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英[ɪk'spens] 美[ɪk'spens]
  • n.费用;花费;代价
expensed expensed expensing expenses


    n. (名词)
    1. 费用,花费,开支,开销,花销
    2. 消耗,消费
    3. 价钱
    4. 损失,耗损
    5. 牺牲
    6. 花钱的东西
    7. 经费,业务费用
    8. 代价
    9. 花掉的钱
    v. (动词)
    1. 把…作为开支勾销
    n. (名词)
    1. [S][U]消耗,花费 cost in money, time or effort
    2. [P]花费的钱,费用 money spent in doing sth


  1. amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures)

  2. a detriment or sacrifice;

    "at the expense of"

  3. money spent to perform work and usually reimbursed by an employer;

    "he kept a careful record of his expenses at the meeting"

  1. reduce the estimated value of something;

    "For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer"


    用作名词 (n.)
    1. It's too much of an expense for me to own a car.
    2. Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being.
    3. Don't involve yourself in unnecessary expense.
    4. He finished the job at the expenses of his health.
    5. That's why a reduction in price can never be made at the expense of quality.
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I can't afford the expense of redecorating my house.
    2. It's too much of an expense to own a car.
    3. House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced his bank balance to almost nothing.


n. (名词)
expense, cost, outlay
  • 这三个名词的共同意思是“花费,费用”。其区别是:
  • 1.cost指为获得或生产某物所费的金额,是时间、劳力等的总计。一般指日常生活的开销,也可指劳力、服务等的“费用”“花费”; expense则含有较不确定的意味,泛指“费”“费用”; 而outlay则指为一定目的而花费的金额。例如:
  • She built the house without regard to cost.她盖这房子根本不在乎花多少钱。
  • The expense of a good education is great.受到好的教育需要一大笔费用。
  • We need a large outlay on scientific research.我们需要科学研究的大量费用。
  • 2.cost和outlay既可用作动词,又可用作名词,而expense只能用作名词,其动词形式为expend。
  • charge,price,fee,fare,cost,expense
  • 这些名词均有“价格,费用”之意。
  • charge指提供服务时索取的费用,也指货物的价格、价钱。
  • price指商品在市场出售的价格,尤指卖方对商品所提出的单价。比喻意义指付出的代价。
  • fee指上学、求医以及找律师等付的费用,还可指会费、借书费等。
  • fare侧重指旅行时所付的车、船费等费用。
  • cost指生产某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格,可与price换用。
  • expense常指实际支付的费用总数额,有时也指钱的花费。
  • 用作名词 (n.)
    at sb's expense
      捉弄某人against sb, so as to make them seem silly
    at the expense of
      在损失〔损坏〕某事物的情况下with loss or damage to sth
    go to the expense of
      在某事上花钱spend money on sth
    put sb to the expense of
      使某人花钱于某事上cause sb to spend money on sth
    spare no expense
      不惜费用with no regard for the cost
    用作名词 (n.)
    动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ 介词+~ ~+介词


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