱发生变化,但发射光谱不变。
- 7. The spontaneous emission spectrum and higher harmonic gain of a relativistic electron in a novel electrostatic wiggler are discussed.
- 讨论了一种静电摇摆器中电子的自发辐射谱和高次谐波的增益,其形式与平面磁摇摆器中的类似。
- 8. The emission spectrum in the N2 dielectric barrier discharge plasma is discussed when the PP sample is put in the discharge space or not;
- 对放电空间不放置和放置丙纶样品两种情况下等离子体发射光谱进行了讨论;
- 9. The line shape of measured emission spectrum is proposed to be considered for calculating emission cross-sections at different wavelength.
- 并建议通过发射光谱的实测线形计算各波长的发射截面。
- 10. A geometric demarcating method based on combination of a dummy ruler and a real ruler of the emission spectrum tomography system is proposed.
- 提出了一种基于虚拟标尺和现实标尺相结合的发射光谱层析系统的几何标定方法。
- 11. New records for the luminescence power and energy emission from single events have been created, and the first time-resolved emission spectrum of sonol…
- 管圆锥泡法创造了发光功率和单脉冲能量的新记录,并首次用条纹相机得到了时间分辨发射光谱。
- 12. Hence the spectrum is called a line spectrum; it is also called an atomic emission spectrum since it is produced by emission of light from excited atoms.
- 因此,这个光谱也被称为线光谱,也被称为原子发射光谱,因为它是由被激活的原子发出的光产生的。
- 13. Its emission spectrum is marching with the crop absorbing spectrum, so it has good pertinence and high efficiency, and it is the best choice to light crops.
- 专用光源的发射光谱与作物对光色的选择性吸收光谱相匹配,其针对性强、光效高,是给作物照明的最佳选择。
- 14. The heavy metals were detected with atomic absorption spectrum, atomic fluorescence spectrum and plasma emission spectrum, 9 heavy metals were measured quantitatively.
- 用原子吸收光谱法、原子荧光光谱法和等离子发射光谱法,定性检测颗粒物中载带的重金属,并对其中9种重金属进行定量测定。
- 15. Allowances are made for the effects of multiple reflections on the reflector and laser rod, Xe flashlamp emission spectrum and absorption spectrum of nd doped laser glass.
- 在本文的模型中正确考虑了光线在反射器和激光棒上的多次反射,氙灯的辐射光谱以及钕玻璃的吸收光谱。
- 16. The emission spectrum for a pair of dipole dipole coupled identical two level atoms interacting with three mode cavity fields resonantly through 6 photon process has been studied.
- 研究了两个偶极偶极力关联的等同双能级原子与三模腔场六光子共振相互作用的辐射谱。
- 17. Use of axial magnetic fields of appropriate strengths enhances the intensity of spontaneous emission spectrum, the enhancements are more marked at the principal and the lower harmonics.
- 数值分析表明:在平面摆动器中附加适当的轴向磁场,可以提高各次谐波辐射的强度,对于基波和较低次谐波,提高更明显。
- 18. The emission spectrum of OH between 1000 K and 3000 K was calculated with the database of molecule spectra offered by HITRAN . Relations between the intensity of G0, G1 and temperature are analyzed.
- 利用HITRAN 提供的分子光谱数据库,模拟计算了OH在1000~3000K温度范围的发射光谱,分析了发射峰强度随温度变化的规律,得到温度与强度的经验关系式。
- 19. Methods:Use the Grating Spectrograph to take photograph of atomic emission spectrum of unknown sample and make quantitative analysis Results:Quantitative determination of trace elements in nutriment.
- 方法:用平面光栅摄谱仪拍摄未知样品之原子发射光谱图,并作定量分析。结果:测定营养品中微量元素的含量。
- 20. They used spectroscopy for their analysis: a technique that breaks the light from celestial objects into a spectrum with telltale emission lines indicating which elements are present.
- 在他们的研究中使用了光谱分析。 光谱分析原理是将天体光源通过光谱仪,通过光谱被减弱的程度,得出样品中元素含量。
- 21. The spectrum reveals emission from oxygen and nitrogen but no hydrogen, a rare set of signals from within globular clusters.
- 频谱显示出氧和氮,但没有氢,一个球状星团内罕见的信号。
- 22. The stimulation wavelength spectrum and emission wavelength spectrum of samples were given out.
- 文章给出了红外上转换材料的激励光谱和发射光谱。
- 23. Electric arc discharge of the tips installed in BSP source produces intense ultraviolet ray emission with a spectrum continuously extended to the range of visible light.
- 针式火花预电离源利用热电弧发出强烈的紫外光,其发射光谱范围从可见光连续延伸到紫外。
- 24. The fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of ATA do not overlap, so resonance fluorescence was not involved in the RLS spectrum.
- ATA的荧光激发光谱和发射光谱不重叠,说明RLS光谱中没有共振荧光成分。
- 25. Blue shift appears both on the absorb edges in the absorption spectra and on the band-edge emission in the luminescence spectrum.
- 在紫外吸收谱中表现为吸收边明显蓝移,而在光致发光谱中,表现为带边发射的蓝移。
- 26. Determination of titanium content in tin and titanium alloy was studied using the whole spectrum direct-reading high-resolution inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer(ICP-AES).
- 提出了电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)测定锡钛合金中钛含量的分析方法。
- 27. The content of this article includes Auger electron emission, surface sensitivity, measurement of Auger electron spectrum, qualitative and quantitative analysis, depth profile etc.
- 俄歇电子发射,表面灵敏性,俄歇电子谱的测量,定性和定量分析,深度剖析等。
- 28. The content of this article includes Auger electron emission, surface sensitivity, measurement of Auger electron spectrum, qualitative and quantitative analysis, depth profile etc.
- 俄歇电子发射,表面灵敏性,俄歇电子谱的测量,定性和定量分析,深度剖析等。
- The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that has passed through a medium that absorbed radiation of certain wavelengths.
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